alonswartz / notesium

Markdown notes system with bi-directional links, Vim integration and local webapp
MIT License
56 stars 3 forks source link

add support for emacs/spacemacs #8

Open alonswartz opened 1 year ago

alonswartz commented 1 year ago

Requested / suggested by ZettelCasting on Reddit.

elliottw commented 1 month ago

Adding some context after reading the reddit thread:

Spacemacs is a "batteries included" framework for emacs, similar to Doom. Integration with those frameworks might mean packaging for those specific frameworks, but making noteseium work for emacs (bone stock) would make it work for all the frameworks.

Additionally, because I'm an emacs user, most emacs users probably use more org-mode than markdown. Org-mode is another text file syntax with a lot of other features embedded into the syntax, and if there is interest from the emacs community, there would definitely be interest in using notesium with different text formats other than markdown.

Just for more reference points, the closest things to notesium in an emacs package (and what most emacs users would be considering when looking at switching to notesium) are and Both have backlinks and with other packages, both have graph views.

Thanks for the awesome work!

alonswartz commented 1 month ago

Hey @elliottw, thanks for the detailed comment - much appreciated.

It sounds like making notesium work in emacs (bone stock) would be the way to go. To be honest I haven't used emacs for over a decade, so there will probably be steep learning curve. If there is genuine interest though, I'm happy to dive in and see what I can do, or assist anyone else who would like to take lead on the integration.

With regards to org-mode, the projects you referenced seem great. I'm not sure what notesium could add on top of what is already available.

elliottw commented 1 month ago

Using something like one of those frameworks will massively reduce the learning curve. Both frameworks use evil-mode which AFAIK is 100 compliant with vim keybindings (at least for what i use, markers, visual mode, etc).

The thing that drew me to your project was the web view. I think most older emacs users seem to have zero interest in actually publishing to the web or editing files on a phone. Neither package has a web view and most org-mode mobile apps are seriously lacking. I think as newer emacs users come from vim/markdown they'll have an expectation that they have access to their notes outside of emacs and your package would be a great contribution to that effort.