Logged calls show a timestamp showing To and From times, but does not have a way to enter these times. There is also a created date, which is a system date and uneditable. Knowing this, my recommendation is to enable the To and From fields, so reps can log calls in the past, or show the length of a call, but the created date field, can provide evidence to prevent a sales rep from being able to backdate a call, without leaving a trace.
Logged calls show a timestamp showing To and From times, but does not have a way to enter these times. There is also a created date, which is a system date and uneditable. Knowing this, my recommendation is to enable the To and From fields, so reps can log calls in the past, or show the length of a call, but the created date field, can provide evidence to prevent a sales rep from being able to backdate a call, without leaving a trace.