alnitak / flutter_shader_fxs

Flutter transitions using shaders
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Page Transitions with Parallel Geometric Figures #2

Open rivella50 opened 11 months ago

rivella50 commented 11 months ago

Hi there,

i found your project today and it looks quite interesting. For a Flutter game i'm looking for outstanding page transitions like this:

Do you know if such transitions would be possible being implemented with shaders? I'm mainly interested in having the possibility to transition between pages by using parallel appearing and assembled rectangles, triangles, hexagons, etc.

Thanks for your answer.

alnitak commented 11 months ago


I discontinued this package in favor of another one, making adding new shaders simpler. It is still private and not yet public. It aims to have presets also for transitions, which you can see here There is something similar to the video you linked, but you should write your own shader for something particular.

I think early next year I will release the package and I will write here

rivella50 commented 11 months ago

Ok, cool. So it's possible to achieve such transitions with shaders, that's good to know. I'm looking forward to your new package next year, sounds very interesting.

rivella50 commented 11 months ago

Until your release: Could you please tell me what steps are needed in order to get this transition into a working page transition in my Flutter app?

alnitak commented 11 months ago

The answer to your question is huge! In big steps you should achieve that like:

  1. grab page1 and page2 as images
  2. feed that shader with those images
  3. use the progress uniform of that shader to make the transition

Using the page transitions like Navigator does, I think it's more complicated. I didn't see if that is possible

rivella50 commented 11 months ago

Phew, ok, that's some steps, indeed. I had something like this in mind for the transition:

Route _createRoute() {
  return PageRouteBuilder(
    pageBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation) => const Page2(),
    transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
      final shader = program.fragmentShader();
      shader.setFloat(0, 20);
      shader.setFloat(1, 0);
      shader.setFloat(2, 0);
      return ShaderMask(shaderCallback: (Rect bounds) => shader, child: child);

where loading the FragmentProgram on app startup:

late FragmentProgram program;

void main() async {
  program = await FragmentProgram.fromAsset('assets/shaders/polka.frag');
      home: Page1(),

Therefore i guess that your new package also won't have a solution for page transitions then, right?

alnitak commented 11 months ago

Actually, the new package can accept 2 children that could be either pages or asset images. The following GIF is made using this 3

and it is called like:

   child1: Page1(),
   child2: Page2(),
   presetController: presetController,
rivella50 commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the preview. Looking forward to the release.

rivella50 commented 11 months ago

Et voilà:

alnitak commented 10 months ago

Hey @rivella50,

I have released the packages! I think you will find them helpful and I am eager to hear from you! 1) shader_buffers aims to simplify the use of shaders with a focus on the and websites. 2) shader_presets A package that implements some ready-to-use shaders, like transitions from gl-transitions and effects from ShaderToy (using 1)

See you there!