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Touch-screen device pattern #205

Open Pedro707 opened 4 years ago

Pedro707 commented 4 years ago


A design pattern for a touch only interaction using custom radio buttons.

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There is no precedent in the government design community for a large scale, public, touch only interaction.

Existing research indicates that touch-screen device usage requires almost no learning curve and those with low confidence in using a keyboard and mouse can successfully use a touch-screen.

We found in our research that 18% of the UK adults claiming benefits (1.2 million people) have low or no digital capability. We therefore need to design our interactions to cater for this range of digital ability, where a touch only solution is required.

Anything else

We developed this pattern as part of a check-in service for job centres (currently in Alpha) and our usability testing showed that users with a range of digital capability understood immediately this was a touch interaction and were able to use it successfully.

Design considerations and research.pdf

terrysimpson99 commented 4 years ago

The pattern is similar to the interface used in GP surgeries. Incidentally, the design considerations paper repeats the popular belief that touch target size has a relationship with finger size. That used to be the case with early touch technology using light beams. Research now suggests with modern touch technology, finger size and touch performance are independent of each other.

image Image taken from Henze, Rukzio and Boll (2011)

If finger size were a significant factor, there would be visible increase in errors where the target size is about the same as finger size. Error rate decreases as touch size increases. Designers don't have to consider finger size, they only have to decide what error rate is acceptable.

As I understand it.