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Motivation for my MBA Application with ECBM #5

Open almaze opened 5 years ago

almaze commented 5 years ago

Statements detailing my motivation for an MBA Application with European College of Business and Management.

almaze commented 5 years ago

The European Union and the German Economy as estimated by the German Trade and Investment Authority, projected an impressive growth in the Green Energy and Renewable Industry going forward. And this could also be measured by the much needed commitment given to fighting Climate Change and Global Warming through implementable policies - Paris Accord on Climate Change, Transition to Green Buildings in Germany, and amongst others, with defined timeframe in mind.

With this in mind, Al'Maze Consulting seeks to promulgate the use of green/sustainable products and solutions globally through the use of sustainable forms of energy and industrial materials. The aforementioned is achievable with Hydrogen and Carbon respectively, sourced biologically via same molecular compound CH4; and cracked with abundantly available wind and solar energy combined.

Then, European College of Business and Management comes in. The MBA Program with ECBM will provide me the much needed networking with Captains of Industries in Germany to realize together the future of Germany as No1 leader in everything Innovations and Green. As well, ECBM will provide me with affordable, quality, and time-flexible MBA Program which runs in different Cities in Europe. This will add farther to my Inter-Cultural enriching Experience.

I look forward to joining the European College of Business and Management in October.

Yours, David Olamide Ayoola OJO given first-name: Olamide baptismal first-name: David reference: DaHfiDº.pdf