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Vis Timeline in C# class #4269

Open forsharad opened 5 years ago

forsharad commented 5 years ago


I have this C# class below which returns Communication on a particular date which I am able to print on an HTML table. Now I need to take that output in JSON format and pass-on to vis Timeline. I have no idea how I can do it. If I can use "For JSON" in SQL query it can return query output in JSON but still I want to put everything together in C# code from where I can create a dll with everything in it.

using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Sage.CRM.Blocks; using Sage.CRM.Controls; using Sage.CRM.Data; using Sage.CRM.HTML; using Sage.CRM.Utils; using Sage.CRM.WebObject; using Sage.CRM.Graphics; using Sage.CRM.UI; using System.Data;

namespace QuickLook { class QuickLook : Web { public override void BuildContents() {


//Communications string strHtml = "

"; string varleadid= GetContextInfo("Lead", "Lead_leadid"); string querySQL = "select comm_createddate, Comm_Subject from vcommunication where comm_deleted is null and comm_leadid= " + varleadid;

        QuerySelect MyQuery = GetQuery();
        MyQuery.SQLCommand = querySQL;

        while (!MyQuery.Eof())
            strHtml += "<tr><td class=viewbox>&nbsp;</td><td class=viewboxcaption>" + MyQuery.FieldValue("comm_createddate") + "</td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td class=viewbox>" + MyQuery.FieldValue("comm_subject") + "</td><td class=viewbox>&nbsp;</td><td class=viewbox>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
        strHtml += "</TABLE>";

        HorizontalPanel leadcomms = new HorizontalPanel();
        leadcomms.AddAttribute("width", "100%");
        leadcomms.AddAttribute("valign", "bottom");
        ContentBox cbLeadComm = new ContentBox();
        cbLeadComm.Title = varleadid;
        HTMLString htmlMessage = new HTMLString();
        htmlMessage.Html = strHtml;
        cbLeadComm.Inner = htmlMessage;
        VerticalPanel vpMainPanel = new VerticalPanel();


Thanks in Advance Sharad

Jogai commented 5 years ago

I'd recommend to learn first and then about integrating with Sage CRM. I got the feeling that you're on the wrong way. Also this component is not really trivial to integrate. That said, here is a bit of code from a project where I have it integrated:

The action on the controller:

    public JsonResult Data(int id, int pos, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
        //Read data from db:
        var result = _db.Schemas.ReadMyData(siteId, pos, startDate, endDate).ToList();

        //Create groups out of the results
        List<object> mainGroups = new List<object>
                id = no + 1,
                order = 1L,
                content = "MainGroup",
                //nestedGroups = set nested groups as needed

        //Return the whole thing as json
        return Json(new
        }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Then if your results map to the groups and items of vis you can do:

                    // DOM element where the Timeline will be attached
                    let container = document.getElementById("visElement");
                    $(container).empty(); // Empty out the html. Renders the overview faster than updating existing data

                    // create a data set with groups
                    let groups = new DataSet();
                    // Create a DataSet (allows two way data-binding)
                    let items = new DataSet();
                    // create a Timeline
                    var timeLine = new Timeline(container, items, groups, options);
forsharad commented 5 years ago

Hi Jogai,

Thanks for this, even I was not sure for my approach that's the reason I raised it here. I can see you are using Ajax. Before thinking for this approach I wish to know, is it possible to call vis libraries in C# ?

The way I work in Sage CRM. I have created a .net dll (from the code I shared on top) which is capable of fetching data in JSON, now I was thinking if I can call vis libraries in .Net and display the vis Timeline from their, it will make my life simple.

Thanks in advance ! Sharad

Jogai commented 5 years ago

No, its a clientside library.