almindor / mipidsi

MIPI Display Serial Interface unified driver
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TearingEffect on ST7789 #118

Closed nishanthkarthik closed 4 months ago

nishanthkarthik commented 4 months ago

Hi! I am a noob so please bear with me :)

Does setting TearingEffect make a difference when I write a bunch of pixels using set_pixels? I tried both Vertical and HorizontalAndVertical but I still see tearing when I alternate between black and white to fill the entire screen.

I am using ST7789 with a 135x240 display on ESP32. The tearing effect line mode number 1 (section 8.15.1 of ST7789VW datasheet) looks like what I want but I am not sure how to access this using the API.

rfuest commented 4 months ago

set_tearing_effect will only enable the tearing effect output on the controller and not change how set_pixels works. You will need to manually synchronize the display update with the tearing effect output (see section 8.15.3 and 8.15.4 in the datasheet). Unfortunately the tearing effect output isn't available on most cheap display modules.

nishanthkarthik commented 4 months ago

Thanks, makes sense. I'll close the issue since my display module probably doesn't support it. (I don't see any lines on the schematic for this)