aloisdeniel / figma_squircle

Flutter implementation of Figma's corner smoothing.
MIT License
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Percentage radius #5

Open lukepighetti opened 2 years ago

lukepighetti commented 2 years ago

I have a custom squircle painter that I 'stole' off flutter/flutter PRs a while back. One thing I did was add the ability to paint percentage radii. It's a super handy feature, and the only thing stopping me from switching to figma_squircle full time.

While there are ways to do this with a LayoutBuilder, there is enough information available in OutlinedBorder to paint percentage radii from a constructor and a percentage value.

lukepighetti commented 2 years ago

Here's my latest file that shows my current implementation.


// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:ui' as ui;

// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'package:figma_squircle/figma_squircle.dart';
import 'package:flutter/src/painting/basic_types.dart';
import 'package:flutter/src/painting/borders.dart';
import 'package:flutter/src/painting/edge_insets.dart';

/// A rectangle border with continuous corners.
/// A shape similar to a rounded rectangle, but with a smoother transition from
/// the sides to the rounded corners.
/// The rendered shape roughly approximates that of a superellipse. In this
/// shape, the curvature of each 90º corner around the length of the arc is
/// approximately a gaussian curve instead of a step function as with a
/// traditional quarter circle round. The rendered rectangle is roughly a
/// superellipse with an n value of 5.
/// In an attempt to keep the shape of the rectangle the same regardless of its
/// dimension (and to avoid clipping of the shape), the radius will
/// automatically be lessened if its width or height is less than ~3x the
/// declared radius. The new resulting radius will always be maximal in respect
/// to the dimensions of the given rectangle.
/// To achieve the corner smoothness with this shape, ~50% more pixels in each
/// dimensions are used to render each corner. As such, the ~3 represents twice
/// the ratio (ie. ~3/2) of a corner's declared radius and the actual height and
/// width of pixels that are used to construct it. For example, if a
/// rectangle had and a corner radius of 25, in reality ~38 pixels in each
/// dimension would be used to construct a corner and so ~76px x ~76px would be
/// the minimal size needed to render this rectangle.
/// This shape will always have 4 linear edges and 4 90º curves. However, for
/// rectangles with small values of width or height (ie.  <20 lpx) and a low
/// aspect ratio (ie. <0.3), the rendered shape will appear to have just 2
/// linear edges and 2 180º curves.
/// The example below shows how to render a continuous rectangle on screen.
/// {@tool sample}
/// ```dart
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
///   return Container(
///     alignment:,
///     child: Material(
///       color: Colors.blueAccent[400],
///       shape: const CupertinoRectangleBorder(cornerRadius: 75.0),
///       child: const SizedBox(
///         height: 200.0,
///         width: 200.0,
///       ),
///     ),
///   );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// The image below depicts a [CupertinoRectangleBorder] with a width
/// and height of 200 and a curve radius of 75.
/// ![](
/// See also:
/// * [RoundedRectangleBorder], which is a rectangle whose corners are
///   precisely quarter circles.
/// * [ContinuousStadiumBorder], which is a stadium whose two edges have a
///   continuous transition into its two 180º curves.
/// * [StadiumBorder], which is a rectangle with semi-circles on two parallel
///   edges.
class CupertinoRectangleBorder extends ShapeBorder {
  /// Creates a continuous cornered rectangle border.
  /// The [cornerRadius] argument must not be null.
  const CupertinoRectangleBorder({
    this.cornerRadius = 0.0,
  }) : percentage = -1;

  const CupertinoRectangleBorder.percentage({
    this.percentage = 0.0,
  }) : cornerRadius = -1;

  static OutlinedBorder outlinedBorder({double cornerRadius = 0.0}) {
    return SmoothRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: SmoothBorderRadius(
        cornerRadius: cornerRadius,
        cornerSmoothing: 0.6,

  /// The radius for each corner.
  /// The radius will be clamped to 0 if a value less than 0 is entered as the
  /// radius. By default the radius is 0. This value must not be null.
  /// Unlike [RoundedRectangleBorder], there is only a single radius value used
  /// to describe the radius for every corner.
  final double cornerRadius;

  final double percentage;

