alpacahq / Alpaca-API

The Alpaca API is a developer interface for trading operations and market data reception through the Alpaca platform.
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Request body format is invalid #89

Open lvca opened 4 years ago

lvca commented 4 years ago

Posting this JSON:


To the endpoint: returns this error:

{"code":40010000,"message":"request body format is invalid"}

I can't see whay it's invalid.

lvca commented 4 years ago

Also, if you guys fina a field is missing or a value is wrong, why don't you include this message in the error? it would save a lot of time to both you and us (algo-trader). Thanks

umitanuki commented 4 years ago

I tried the same body and it worked.

umitanuki commented 4 years ago

Agree the error message could be better. The error is coming from the json parser though which we don't have much control.

d-e-s-o commented 4 years ago

Seems a bit strange to me to throw the hands in the air and state that because the JSON parser is a third party component you can't do much. If your API is flaky that's a bit of an issue, would you agree? I suppose people out there are actually considering relying on your APIs. So random requests failing spuriously could potentially be a problem. Do you see what I am saying?

And if it's a third party component "though [sic] which [you] don't have much control" then perhaps you should consider changing it to something you understand or can observe properly. Does this sound like a reasonable suggestion to you?

awoerp commented 4 years ago

Just in-case it is helpful to anyone else running into this, I was having this issue as well and my problem was that I was supplying the kwarg "data" instead of "json" in my post request.

Python code that didn't work:, headers = self.headers, data = data)

Python code that did work:, headers = self.headers, json = data)

Obviously the error is pretty vague so your issue could be any number of other things. Maybe this will save someone some time.

vijay-r commented 3 years ago

Getting same error

  "code": 40010000,
  "message": "request body format is invalid"


const buyMarket = async ({ symbol, qty }) => {
  try {
    const rsp = await fetch(``, {
      method: 'post',
      body: {
        symbol: 'PYPL',
        qty: 1,
        side: 'buy',
        type: 'market',
        time_in_force: 'day',
      headers: headers,
    return rsp.json()
  } catch (error) {
coodoo commented 3 years ago

Just make sure you JSON.stringify the POST body as below, everything should be fine 😉

const buyMarket = async ({ symbol, qty }) => {
  try {
    const rsp = await fetch(``, {
      method: 'post',
      body: JSON.stringify({
        symbol: 'PYPL',
        qty: 1,
        side: 'buy',
        type: 'market',
        time_in_force: 'day',
      headers: headers,
    return rsp.json()
  } catch (error) {
Eram101 commented 8 months ago

what should i do in this code here Alpaca API Response: b'{"code":40010000,"message":"request body format is invalid"}'

def create_order(pred_price, company, test_loss, appro_loss): open_price, close_price = pred_price[0], pred_price[1] if open_price > close_price: side = 'sell' elif open_price < close_price: side = 'buy'

if side == 'buy':
    order = {
        'symbol': company,
        'qty': round(20 * (test_loss / 100)),
        'type': 'stop_limit',
        'time_in_force': 'day',
        'side': 'buy',
        'take_profit': close_price + appro_loss[1],  # Update appro_loss indexing
        'stop_loss': close_price - appro_loss[0]  # Update appro_loss indexing
elif side == 'sell':
    order = {
        'symbol': company,
        'qty': round(20 * (test_loss / 100)),
        'type': 'stop_limit',
        'time_in_force': 'day',
        'side': 'sell',
        'take_profit': close_price - appro_loss[1],  # Update appro_loss indexing
        'stop_loss': close_price + appro_loss[0]  # Update appro_loss indexing

r =, json=order, headers=HEADERS)
print("Alpaca API Response:", r.content)