aloctavodia / BAP3

Figures and code examples from Bayesian Analysis with Python (third edition)
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Potential error in Page 122: Variance of negative binomial distribution and its relation with alpha #5

Open tomicapretto opened 4 months ago

tomicapretto commented 4 months ago


I think it should say the larger alpha, the smaller the variance, because $\mu^2 / \alpha$ becomes smaller. In the limit, when $\alpha \to \infty$, the variance is $\mu$ like in the Poisson case.

kenjioman commented 2 days ago

Perhaps also confusing (as seen with the next line, even): there is an alpha parameter for the negative binomial likelihood, but our model also has an $\alpha$ parameter. The text shown here is using the Greek $\alpha$ in both instances, even though they are referring to two different concepts.