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Native apps #275

Open christopherthomasdesign opened 1 year ago

christopherthomasdesign commented 1 year ago


Native mobile apps for government – things like the GOV.UK ID Check app and the HMRC app.

Use this space to share things like:

These findings could eventually lead to producing some guidance about designing apps "for GOV.UK".


There are a few UK government apps out there, and they use slightly different approaches. We've also heard from different teams asking if there's any guidance out there for designing government apps. It'd be good to share more of what we've learnt to bring a more consistent user experience to them.

CDDO have committed to creating a mobile app strategy as part of their 2022–25 roadmap for digital and data. This is at a very early stage at the time of writing (March 2023), and we don't know what shape it will take. But anything we gather here can be contributed to that strategy to make sure it reflects the knowledge and experience of teams working on apps.


Related links

jenbutongit commented 1 year ago

Apple has extensive documentation on building apps for iOS (or other apple platforms). There are also accessibility/usability guidelines, things like making sure a button's hitbox is >44pt x 44pt so it's easier to tap. Some of these will apply to android (like the button), but some will be apple specific. Also some docs (official apple docs seem to be outdated) on how to use the Accessibility Inspector.

In terms of switching from web to app or app to web, there will be a way to do this in both platforms. this is more technical documentation since there are security considerations especially if you are transferring any data between app <-> web at this point.

Although it may be slightly disconcerting using the exact same UI for both platforms, using a framework like flutter or react native will reduce some design/development cost. There is still a possibility that additional platform specific code to write, in which case you still need an iOS and Android developer, but there is less duplication. Serving an app which is mostly webframes (like the NHS app) is usually ok too when you want to dedupe work.

frankieroberto commented 1 year ago

Should apps have animated transitions between views? This is common for native apps (eg default Notes app on iPhone) but not common on the web.

stevenjmesser commented 1 year ago

Has anyone experimented with Web Push notifications for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS?

drenton commented 1 year ago

So timely. Ontario beginning to work on an app strategy.

Some early strategic principles/thoughts

(not totally sure where this is going, so maybe more scratch pad... so would welcome some feedback 🙏)

  1. Apps are not a replacement for website capability, they are a difference of kind, not degree—targeted and focused to very specific needs (how do we avoid the desire to turn the website into an app)??
  2. An experience designed specifically for use outside of the work and home setting i.e. on the go — in the community, while shopping, while in the car, in a park, at the border etc. where ease of use through apps vastly exceeds the best mobile web experience
  3. Government apps should be looked at as additive, unleashing unimagined potential to save time and improve the lives of people in Ontario.

Other considerations/thoughts

jenbutongit commented 1 year ago

Should apps have animated transitions between views? This is common for native apps (eg default Notes app on iPhone) but not common on the web.

@frankieroberto not necessarily for iOS. It depends on the type of navigation or action. In the case of the notes app you describe, when you navigate to a note, it's adding a new view to the navigation stack (imagine a stack of papers). When you hit back in the top left corner, you "pop" the view from the stack. You'd want to use this if there is a root view, something a user can eventually return back to. Given you're using SwiftUI or UIKit (out of the box UI classes) you do not have to add any additional animations, they come as the default (but you can change it) Similarly, you may want to use sheet actions (see adding a new contact) for short lived actions.

There is also tab navigation which typically doesn't animate anymore. But if the user can slide their thumb to move across the tabs, you might want to animate it as if they were dragging the views (although not required).

aislingbrock commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! I am a Senior Interaction Designer on the HMRC Mobile App team. The HMRC Mobile App has been around in its current form since 2016 so we've done a lot of work in this space. The app is available on both iOS and Android (we noticed only the Apple App Store is mentioned in the original post!). We have dedicated development teams for each platform that work closely together to ensure a consistent experience across platforms.

On the design side, have a design system that takes the GDS design system and marries it with both the Apple Human Interface Guidelines and the Android Material Design guidelines. This system has not only been used to create the HMRC Mobile App but has also been used to create internal proof-of-concept apps.

To answer some things I've spotted above:

Some of our recent findings that we've been really interested in is how apps fit within the cost of living crisis, especially with users on lower or variable incomes. We're finding fewer households have desktop or laptop computers as they come at a higher cost. Broadband is also increasing in cost. Whereas smartphones can be bought for less and mobile data in the UK isn't too expensive (certainly not as expensive as in Canada -- I'm Canadian, and moving to the UK has probably saved me hundreds of dollars in mobile data costs over the last 10 years haha). With the initial download and subsequent use of our app using overall less data than the web, we can see clear cost benefits to some of our users.

We're also big sticklers for accessibility. There's a lot to be said for how built-in accessibility tools on smart devices have changed the game in allowing users to customise their device environment and access information in a way that isn't as simple on desktop PCs which often require 3rd party software and websites which are tricky to override. We design our apps so these system settings persist within the app, and so the app works seamlessly with VoiceOver and TalkBack.

Also perhaps interestingly for our Canadian pals, we're in the process of providing the app in both English and Welsh! Since I am Canadian, one of my resources when looking at languages was to look for Canadian apps in both English and French. I didn't come across many which was likely either because I don't have access to all Canadian apps on the UK app store, or because Canadian bilingualism is so prevalent that there are standalone French language apps. So it's been interesting to look at bilingual (or potentially multilanguage) apps over the last few months.

