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MBA Application Essays - European School of Management and Technology #6

Open almaze opened 6 years ago

almaze commented 6 years ago

Statements detailing my motivation for an MBA Application with European School of Management and Technology

almaze commented 6 years ago

I was motivated to apply for European School of Management and Technology Full-Time MBA Program because the curriculum provides an interdisciplinary platform for discourse between management and technology. This approach of learning I seek to exploit in the realisation of Al'Maze Consulting shortly after graduation.

Al'Maze Consulting seeks to promulgate the use of green/sustainable products and solutions globally through the use of sustainable forms of energy and industrial materials. The aforementioned is achievable with hydrogen and carbon respectively, sourced biologically via same molecular compound CH4; and cracked with abundantly available wind and solar energy.

The MBA Program at ESMT was founded and is been supported by 25 leading German companies and industries. This, and the MBA Focus on Consulting Projects opens up networking opportunities with Captains of Industries. Furthermore, ESMT will avail me with affordable and quality education focusing on three main topics - leadership, innovation, and analytics in the heart of Berlin.

ESMT's campus is located in the center of Berlin - steps from Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a 10-minute walk from Alexanderplatz. The city offers numerous opportunities to explore museums, nightlife, cuisine, and the surrounding landscape. Access to endless other European cities is made cheap and easy with Berlin's two airports and a number of budget airlines.

Lastly, The Kofi Annan Fellowship grants disbursed on merit by ESMT to emerging leaders from developing countries is also a motivating factor.I look forward to joining the European School of Management and Technology in January 2019 for a comprehensive learning experience anchored on leadership and innovation.

Yours, David Olamide Ayoola OJO given first-name: Olamide baptismal first-name: David

Rising sea-levels, adverse weather conditions and rising temperature are evident of climate change and global warming. The aforementioned are caused by human activities such as of burning fossil fuels through the release of pollutant CO2 into the atmosphere.

Al'Maze Consulting (a late stage research and development Start-Up Firm), using social media amongst other reaching methods has been creating awareness about the menace of climate change and global warming for the last 4years running.

I didn't stop there. Al'Maze Consulting is also constructing applicable solutions and products.

Yours, David Olamide Ayoola OJO given first-name: Olamide baptismal first-name: David

A cross-country automobile trip adventure will definitely not be possible without my Wife - the mother of my 2 kids:

I have 100% trust in her driving skills. In addition, the adventure will bring a social-congruence that was never there since we met in 2006.

The choice of the second person is such that we should be able to achieve better social-congruence while on this trip. And if I could read her mind, this will perhaps be her best friend - a phd holder in mathematics and also the godmother of our 3years old daughter.

She can drive as well. I am in safe hands.

Furthermore, the choice of Anna is also that I can finally have the time to discuss with her the solution I constructed for P_vs_NP Hard Problems (popularly known as Traveling Salesman Problem - TSP), and its numerous applications especially at Al'Maze Telekom.

But then I need money to make this trip/adventure happen anyway.

Yours, David Olamide Ayoola OJO given first-name: Olamide baptismal first-name: David

To explain why I am a qualified recipient of the Kofi Annan Business School Foundation Fellowship, it is very important to first explore the purpose for which the fellowship was established:

As stated by Nelly Kasei Ogonda, a Kenyan born first Kofi Annan Fellow of the ESMT, and I quoted " My upbringing taught me not to shy away from difficult situations," said Ogonda, " there is always a solution."

This is true for me David Olamide Ayoola OJO - a Yoruban born Nigerian.

With this statement motivation in mind, I embarked between 2015 - October 2016 to Nigeria for business feasibility studies that took me to various parts of the country I was never was. The bigger picture was finding suitable developmental market for products and solutions derivatives of Al'Maze Consulting - a green energy and sustainability products/solutions provider.

The conclusive result of the business feasibility studies shows development can never be achieved at par with any developed Nation in Nigeria without constant and green electricity supply - which at the moment is closely described as epileptic i.e Never Expect Power Always (NEPA).

So therefore I am a qualified recipient to this fellowship And the aim of the KABSFF is transference of leadership and innovative know-how from developed countries to developing countries, and this has been achieved with Al'Maze Consulting.

Yours, David Olamide Ayoola OJO given first-name: Olamide baptismal first-name: David reference DaHfiDº.pdf