almgong / NDNOverWifiDirect

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VideoSharing features #11

Closed almgong closed 7 years ago

almgong commented 7 years ago

I plan to have these 3 core features implemented:

  1. ability for owner of media to pause media
  2. ability for owner of media to play media
  3. ability for owner to seek media and cause other devices to seek as well

Devices looking to watch a video should have no control on any of the above features. They should only be able to start and stop watching the media (start and stop the VideoActivity).

almgong commented 7 years ago


Instead of owner being in charge, we will instead allow all control to users.

System will be distributed, anyone can pause, play, seek and it will only affect their own viewing of the media.

almgong commented 7 years ago

merged with #17.