  Path path(Rect rect) {
    final calculatedCornerRadius =
        percentage == -1 ? cornerRadius : rect.shortestSide * percentage;

    double limitedRadius = 0;
    final double width = rect.width;
    final double height = rect.height;
    final double centerX =;
    final double centerY =;
    final double radius = math.max(0.0, calculatedCornerRadius);
    final double minSideLength = math.min(rect.width, rect.height);

    // These equations give the x and y values for each of the 8 mid and corner
    // points on a rectangle.
    // For example, leftX(k) will give the x value on the left side of the shape
    // that is precisely `k` distance from the left edge of the shape for the
    // predetermined 'limitedRadius' value.
    double leftX(double x) {
      return centerX + x * limitedRadius - width / 2;

    double rightX(double x) {
      return centerX - x * limitedRadius + width / 2;

    double topY(double y) {
      return centerY + y * limitedRadius - height / 2;

    double bottomY(double y) {
      return centerY - y * limitedRadius + height / 2;

    // Renders the default superelliptical rounded rect shape where there are
    // 4 straight edges and 4 90º corners. Approximately renders a superellipse
    // with an n value of 5.
    // Paths and equations were inspired from the code listed on this website:
    // The shape is drawn from the top midpoint to the upper right hand corner
    // in a clockwise fashion around to the upper left hand corner.
    Path bezierRoundedRect() {
      return Path()
        ..moveTo(leftX(1.52866483), topY(0.0))
        ..lineTo(rightX(1.52866471), topY(0.0))
        ..cubicTo(rightX(1.08849323), topY(0.0), rightX(0.86840689), topY(0.0),
            rightX(0.66993427), topY(0.06549600))
        ..lineTo(rightX(0.63149399), topY(0.07491100))
        ..cubicTo(rightX(0.37282392), topY(0.16905899), rightX(0.16906013),
            topY(0.37282401), rightX(0.07491176), topY(0.63149399))
        ..cubicTo(rightX(0), topY(0.86840701), rightX(0.0), topY(1.08849299),
            rightX(0.0), topY(1.52866483))
        ..lineTo(rightX(0.0), bottomY(1.52866471))
        ..cubicTo(rightX(0.0), bottomY(1.08849323), rightX(0.0),
            bottomY(0.86840689), rightX(0.06549600), bottomY(0.66993427))
        ..lineTo(rightX(0.07491100), bottomY(0.63149399))
        ..cubicTo(rightX(0.16905899), bottomY(0.37282392), rightX(0.37282401),
            bottomY(0.16906013), rightX(0.63149399), bottomY(0.07491176))
        ..cubicTo(rightX(0.86840701), bottomY(0), rightX(1.08849299),
            bottomY(0.0), rightX(1.52866483), bottomY(0.0))
        ..lineTo(leftX(1.52866483), bottomY(0.0))
        ..cubicTo(leftX(1.08849323), bottomY(0.0), leftX(0.86840689),
            bottomY(0.0), leftX(0.66993427), bottomY(0.06549600))
        ..lineTo(leftX(0.63149399), bottomY(0.07491100))
        ..cubicTo(leftX(0.37282392), bottomY(0.16905899), leftX(0.16906013),
            bottomY(0.37282401), leftX(0.07491176), bottomY(0.63149399))
        ..cubicTo(leftX(0), bottomY(0.86840701), leftX(0.0),
            bottomY(1.08849299), leftX(0.0), bottomY(1.52866483))
        ..lineTo(leftX(0.0), topY(1.52866471))
        ..cubicTo(leftX(0.0), topY(1.08849323), leftX(0.0), topY(0.86840689),
            leftX(0.06549600), topY(0.66993427))
        ..lineTo(leftX(0.07491100), topY(0.63149399))
        ..cubicTo(leftX(0.16905899), topY(0.37282392), leftX(0.37282401),
            topY(0.16906013), leftX(0.63149399), topY(0.07491176))
        ..cubicTo(leftX(0.86840701), topY(0), leftX(1.08849299), topY(0.0),
            leftX(1.52866483), topY(0.0))

