aloneguid / bt

Browser Tamer - browser proxy for Windows with autodetection, rules, scripting.
Apache License 2.0
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Add Args #4

Closed neoOpus closed 1 year ago

neoOpus commented 1 year ago


Please make it possible to add some args (by adding another field) that could be used for Chrome Flags and other command-line switches that are necessary in many cases for Devs.

Example of what I use for MS Edge

Example 1 : --profile-directory=Default --max-old-space-size=61440 --disable-extension-activity-logging --enable-features=msEdgeAVIF,RawDraw,DrDc,UseSurfaceLayerWithDirectComposition,CanvasOopRasterization,msEdgeAVIF,WebUITabStrip,AsyncDns,BlocklistGpuModes,ChromeLabs,CustomizeChromeSidePanel,DeferredShaping,DesktopDetailedLanguageSettings,HistoryClustersOnDeviceClustering,Journeys,JourneysKeywordFiltering,JourneysLabel,JourneysOmniboxAction,JourneysOmniboxHistoryClusterProvider,JourneysOnDeviceClusteringContentClustering,OmniboxPedalSuggestions,OptimizedReadabilityDetection,PageContentAnnotations,ParallelDownloading,Portals,PortalsCrossOrigin,PostQuantumCECPQ2,Prerender2,PrivacyGuide2,QuickCommands,SanitizerAPI,SearchWebInSidePanel,SidePanelImprovedClobbering,SidePanelJourneys,SideSearch,SplitLargeText,TabGroupsSave,TabSearchFuzzySearch,UnifiedSidePanel,UseFlutterBalloons,UseSuggestEndingsApi,VariableCOLRV1,Vp9kSVCHWDecoding,WebBluetoothNewPermissionsBackend,WebBundles,WebShare,WebUsbDeviceDetection,sdch3

Example 2 : --profile-directory=Default --no-experiments

Example 3 : --profile-directory=Default --disable-extensions-except

But what would be amazing and maybe too much to ask is to have it fetch the flags from a curated online list or maybe added as a file that contains the various flags for chromium and also the derivative browsers, it could be a checkbox based with some basic (grouping, search, naming, etc) to allow testing, debugging and setting preferences who are optimal for specific hardware, user liking and scenarios (url, nat, www, etc)

I hope both make sense to you and inspire you,

Thank you.

aloneguid commented 1 year ago

I think this is a great idea, thank you. I'll get to this soon. By the way you can do this in the meantime manually editing confiig.ini (find it from File menu) but arguments will be overwritten on rediscovery. You can also add a custom browser from UI from File menu, but it's not quite as pretty as you want.

neoOpus commented 1 year ago

Amazing, yeah I figured out that I can use the config.ini to do just than but it is not as practical as doing via GUI and yeah the rediscovery re-add some entries that I deleted from the config.ini (other browser selector that I was testing who are identified as Broswer by BT) maybe adding a way to exclude some directories or "Browsers" would be a good addition too.

neoOpus commented 1 year ago

let me know if I can help brainstorming how the UI should look like or maybe doing some wireframe suggestions