almindor / etherwall

Ethereum QT5 Wallet
GNU General Public License v3.0
142 stars 59 forks source link

etherwall 2.2.3 problems #107

Closed alphaferret closed 5 years ago

alphaferret commented 6 years ago

message on startup: invalid params:invalid index:invalid digit found in string.

trying to send transaction it hangs. mouse over send button shows invalid receiver address

but receiver address shows up fine in etherscan

also getting 'error on socket:unknown error' on the transaction send page

please fix this asap

almindor commented 6 years ago

Which OS/version are you on?

alphaferret commented 6 years ago

linux. i was able to complete a transaction. i closed the app a few times after each time it was hanging and then it worked. not sure about future transactions though.

almindor commented 6 years ago

Is this Arch linux? The package maintainer there made a mistake and didn't update the ew-node subproject when building. I reported this over a month ago but he's taking his sweet time.

You can build from source yourself but you'll need to make sure to use the right ew-node version (git submodule update).

The issue is on the arch issue tracker here.

You can also use the diff I put there to use abs to build the package.

alphaferret commented 5 years ago

makepkg using your diff pkgbuild gave this error:

==> ERROR: etherwall.desktop was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.

edit: sorted out.

1 month seems like a long time.

almindor commented 5 years ago

Indeed, the main issue is I can't do anything else but report and wait :(

I had full control when it was in the AUR but since it got "upgraded" to community repo someone else is the maintainer.

Glad you could get it to work tho :) Will keep the issue open until the package gets fixed in arch.

UGatgithub commented 5 years ago

Have a similar issue in Etherwall 2.3.1 for the light client under Windows 10 with the latest geth where I get: bail[hard]: WS: Disconnected from websocket WS: Disconnected from websocket bail[hard]: WS: Unbekannter Fehler WS: Unbekannter Fehler bail[hard]: WS: Unbekannter Fehler WS: Unbekannter Fehler bail[hard]: Invalid params: expected a hex-encoded hash with 0x prefix. Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32602,"message":"Invalid params: expected a hex-encoded hash with 0x prefix."},"id":18} Sent: {"id":18,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["05112f62832bf9a0f05c12e2ef08ac2fff5dbb672599f8c8964d263d2e318290"]} Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0","id":17} Sent: {"id":17,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionCount","params":["0x004adA05E434e87b70fE046012F486C00EB03500","latest"]} Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"0x0","id":16} ...

almindor commented 5 years ago

Light client isn't supported. It's odd that there's a 0x-less request tho.

almindor commented 5 years ago

This should now be fixed in 2.3.2, reopen if not so.