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[X] My question has to do with the JS SDK and isn't a general question about the API. (If it is please open your issue here)
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API documentation says there is test stream we can use off-market hours to test our code:
Test stream
We provide a test stream that is available all the time, even outside market hours, on this URL:
Use the symbol "FAKEPACA" when trying out this test stream.
But I don't see a separate method for this. I also tried subscribing to FAKEPACA on data_stream_v2 but there is no updates there.
const websocket = alpaca.data_stream_v2; websocket.onConnect(() => { websocket.subscribeForBars(["FAKEPACA"]); });
I did implement my own WS connection with that end-point and FAKEPACA subscription, it sends msgs every minute, off-market hours.
Question form pre-submit checklist.
API documentation says there is test stream we can use off-market hours to test our code:
But I don't see a separate method for this. I also tried subscribing to FAKEPACA on data_stream_v2 but there is no updates there.
const websocket = alpaca.data_stream_v2; websocket.onConnect(() => { websocket.subscribeForBars(["FAKEPACA"]); });
I did implement my own WS connection with that end-point and FAKEPACA subscription, it sends msgs every minute, off-market hours.