aloctavodia / BAP3

Figures and code examples from Bayesian Analysis with Python (third edition)
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Please explain what is the Bernoulli distribution #14

Closed parrenin closed 2 months ago

parrenin commented 2 months ago

Thank you for this very interesting book that opened my mind to Bayesian statistics! One small feedback I want to give is regarding the Bernoulli distribution. This distribution is introduced in code 2.2 p. 52, but its relationship with the Binomial distribution is not clearly explained. Of course, it is possible to understand what is Bernoulli with a small search on Wikipedia, but I thought for completeness, it would be good to say it in a sentence in the book.

aloctavodia commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the feedback!

I will add a note to the latex source so I can address this in the next edition.