There are 3 datasets, related to 3 HTML tables from the quoted source. Dataset's names will be:
Financial - Argentina - MAE - Fixed-Income purchase/sale volume - Monthly
Financial - Argentina - MAE - Fixed-Income repo volume - Monthly
Financial - Argentina - MAE - FOREX volume - Monthly
In which repository will it be?
Which are the Entities of the new dataset
[Date, country]
What data should be extracted?
For each HTML table, extract the figure within the cells so that the output dataset is a two-column stacked table whose names are "Date" and "Volume". Besides, delete point as thousands separator.
IMPORTANT: Add a column named 'country' with the corresponding country (Argentina) on each dataset.
What is the estimated difficulty of this data request? Easy
What is the Source / Url of this Data
What is the format of the data source HTML
What is the name of the new datasets or datasets?
There are 3 datasets, related to 3 HTML tables from the quoted source. Dataset's names will be:
Financial - Argentina - MAE - Fixed-Income purchase/sale volume - Monthly Financial - Argentina - MAE - Fixed-Income repo volume - Monthly Financial - Argentina - MAE - FOREX volume - Monthly
In which repository will it be? Pending
Which are the Entities of the new dataset [Date, country]
What data should be extracted? For each HTML table, extract the figure within the cells so that the output dataset is a two-column stacked table whose names are "Date" and "Volume". Besides, delete point as thousands separator.
IMPORTANT: Add a column named 'country' with the corresponding country (Argentina) on each dataset.