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Behavior of INotifyPropertyChanged inside Config.NET #161

Open coolfarmer opened 1 month ago

coolfarmer commented 1 month ago


I'm trying to implement INotifyPropertyChanged, but I don't think I fully understand the concept when using it with Config.NET. What is it supposed to do? Is it supposed to update the UI when a configuration value changes?

I'm trying to implement it with Prism, but I'm sure I am missing something.

public interface IMyConfiguration : INotifyPropertyChanged
    string Name { get; set; }

public class MainWindowViewModel : BindableBase
    public ICommand TestClickButtonCommand { get; private set; }
    public IMyConfiguration config;

    private string title;

    public string Title {
        get => title;
        set => SetProperty(ref title, value);

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        TestClickButtonCommand = new DelegateCommand(TestClickBtn);
        Title = "Hi!";

        config = new ConfigurationBuilder<IMyConfiguration>()

        config.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
            Trace.WriteLine(e.PropertyName); // Log "Name" when button is clicked

    private void TestClickBtn()
        Trace.WriteLine("Button clicked...");
        config.Name = "Hello World";

Now that "Name" is logged at the line "config.PropertyChanged += ()", what should I do? Is there a way to automatically update my UI with the updated Title property?

I'm sure I'm missing something.

Thanks for help.