alpha1 / MagazineXperts-Maghub

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[Updating] More Advanced Custom Fields #14

Open alpha1 opened 8 years ago

alpha1 commented 8 years ago
Field Name Input Type Behavior Description
Website type="url" validates input as a url, displays clickable website
Telephone type="tel" validates input as a phone number, international and ext allowed
Number type="number" validate a number. Ideally can show X number of decimal points

Bonus Points

  1. Validation Rules - HTML5 Pattern attribute, checked on front and backend is fine.
  2. Input masks - ability to define front end facing hints as to what the data should look like, I.E. for a phone number +(???) (DDD) DDD-DDDD (?x)?/5
  3. Merge Tags - be able to pull in the value of other built-in and dynamic attributes to. For example, you could could build links to forms prefilled with the user's information, or be able to easily look the user up in another system. For instance a merge field may look something like: Website Field Type:[[CID]] which becomes visible as

Requested Merge Tags would be: Contact ID Company ID Contact Email Contact First Name Contact Last Name Contact Email All dynamic fields (Multi select fields, values should be concatenated by commas)

alpha1 commented 7 years ago

Submitting this: We'd like to request a few more types of dynamic fields (No rush, but could be useful for many purposes)

1) Website. Basically the same as a text, except instead of type="text", its type="url". Modern browsers will do some basic validation. Ideally could have a text field of what is visible and clickable when displayed as well and maybe the option to open in a new tab or window.

2) Number. Similar to website, its input type="number". Ideally, it could allow for X number of decimal places, including none.

3) Phone. Might be a bit more tricky. First, it should be type="tel" and when rendered, should be rendered as a link (xxx) xxx-xxxx so that browser based dialers and mobile devices can pick up on it. It would be great if it could force the formatting to (xxx) xxx-xxxx just like the contacts' numbers fields do. This should be considered even if you add support for custom phone number (name) fields on the contact, so it can be used on the company (which has no phone number field at all), or subscriptions and vendors.