Hi, I wonder if I could add extra Java options to kernel.json.
For my use case, I just need to add an --add-opens... argument during the kernel start.
❯ coursier bootstrap almond:0.13.14 --scala 2.12 --output almond --force
❯ ./almond --install --global --force
Installed scala kernel under /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/scala
❯ cat /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/scala/kernel.json
"argv": [
"--add-exports=java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED", # how can I add this line?
"display_name": "Scala",
"language": "scala"
It seems there are directives to add Java options.
However, It is unclear how to utilize these directives, e.g. where to put these directives code? how to execute them?
//> using javaOpt "-Xmx10g"
//> using javaOpt "-Dfoo=bar"
For now, I have to write a script to post-modify kernel.json after almond has installed the kernel.
It will be great if I can achieve it during almond install stage.
Hi, I wonder if I could add extra Java options to
. For my use case, I just need to add an--add-opens...
argument during the kernel start.It seems there are directives to add Java options. However, It is unclear how to utilize these directives, e.g. where to put these directives code? how to execute them?
For now, I have to write a script to post-modify kernel.json after almond has installed the kernel. It will be great if I can achieve it during almond install stage.