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GOV.UK Design System Community Backlog
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Table #61

Open govuk-design-system opened 6 years ago

govuk-design-system commented 6 years ago

Use this issue to discuss this component in the GOV.UK Design System.

frankieroberto commented 6 years ago

I think it’s worth supporting a "sortable tables" pattern, whereby users can click on a column heading to re-sort the table by that column (and click again to reverse). This is useful for enabling people to quickly discover the maximum and minimum values.

This should also be discoverable, which can be achieved by making the the column header blue, with icons for sorted ascending, descending or not sorted.

Here’s an example from a live service:

timpaul commented 6 years ago

Thanks Frankie, sortable tables is definitely something services have needed in the past.

The GOV.UK Performance site has some examples of sortable tables

@LJWatson has also worked on accessible sortable tables:

frankieroberto commented 6 years ago

@timpaul nice, I should get around to publishing the code we use too. We had to support the additional complexity of tables with rowgroups (multiple <tbody> elements), eg (where the sort first sorts on the row group value, then sub-sorts on the values within that group).

One key thing we found is that whilst some patterns only contain an arrow icon on the currently-sorted column, this can lead to user confusion as the other column headers can be mis-interpreted as links (to pages explaining the column heading), and is also less discoverable. Adding a double-arrow (one pointing up, other other pointing down) helps avoid this.

stevenaproctor commented 6 years ago

Everyone seems to have their own understanding of when to use a table. A clear definition of tabular data would be great.

frankieroberto commented 6 years ago

I've made an initial release of our sortable table code here: – I've not done a review of how it compares with @LJWatson's code yet, but I expect it's fairly similar.

murfious commented 6 years ago

This improvement is about making table data work well for small screens and screen-readers.

Our tables are not optimised for small screens. They do not show all data, instead information flows out of view.

We can make changes to the UI to make it respond and show the data in a stack but when we do this the context of the data is lost unless we do more work.

Also for non-sighted users or for people using screen-readers table context is lost, as the ‘headings’ for data is at the top of a table. If the table is long or complex, referring back to these headers is a difficult task.

In the WRLS team we have done some UI work to optimise tables for mobile and small screens. We present the ‘stacked’ single column data with associated labels so that context is always present. On bigger screens we hide these labels but they are still then available for screen-readers.

Here is a link to a bug we have around tables not working for small screens

And a summery of related notes taken from a visit to the Digital Accessibility Centre in Neath where we showed the WRLS project to users with specific access needs and we saw and heard from them that our table data was not meeting a good standard of accessibility.

To achieve these flexible tables we made them using and styled them like tables. Also we did a bit of work to make sure that these tables work well when screenreaders are using them.

Examples of the flexible table UI are here: user: Water resource licensing service pass: abstraction

timpaul commented 6 years ago

GOV.UK Registers contains examples of sortable, scrollable tables

matthewrudy commented 6 years ago

I think it'd be worth adding an example of a table with html inside the cells.

Took me experimenting with swapping the nunjucks text: to html: to work out how to do it.

{{ govukTable({
  caption: "Text and Links",
  firstCellIsHeader: true,
  head: [
      text: "Text"
      text: "Link"
  rows: [
        text: "Example text"
        html: "<a href='#'>Example link</a>"
}) }}
accessiblewebuk commented 6 years ago

Currently tables expand automatically to full width. This creates problems for screen magnifier users (for example using Zoomtext). Where there is a significant amount of space between columns it can be difficult to keep track of relationships between the data cell and the row header. For example in the design system it shows: screen shot 2018-07-06 at 17 49 39 Zoomed in at a fairly modest level of magnification it could look like: screen shot 2018-07-06 at 17 52 56 and this means the user may have to do significant amounts of horizontal scrolling to establish relationships. The row borders are obviously a help, but it would be much better if the gaps were closed up.

JeremyHHY commented 6 years ago

Locking columns into view (or sticky columns) are not advisable as users using screen magnifiers can be blocked from viewing data columns by the locked column. This can be a common problem in large spreadsheets. I haven't seen too many tables online with locked or sticky columns, but it is definitely something to be aware of.

Freezing rows (sticky header rows) are ok to use, but are not exempt from this problem.

JeremyHHY commented 6 years ago

If a column has no data in it then it should be removed.

This helps with accessibility as it reduces the need for (further) horizontal scrolling if a user is using a screen magnifier.

