alphaHeavy / protobuf

An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers in Haskell.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Getting the error "Always is not a Monoid" #13

Closed jacobstanley closed 9 years ago

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

This isn't necessarily a bug report, but I'm getting the error "Always is not a Monoid" while trying to decode a message. Do you have any pointers on how I can debug this?

If it helps I can post the code and an example set of bytes which replicates the problem.

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

A small example which reproduces this error would be helpful. It could be a bug in the library, the Always Monoid instance is a bit of a hack.

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

So I wouldn't call it a small example (sorry!) but it is completely self contained.

If you clone then build and run you should see the error.

If you comment out this optional field, the error goes away.

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

If you're wondering what the code relates to, I'm experimenting with talking to Hadoop using it's native TCP interface - first step is a native Haskell client for HDFS. Thought you might be interested after looking at the other repos for alphaHeavy.

nilscc commented 9 years ago

This error occurs when a Required field is missing iirc. Pretty sure the Nothing -> pure . K1 . Field $ c mempty case of fieldDecode in the Decode.hs is to blame here.

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

Cool, if that's the case debugging it will be easy, will report back soon.

If it turns out to be true, perhaps we should change the error to "Required field missing" or similar.

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

Ok, wasn't as easy as I thought, commenting out various Required fields doesn't help isolating the problem.

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

Here's the stack:

GetListingResponse {glDirList = Field {runField = Optional {runOptional = Just (Message {runMessage = DirectoryListing {dlPartialListing = Field {runField = Repeated {runRepeated = [Message {runMessage = FileStatus {fsFileType = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Enumeration {runEnumeration = Dir}}}}, fsPath = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = "hbase"}}}}, fsLength = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = 0}}}}, fsPermission = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Message {runMessage = FilePermission {fpPerm = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = 493}}}}}}}}}, fsOwner = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = "hbase"}}}}, fsGroup = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = "hbase"}}}}, fsModificationTime = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = 1394466373004}}}}, fsAccessTime = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = 0}}}}, fsSymLink = Field {runField = Optional {runOptional = Last {getLast = Nothing}}}, fsBlockReplication = Field {runField = Optional {runOptional = Last {getLast = Just (Value {runValue = 0})}}}, fsBlockSize = Field {runField = Optional {runOptional = Last {getLast = Just (Value {runValue = 0})}}}, fsLocations = Field {runField = Optional {runOptional = Just (Message {runMessage = LocatedBlocks {lbFileLength = Field {runField = Required {runRequired = Always {runAlways = Value {runValue = Stopped at <exception thrown>
_exception :: e = _
[<exception thrown>] *Main> :force _exception
_exception = GHC.Exception.SomeException "Always is not a Monoid"
[<exception thrown>] *Main> :history
-1  : mempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Types.hs:78:12-41)
-2  : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:125:13-21)
-3  : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:113:13-22)
-4  : showsPrec (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Types.hs:41:72-75)
-5  : showsPrec (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Types.hs:75:64-67)
-6  : showsPrec (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Types.hs:47:72-75)
-7  : showsPrec (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Types.hs:67:72-75)
-8  : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:117:13-31)
-9  : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:117:13-31)
-10 : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:117:13-31)
-11 : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:117:13-31)
-12 : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:113:13-22)
-13 : gmempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:113:13-22)
-14 : mempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:99:12-23)
-15 : mempty (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:99:12-33)
-16 : showsPrec (Main.hs:115:26-29)
-17 : showsPrec (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:96:41-44)
-18 : gdecode (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Message.hs:106:30-44)
-19 : fieldDecode (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Decode.hs:92:37-44)
-20 : fieldDecode (Data/ProtocolBuffers/Decode.hs:92:24-33)
jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

It's odd because lbFileLength is a required field, and using the protocol-buffers-fork library it decodes successfully.

The relevant code from the original protobuf is this:

message GetListingResponse {
  optional DirectoryListing dirList = 1;

message DirectoryListing {
  repeated HdfsFileStatus partialListing = 1;
  required uint32 remainingEntries  = 2;

message HdfsFileStatus {
  enum FileType {
    IS_DIR = 1;
    IS_FILE = 2;
    IS_SYMLINK = 3;
  required FileType fileType = 1;
  required bytes path = 2;          // local name of inode encoded java UTF8
  required uint64 length = 3;
  required FsPermission permission = 4;
  required string owner = 5;
  required string group = 6;
  required uint64 modification_time = 7;
  required uint64 access_time = 8;

  // Optional fields for symlink
  optional bytes symlink = 9;             // if symlink, target encoded java UTF8 

  // Optional fields for file
  optional uint32 block_replication = 10 [default = 0]; // only 16bits used
  optional uint64 blocksize = 11 [default = 0];
  optional LocatedBlocks locations = 12;  // suppled only if asked by client

message FsPermission {
  required uint32 perm = 1;       // Actually a short - only 16bits used

message LocatedBlocks {
  required uint64 fileLength = 1;
  repeated LocatedBlock blocks = 2;
  required bool underConstruction = 3;
  optional LocatedBlock lastBlock = 4;
  required bool isLastBlockComplete = 5;

// snip

I can post the rest of the dependant structures (i.e. LocatedBlock, etc) if necessary, but they add a lot of extra detail which probably isn't relevant.

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

The error is happening because fsLocations = Just ... when it should be None. The protobuf binary file doesn't include any values for field 12.

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

Oh right, of course, so does it seem to be a deserialization bug in protobuf?

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

Yep, something is amiss. It can be worked around by changing the required fields to be optional.. I'll see if I can track down the problem, brain is a little shot tho (on my way to ICFP).

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

Oh cool, I'm there right now hacking on this :)

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

Nice, I'll be there tomorrow :-)

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

@mcmaniac is probably right. Changing the Nothing case in fieldDecode might be the fix. I haven't done much validation but at least this test case doesn't fail:

  :: forall a b i n p . (DecodeWire a, Monoid a, KnownNat n)
  => (a -> b)
  -> HashMap Tag [WireField]
  -> Get (K1 i (Field n b) p)
{-# INLINE fieldDecode #-}
fieldDecode c msg =
  let tag = fromIntegral $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
  in case HashMap.lookup tag msg of
    Just val -> K1 . Field . c <$> foldMapM decodeWire val
    Nothing  -> empty
NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

Can you try out HEAD?

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

Just tried it, works perfectly now, thanks!

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

Sweet. I'll cut a release after I get some tests added, probably mid week.

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

I've added new QuickCheck properties that exercise this bug in 692ff3efdd7e6d7bf7143a3be1edb21c58c1600b, and released the fix to Hackage as

jacobstanley commented 9 years ago

Hey would be great to catch up at ICFP, have some things I'd like to talk to you about regarding performance improvements to the 'binary' package.

NathanHowell commented 9 years ago

I'm in the Haskell symposium today, wearing a shirt with green and orange triangles on the front. Definitely interested in hearing your ideas. On Sep 4, 2014 9:00 AM, "Jacob Stanley" wrote:

Hey would be great to catch up at ICFP, have some things I'd like to talk to you about regarding the performance improvements to the 'binary' package.

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