As you can see, we could chat apps all day, and we have been waving this flag and hoping for updated guidance for quite some time! It will be nice to move past the argument of "should apps exist at all" which so often derails conversations about the work we have been doing! We really welcome further conversation and to share more of our knowledge.

We're on the x-gov Slack channel, or you can find me here, and I can put you in contact with one of our many other app experts who will be MORE THAN 'APPY to help. :)

frankieroberto commented 1 year ago

@jenbutongit thanks for the detailed explanation!

My question was partly motivated by the observation that, where a native app is mainly a wrapper for a web view, there's often no animations when following links, even if they're designed to look like native-style navigation. This kinda bugs me (although it took me a while to work out why these apps felt weird), but I’m not sure if this is an issue worth addressing or not?

I guess it comes down to whether or not to use native views or web views... 🤔

mattmachell commented 1 year ago

This is interesting. Does it indicate a change in strategy and roll back the intent of the classic blog post we're not appy ?

A lot of what I see in gov space mobile apps could easily just be a progressive web app, as they are just webviews in app wrappers. That is to say they aren't really doing anything that necessitates low level native api access, higher performance graphics, deep OS integration or any of the reasons you'd really want to use an app and thereby bind yourself to app-store policies and update cycles.

I guess I'm wondering on the intent and the user need you're looking to solve with this and what's driving it?

querkmachine commented 1 year ago

@mattmachell Not an area I'm involved in, so opinions my own: I don't think this is a change in strategy, as (at least in GDS) our intended use cases seem to be limited to places low/native-level API access is needed.

The most high-profile at the moment might be the planned One Login app, which will support biometric and NFC-based identity verification methods. Doing these purely in the web browser is currently either impractical, if not impossible.

The Web NFC specification is still a community draft, only available in Chromium on Android devices, and—to my knowledge—only supports the NDEF protocol, which isn't the same as the one typically used on identity documents like passports.

Biometric authentication has technically been possible on mobile browsers for some time, however have only recently become available to the 'mainstream' with the addition of Passkeys support in iOS 16.

As far as I know, there is no intention for apps to replace online equivalents or become the sole means of accessing government services—they're either being used as 'shortcuts' for services that are very frequently used (as the HMRC app is) or they're stopgaps where, unfortunately, the browser support just isn't there yet.

jenbutongit commented 1 year ago

@jenbutongit thanks for the detailed explanation!

My question was partly motivated by the observation that, where a native app is mainly a wrapper for a web view, there's often no animations when following links, even if they're designed to look like native-style navigation. This kinda bugs me (although it took me a while to work out why these apps felt weird), but I’m not sure if this is an issue worth addressing or not?

I guess it comes down to whether or not to use native views or web views... 🤔

Loading spinner is fairly standard procedure for native apps, but I concur, on a phone's browser you at least have some indication like a progress bar or spinner whilst the request is made but is often not implemented for apps-that-are-just-webviews-with-native-sprinkles. For tab navigation there aren't usually loading spinners but since it's native/some data stored on device, it feels more responsive when loading a page/tab, then the rest is loaded in via skeleton components or loading spinner.

I imagine most of this comes down to expertise in web development vs app development. If it's easier/cheaper for you to implement as web view, you probably don't have much choice.

To echo @querkmachine's sentiment, it's worth considering whether a web shortcut is fine or if you do actually need lower level app integration. in the case you do need a native app, you probably do just want them to go into the app, do the action, and then send them back to their browser.

In the cases that the native app ends up being really small, and doesn't really need any persistence, I wonder if app clips would be better? (Android have an equivalent also).

stevenjmesser commented 1 year ago

Hi @mattmachell, Tom’s blog post was written for that moment in time, the intent being that a focus on web standards and service design would lead to better government services. He noted that on Twitter and he also mentioned that things have since improved.

Blog posts aren’t recommended for publishing essential information or policy, that happens on GOV.‌UK. So you’ll have to keep an eye on CDDO’s latest documents and the aforementioned guidance on building an app in the Service Manual for changes in strategy. But as we said above, we’d like anything that our community has learned to feed into that strategy, so we’re collecting insights.

To be explicit, I don’t think anyone is saying that we should ignore web standards and focus on apps only.

stevenjmesser commented 1 year ago

I wanted to add Digital Identity's architectural decision record around cross-platform versus full native, as it has some good notes on user experience, accessibility and performance.

They have another repo for mobile accessibility too.

frankieroberto commented 1 year ago

I wanted to add Digital Identity's architectural decision record around cross-platform versus full native, as it has some good notes on user experience, accessibility and performance.

This link isn't public, unfortunately. Could you check with the team whether they'd be happy to copy and paste it here?

christopherthomasdesign commented 1 year ago

Chat with HMRC app team, 26/06/23

We had a great catch up last week with several of the HMRC app team. We shared our work in this space so far, got feedback on it, and learned more about their experiences designing a government app. Here are a few key principles and learnings they shared.

Visual design

User behaviour


Team processes

Links to HMRC’s app pattern libraries

dkindnes commented 10 months ago

I'm at the early stages of looking at how the Scottish Government Design System can advise / be used for native apps so have found this thread very helpful!

One question I had been pondering was whether a design system that has been built for responsive web sites should be used for native apps. Based on the above it seems like the current consensus is that it is better to maintain a separate resource that isn't linked but that tries to use the same design language of the design system in conjunction with established patterns provided by Apple and Android?

If this app pattern library is intended to be used by various teams should it be maintained by a central group?