alpacahq / Alpaca-API

The Alpaca API is a developer interface for trading operations and market data reception through the Alpaca platform.
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OAuth 2.0 `.well-known/openid-configuration`? #212

Open aajn88 opened 2 years ago

aajn88 commented 2 years ago

I'm building a Flutter application using OAuth 2.0. Flutter's AppAuth package mention that any OAuth 2.0 system should be supported, however the process fails with the following:

Error retrieving discovery document: JSON error parsing document at '': The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.

When I try to access the URL, I realize Alpaca redirects to the main page and doesn't show something similar to other OAuth 2.0 providers (e.g. IdentityServer4).

Do you provide this well-known URL?