alminium / redmine_redcarpet_formatter

Another Markdown Wiki Formatter for Redmine based on Redcarpet markdown processor.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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attachment link with underscores dosen't work #21

Closed danomatika closed 11 years ago

danomatika commented 11 years ago

An attachment file like this:


dosen't work with the attachment keyword:


as the underscores are interpretted as emphasis marks.

The markdown parser should not be invoked when using attachment:.

mikoto20000 commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your report.

I fixed it in master.

best regards,

danomatika commented 11 years ago

Actually I may be wrong on this. The markdown syntax page says you should be able to place emphasis inside words. If you want literal * or _ you have to escpae the chars manually with backslashes.

I tried this with attachment: and it does work, although seems weird:


Either way, up to you.

danomatika commented 11 years ago

Also, to note, PHP Markdown does not evaluate emphasis inside words.

mikoto20000 commented 11 years ago

I tested GitHub's wiki. It ignored internal emphasis.

I would like to keep compatible GitHub Markdown.

danomatika commented 11 years ago

Yeah. I agree with standardizing to GH. Thanks.