almindor / etherwall

Ethereum QT5 Wallet
GNU General Public License v3.0
142 stars 59 forks source link

the method personal_listAccounts does not exist/is not available #146

Open mazhigali opened 1 year ago

mazhigali commented 1 year ago

Hello. I have a bug: when run application see this message "the method personal_listAccounts does not exist/is not available". And don't see my accounts. Can anyone help me? version Etherwall 3.0.4 Geth : 1.11.1

Logs application

`bail[hard]: the method personal_listAccounts does not exist/is not available
`Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5,"error":{"code":-32601,"message":"the method personal_listAccounts does not exist/is not available"}}`
Sent: {"id":5,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"personal_listAccounts","params":[]}
IPC ready, initializing poller
Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":4,"result":"1"}
Sent: {"id":4,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_version","params":[]}
Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":3,"result":false}
Sent: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[]}
Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2,"result":"0xdbd77c70904496412951809444f02621"}
Sent: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_newBlockFilter","params":[]}
Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":"0xfe0cc9"}
Sent: {"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[]}
Received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":"Geth/v1.11.1-stable-76961066/linux-amd64/go1.20"}
Sent: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"web3_clientVersion","params":[]}
Connected to IPC socket
Connecting to IPC socket /home/mad/.ethereum/geth.ipc
Geth starting /usr/bin/geth --syncmode=snap --cache 512 --datadir /home/mad/.ethereum --nousb --maxpeers=0 --nodiscover --nat=none
Connected to WS endpoint
HTTP Post reply: {"success":true,"result":"3.0.3"}
HTTP Post reply: {"success":true,"currencies":{"BTC":0.06928,"USD":1672.98,"CAD":2260.44,"EUR":1569.38,"GBP":1394.7,"date":1676648864171}}
Checking to see if there is an already running geth...
Etherwall starting
Connecting to WS endpoint: wss://
HTTP Post reply: {"success":true,"version":"3.0.3","endpoint":"wss://","nodes":2}
Connecting to main Etherwall server
HTTP Post request: {

HTTP Post request: {

HTTP Post request: {
    "currencies": [
    "version": 2

Log Geth :

`WARN [02-17|18:50:22.982] Post-merge network, but no beacon client seen. Please launch one to follow the chain! 

WARN [02-17|18:49:50.209] Served personal_listAccounts             reqid=5 duration="64.236µs" err="the method personal_listAccounts does not exist/is not available"

INFO [02-17|18:49:48.012] New local node record                    seq=66 id=be46c9279404f2d8 ip= udp=0 tcp=30303
INFO [02-17|18:49:48.012] Started P2P networking                   self="enode://0e200e7015ff3f9222413db4306cfd21a3bab164af810cd235e1231114e10b0e305fd3699a719f2893d437d09b0989f35640be9e75e7b9017b08e03712f1b35e@"
INFO [02-17|18:49:48.013] IPC endpoint opened                      url=/home/mad/.ethereum/geth.ipc
INFO [02-17|18:49:48.013] Loaded JWT secret file                   path=/home/mad/.ethereum/geth/jwtsecret crc32=0x316c8026
INFO [02-17|18:49:48.015] WebSocket enabled                        url=ws://
INFO [02-17|18:49:48.015] HTTP server started                      endpoint= auth=true prefix= cors=localhost vhosts=localhost

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.975] Opened ancient database                  database=/home/mad/.ethereum/geth/chaindata/ancient readonly=false
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.976] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches   dir=/home/mad/.ethereum/geth/ethash count=3
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.976] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs     dir=/home/mad/.ethash               count=2
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.976] Initialising Ethereum protocol           network=1 dbversion=8
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] Chain ID:  1 (mainnet) 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] Consensus: Beacon (proof-of-stake), merged from Ethash (proof-of-work) 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] Pre-Merge hard forks (block based): 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Homestead:                   #1150000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - DAO Fork:                    #1920000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Tangerine Whistle (EIP 150): #2463000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Spurious Dragon/1 (EIP 155): #2675000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Spurious Dragon/2 (EIP 158): #2675000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Byzantium:                   #4370000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Constantinople:              #7280000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Petersburg:                  #7280000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Istanbul:                    #9069000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Muir Glacier:                #9200000  ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Berlin:                      #12244000 ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - London:                      #12965000 ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Arrow Glacier:               #13773000 ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Gray Glacier:                #15050000 ( 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] Merge configured: 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Hard-fork specification: 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Network known to be merged: true 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  - Total terminal difficulty:  58750000000000000000000 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] Post-Merge hard forks (timestamp based): 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.978]  
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.979] Loaded most recent local header          number=0 hash=d4e567..cb8fa3 td=17,179,869,184 age=53y10mo3w
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.979] Loaded most recent local full block      number=0 hash=d4e567..cb8fa3 td=17,179,869,184 age=53y10mo3w
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.979] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=0 hash=d4e567..cb8fa3 td=17,179,869,184 age=53y10mo3w
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.980] Loaded local transaction journal         transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.980] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.980] Chain post-merge, sync via beacon client 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.980] Gasprice oracle is ignoring threshold set threshold=2
WARN [02-17|18:49:47.981] Unclean shutdown detected                booted=2021-03-05T14:39:17+0300 age=1y11mo3w
WARN [02-17|18:49:47.981] Unclean shutdown detected                booted=2021-03-05T14:40:20+0300 age=1y11mo3w
WARN [02-17|18:49:47.981] Unclean shutdown detected                booted=2021-03-28T20:35:21+0300 age=1y11mo22h
WARN [02-17|18:49:47.981] Engine API enabled                       protocol=eth
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.981] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=Geth/v1.11.1-stable-76961066/linux-amd64/go1.20

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.972] Using LevelDB as the backing database 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.972] Found legacy ancient chain path          location=/home/mad/.ethereum/geth/chaindata/ancient

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.945] Allocated trie memory caches             clean=76.00MiB dirty=128.00MiB
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.945] Using leveldb as the backing database 
INFO [02-17|18:49:47.945] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/home/mad/.ethereum/geth/chaindata cache=256.00MiB handles=262,144

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.944] Set global gas cap                       cap=50,000,000

WARN [02-17|18:49:47.941] Option nousb is deprecated and USB is deactivated by default. Use --usb to enable 

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.941] Smartcard socket not found, disabling    err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.940] Maximum peer count                       ETH=0 LES=0 total=0

INFO [02-17|18:49:47.939] Starting Geth on Ethereum mainnet... 


almindor commented 1 year ago

Interesting, I see the error directly on geth's side WARN [02-17|18:49:50.209] Served personal_listAccounts reqid=5 duration="64.236µs" err="the method personal_listAccounts does not exist/is not available"

Is this on Linux? Is this geth your own version?

mazhigali commented 1 year ago

Is this on Linux? Is this geth your own version?

Yes it's Linux and geth is not my own - from repo Archlinux

almindor commented 1 year ago

Ah I see, you must've just upgraded. They release this version recently with

The personal RPC namespace is now deprecated. In order to interact with personal APIs, you need to specifically allow it via the --rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal command-line flag.

I'll have to look at what is the replacement API and update etherwall, but for the moment please just add --rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal to the additional geth args field in settings.

mazhigali commented 1 year ago


Thanks it helped

almindor commented 1 year ago

Workaround is in master now, I'll release v3.0.5 soon with it. The proper fix will take a lot of work though as clef has quite different apis from geth and is essentially a new backend to work with accounts.