What is the name of the new datasets or datasets?
There are 6 datasets, related to 6 tables on the report
Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Summary statement of transactions
Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Revenues
Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Expenses
Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Total expenses by object of expense
Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - The budgetary balance and financial source/requirement
Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Financial source/requirement and net financing activities
In which repository will it be?
Which are the Entities of the new dataset
[Date, Concept]
What data should be extracted?
Cycle through N last reports to extract the data. The last N reports should be dynamic, don't paste their URLs
Extract the data from each corresponding table. Only the monthly
Warning: in some tables, the concept has an indentation that defines levels. In those cases, concept names should be nested using " - "
Net increase (+)/decrease (-) in financing activities - Unmatured debt transactions - Canadian currency borrowings - Marketable bonds
Net increase (+)/decrease (-) in financing activities - Unmatured debt transactions - Canadian currency borrowings - Treasury bills
What is the estimated difficulty of this data request? Intermediate
What is the Source / Url of this Data https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/services/publications/fiscal-monitor.html
What is the format of the data source HTML Tables
What is the name of the new datasets or datasets? There are 6 datasets, related to 6 tables on the report Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Summary statement of transactions Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Revenues Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Expenses Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Total expenses by object of expense Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - The budgetary balance and financial source/requirement Fiscal - Canada - Department of Finance - Fiscal Monitor - Financial source/requirement and net financing activities
In which repository will it be? Pending
Which are the Entities of the new dataset [Date, Concept]
What data should be extracted? Cycle through N last reports to extract the data. The last N reports should be dynamic, don't paste their URLs
Extract the data from each corresponding table. Only the monthly
Warning: in some tables, the concept has an indentation that defines levels. In those cases, concept names should be nested using " - "
Net increase (+)/decrease (-) in financing activities - Unmatured debt transactions - Canadian currency borrowings - Marketable bonds
Net increase (+)/decrease (-) in financing activities - Unmatured debt transactions - Canadian currency borrowings - Treasury bills