JeremyHHY commented 6 years ago

Australian Design System chat regarding tables...

frankieroberto commented 6 years ago

I think there's definitely a case for 'sticky' header columns, as well as header rows (which are more common), especially for very large tables and specialist users.

That said, they're not yet easy to implement without some complex javascript.

For an example of where this does work, see Google Sheets, which has this as an option.

leekowalkowski-hmrc commented 5 years ago

I just added a comment to an accessibility checklist, but I think it belongs here:

Tables should only be as wide as the content within them (not 100% wide). Tables that are wider than they need to be make it difficult scan the rows, especially when magnified.

adamsilver commented 5 years ago

One gap with the table component is how they work on smaller screens. At the moment the table's width breaks the layout like this:


There are a number of options to consider such as:

(1) In the case of two or three column tables we could decide to use the “Check your answers” pattern that actually uses a <dl>

(2) To give the table container its own horizontal scroll bar with appropriate signifiers that this behaviour exists such as a fade out effect on the side.

(3) Using CSS to change the layout on small screens so that table headings are repeated for every row as described in Responsive table layouts

And for each of these options there maybe various usability and accessibility implications.

I'm not sure there is one size fits all but at the moment, a pretty major component of the Design System is lacking an opinion for a fairly common scenario.

stevenaproctor commented 5 years ago

@adamsilver Have a look at for a way of doing 3. This was done by @Fenwick17 in a service with a 4 or 5 column table of financial data. Code is available at

adamsilver commented 5 years ago

@stevenaproctor that's really helpful—what usability/accessibility testing has it had so far? (I see that there are some ticks against some screen readers.)

I notice that the inline headers are hidden using aria. One situation here which might be worth exploring is sighted screen reader users. In this case, the user sees a header for every row but doesn't hear it which might be disorientating.

stevenaproctor commented 5 years ago

@adamsilver I think there are visuallyhidden <span>s that solve this problem. @Fenwick17 knows more than me.

adamsilver commented 5 years ago

An example with horizontal scrolling on the table for smaller screens:

Fenwick17 commented 5 years ago

@adamsilver When you navigate to a cell such as '1 January 2017' It will be read out as 'Date, 1st January 2017'. So a sighted screen reader user will see a header on the left, as well as it being read out as they navigate the table. So they will hear the appropriate header for that piece of data.

robarmes commented 5 years ago
screen shot 2018-10-16 at 17 01 32 screen shot 2018-10-16 at 17 03 34

Hi @stevenaproctor thanks for the responsive tables link above looks ace, images are an example of how myself and @adamsilver have mocked this up on a project we are working on, something very similar and for financial data where a user is looking for a particular item in a table this works well labelling every column header next to the row data. I'll take a look at using the code from above.

But as previously said for users looking to compare data across a table another option might be better.

dashouse commented 5 years ago

Article with some useful information and examples

edwardhorsford commented 5 years ago

The table component doesn't handle really long strings of text with no spaces very well. screenshot 2019-02-21 at 11 59 36

@colinrotherham raised a pr for the summary list component two weeks ago to address this on that component - I wonder if a similar thing would be suitable here too.

leekowalkowski-hmrc commented 5 years ago

I don't receive alerts for the summary list component, so missed that. It's a shame they didn't make it opt-in for email addresses and URLs, because apart from unrealistic test data, those are the few situations this applies to. It's not worth applying the break-word property in blanket fashion because of how the unnecessary breaking of words in standard cases hinders readability:

edwardhorsford commented 5 years ago

@leekowalkowski-hmrc perhaps an opt-in class that can be applied as needed then?

Edit - I wonder if js will be the way it has to happen - we won't always know in advance if a field will have really long text.

Example: My service collects a fair amount of paragraphs of text in textareas. Users may include urls in these paragraphs of text. So I'd be minded to try to break those urls. I obviously don't want the case from your example above where a paragraph of text breaks in the middle of regular words.

leekowalkowski-hmrc commented 5 years ago

Actually no, standards have improved, it's overflow-wrap we need:

edwardhorsford commented 5 years ago

I've now suggested the summary list fix be reverted (#1211).

Hopefully we can come up with a better fix (js or otherwise) that can replace it.

antimega commented 4 years ago

To record the original GOV.UK design decision to remove the zebra striping:

We saw in user research that users were inferring that the background colours meant something ie there was a grouping that was important that was not mentioned anywhere. There are also more contrast issues to worry about. Doing row by row interactive highlights makes more sense (but of course doesn’t help on mobile).

terrysimpson99 commented 4 years ago

There's a broken link on this page where says "Use this issue to discuss this component in the GOV.UK Design System.". Can somebody update it?

synergy-mark commented 4 years ago

Over the past 6 months, the HMRC Classic Services teams in Manchester and Telford have been undertaking a UI refresh of the services they maintain to be in line with the GOV.UK Design System, within the PAYE Expenses and Benefits service, one use case if to view a table of Employees of an organisation that are available for adding expenses and benefits.

