Add support for GA4 testing and debugging into the govuk-browser-extension.
The functionality to see GA4 event data is already available by running window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.showDebug = true in the console, see GA4 Developer Guide for further information. Having this feature available in the govuk-browser-extension could help raise awareness that this feature exists and make it a bit more accessible for all users with an interest in seeing the data, developers and performance analysts for example.
Add support for GA4 testing and debugging into the govuk-browser-extension.
The functionality to see GA4 event data is already available by running
window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.showDebug = true
in the console, see GA4 Developer Guide for further information. Having this feature available in the govuk-browser-extension could help raise awareness that this feature exists and make it a bit more accessible for all users with an interest in seeing the data, developers and performance analysts for example.