    // The ratio of the declared corner radius to the total affected pixels
    // along each axis to render the corner. For example if the declared radius
    // were 25px then totalAffectedCornerPixelRatio * 25 (~38) pixels would be
    // affected along each axis.
    // It is also the multiplier where the resulting shape will be convex with
    // a height and width of any value. Below this value, noticeable clipping
    // will be seen at large rectangle dimensions.
    // If the shortest side length to radius ratio drops below this value, the
    // radius must be lessened to avoid clipping (ie. concavity) of the shape.
    // This value comes from the website where the other equations and curves
    // were found
    // (
    const double totalAffectedCornerPixelRatio = 1.52865;

    // The ratio of the radius to the magnitude of pixels on a given side that
    // will be used to construct the two corners.
    const double minimalUnclippedSideToCornerRadiusRatio =
        2.0 * totalAffectedCornerPixelRatio;

    // The multiplier of the radius in comparison to the smallest edge length
    // used to describe the minimum radius for this shape.
    // This is multiplier used in the case of an extreme aspect ratio and a
    // small extent value. It can be less than
    // 'minimalUnclippedSideToCornerRadiusRatio' because there
    // are not enough pixels to render the clipping of the shape at this size so
    // it appears to still be concave (whereas mathematically it's convex).
    // This value was determined by an eyeball comparison with the the native
    // iOS search bar.
    const double minimalEdgeLengthSideToCornerRadiusRatio = 2.0;

    // The minimum edge length at which the corner radius multiplier must be at
    // its maximum so as to maintain the appearance of a concave shape with
    // continuous tangents around its perimeter.
    // If the smallest edge length is less than this value, the dynamic radius
    // value can be made smaller than the 'maxMultiplier' while the rendered
    // shape still does not visually clip.
    // This value was determined by an eyeball approximation.
    const double minRadiusEdgeLength = 200.0;

    // As the minimum side edge length (where the round is occurring)
    // approaches 0, the limitedRadius approaches 2 so as to maximize
    // roundness (to make the shape with the largest radius that doesn't clip).
    // As the edge length approaches 200, the limitedRadius approaches ~3 –- the
    // multiplier of the radius value where the resulting shape is concave (ie.
    // does not visually clip) at any dimension.
    final double multiplier = ui.lerpDouble(
      minSideLength / minRadiusEdgeLength,
    limitedRadius = math.min(radius, minSideLength / multiplier);
    return bezierRoundedRect();

  Path getInnerPath(Rect rect, {TextDirection? textDirection}) {
    return path(rect);

  Path getOuterPath(Rect rect, {TextDirection? textDirection}) {
    return path(rect);

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, {TextDirection? textDirection}) {}

  EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions => const EdgeInsets.all(0.0);

  ShapeBorder scale(double t) {
    return CupertinoRectangleBorder(
      cornerRadius: cornerRadius * t,

  ShapeBorder? lerpFrom(ShapeBorder? a, double t) {
    if (a is CupertinoRectangleBorder) {
      return CupertinoRectangleBorder(
        cornerRadius: ui.lerpDouble(a.cornerRadius, cornerRadius, t)!,
    return super.lerpFrom(a, t);

  ShapeBorder? lerpTo(ShapeBorder? b, double t) {
    if (b is CupertinoRectangleBorder) {
      return CupertinoRectangleBorder(
        cornerRadius: ui.lerpDouble(cornerRadius, b.cornerRadius, t)!,
    return super.lerpTo(b, t);

  bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
    if (runtimeType != other.runtimeType) return false;
    final CupertinoRectangleBorder typedOther = other;
    return cornerRadius == typedOther.cornerRadius;

  int get hashCode => cornerRadius.hashCode;

  String toString() {
    return '$runtimeType($cornerRadius)';