aloukikjoshi / JavaScript-Mini-Projects

JavaScript-Mini-Projects is a collection of basic projects aimed at helping beginners learn JavaScript and its associated technologies. The projects cover a range of concepts and frameworks, including npm, React, and Vue. Contributions are welcome!
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This is a simple Tic Tac Toe game implemented using JavaScript. #3

Closed ryuga001 closed 2 months ago

ryuga001 commented 2 months ago

This pull request adds a simple Tic Tac Toe game implemented using JavaScript. The game demonstrates basic DOM manipulation and event handling concepts in JavaScript, making it a great educational tool for beginners.

Concept Demonstrated: DOM Manipulation and Event Handling

The game board is represented as a grid of div elements. Event listeners are added to each cell to handle clicks. The game state is stored in an array, and the current player is tracked with a variable. When a cell is clicked, the game state is updated, and the cell's content is set to the current player's symbol. The game checks for a winner after each move and displays a message if a player wins or if there is a tie. The "Reset" button resets the game state and clears the board.