almilo / gql-tools

GraphQL Tools for schema handling.
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Mocks #3

Open lamuertepeluda opened 7 years ago

lamuertepeluda commented 7 years ago

I cannot understend how to pass mock types. Could you please provide an example?

`'JSON file with mock data, defaults to the schema file name with ".json" extension.'``

is of little help

(what I'm trying to do is to mock scalar Date)

almilo commented 7 years ago

Scalars are not supported at the moment.

Although it will not work with scalars either, if you are interested in serving a schema file with mocking capabilities, you should be better off trying this instead:


lamuertepeluda commented 7 years ago

I see, thank you. By looking at your code, it seems an issue of graphql-tools, not yours. Scalars seem to get ignored.
But good news is, you are not tied to using JSON as mockfile, but you can define a mocks.js file as well, in plain javascript.

Here's my workaround, close to what I wanted to achieve but enough to play with GraphQL:


module.exports = {
        value: new Date()
    Buffer: (new Buffer(10)).toJSON(),
    Report: {
        title: 'Report title',
        text: 'Hola mundo',
        position: {
            latitude: 45.233992837,
            longitude: 7.21876218

and schema

interface Entity {
  id: ID!
  name: String
type User implements Entity {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    age: Int
    balance: Float
    is_active: Boolean

type Location {
    latitude: Float,
    longitude: Float

# scalar Date
type Date{
    value: String

# scalar Buffer
type Buffer{
    type: String,

type Report{
    id: ID!,
    date: Date,
    title: String!
    text: String!,
    position: Location,
    picture: Buffer

type Query {
    #query me
    me: User,
    #query user by id
    user(id: ID!): User
    #query report by id
    report(id: ID!): Report
    #query list of users
    users(limit: Int = 10): [User]!
    #query user reports
    reports(forUser: ID!, limit: Int = 5): [Report]!

schema {
    query: Query

and query
