aloneguid / bt

Browser Tamer
Apache License 2.0
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Redirect links from Browser to BT via Direct-Click #30

Open neoOpus opened 11 months ago

neoOpus commented 11 months ago


I wanted to test out a feature that requires me to press CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK while using the Edge browser, however I found that it only works with external applications. I wonder if there is a way to make it work how it should through an extension. It would be useful if the BT selector pops up when I click a link in my email that I want to open in a specific profile or browser. I'm guessing that this could be achieved with a specific protocol, associated to BT. The extension could recognize a criterion like CAPSLOCK triggered or USING CTRL+SHIFT globally, causing it to send the link to the appropriate profile or browser.

This would make it easier to open URLs directly to the right browser, without having to set up rules that are only limited to certain domains (as can be done in the browser). It would also make BT more useful in redirecting URLs that match certain criteria, or just Ask on Conflict, and it could be much better than using the right-click menu.

Please let me know if you need any clarification.

aloneguid commented 11 months ago

It is technically possible to implement in an extension. At the moment you can install browser extension, right-click a link and choose "open with browser tamer" while holding ctrl+shift. But I guess that's not what you want?

neoOpus commented 11 months ago

It is maybe better to have a trigger state in the extension that would catch the links when clicked when it is set on ON state, this way, it is possible, for example, to open many GitHub links from its newsletter and get them all redirected momentarily to another profile (optimized for GH and DEV), it is better than using keyboard (that I suggested earlier). When it is OFF, links behave normally, this is a better option than Rules in Browser like Edge or BT, as it allows opening any URL without prior configuration into a Profile or Browser, of course, having the option to a destined profile will ensure that the Browser Picker will not turn into a nag screen and once done we just turn OFF the thing, it is possible to pick also some different destination from right click sub-menu for different links from different newsletters, and each will end in the destined browser with minimal right-clicks, BT popping-up…

It is certain that things can be done as usual, but I am trying to provide ideas. :)