Example: image

The table is sortable by column, but as there is no pattern for this in the design system, links within the table header row have been used to select the column to be sorted on. This causes confusion when it comes to accessibility and screen readers, so a standard accessible pattern would be useful.

I have found an accessible example from Deque University code examples that may be a good starting point:

adamsilver commented 4 years ago

@synergy-mark The MOJ Design System has sortable tables which is accessible:

synergy-mark commented 4 years ago

@adamsilver Thanks. I was asked by @frankieroberto to add a comment explaining our use case, as they may be tempted to add sortable tables to the design system.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Noticed a bug when viewing a table on Firefox, it doesn't show the border bottom. The issue seems to be around the "border-collaspe" property, by setting it to collaspe it doesn't work but if you change it to seperate it works.

Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 06 36 42 Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 06 37 04 Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 06 37 13
hannalaakso commented 4 years ago

Hi @mgearon-ch thanks a lot for your comment 👍 Are you able to replicate the problem on the table example in the Design System itself? If yes, which OS and version of Firefox are you using? Could you also specify which element is missing the border bottom, this wasn't quite clear to me from the screenshot.

ghost commented 4 years ago

@hannalaakso No it's fine on the design system, I think it's my fault as I'm using 2.12.0 frontend so it probaly has been resolved since so I just need to update my prototype. But I am seeing the issue on MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 and Firefox 72.0.2

hannalaakso commented 4 years ago

@mgearon-ch Thanks for clarifying. I'm not going to take any action right now as it sounds like this might not be a bug in the Design System component. But if you find otherwise please feel free to open an issue and we can investigate 👍

edwardhorsford commented 4 years ago

Sharing some work I did in the Prototype kit that might be useful to others using the table macro.

I find working with / manipulating the data needed for the govukTable to be tricky. I recently had a large table to update - and going from google sheet > govukTable is a pain.

I made a nunjucks filter to go from csv or array to the form needed by the govukTable. It's not as flexible as the native govukTable json format, but much easier to work with (and suits my simple tables).

A possible suggestion for the design system (or maybe the kit) would be to consider supporting simpler / alternate data formats. Either by testing the provided data, or offering explicit csvRows / arrayRows attributes that can be used instead of rows

joelanman commented 4 years ago

From memory one of the tricky issues with the macro as it stands is it requires all items to be in the form {'text': 'my text'} or {'html': '<p>my html</p>. So it can't just take a more basic form of arrays of arrays.

Take the example in the Design System:

rows: [
        text: "First 6 weeks"
        text: "£109.80 per week"
        text: "Next 33 weeks"
        text: "£109.80 per week"
        text: "Total estimated pay"
        text: "£4,282.20"

Could possibly be:

rows: [
    ["First 6 weeks", "£109.80 per week"],
    ["Next 33 weeks", "£109.80 per week"],
    ["Total estimated pay", "£4,282.20"]
edwardhorsford commented 4 years ago

We've got a use case where we want to right align a column. It would be helpful for a generic class that does this.

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 11 57 41

govuk-table__header--numeric aligns a column right, but has the wrong name. Put another way, numeric entries are not the only reason you might want to align something right.

matthewford commented 4 years ago

re: zebra striping.

The trade tariff uses it, we have lots of data, I wonder if the volume of data makes an impact on the experience?

Fenwick17 commented 4 years ago

@adamsilver Have a look at for a way of doing 3. This was done by @Fenwick17 in a service with a 4 or 5 column table of financial data. Code is available at

I have made a few improvements to this as part of the work I am doing on NHS Frontend. Most notably swapping to using role="table" which is more appropriate. There is also a modifier for word wrapping which could come in handy for extra long strings that do not auto wrap. or user: nhsuk pass: tables

joelanman commented 4 years ago

a roundup of tables and accessibility:

Dean-A-Smith commented 3 years ago

The Canadian government's Web Experience Toolkit project have a thread about how to indicate "no data" for empty cells in tables -

The (slightly shaky) consensus there seems to be that, where a table cell is missing data:

jbuller commented 3 years ago

Potentially useful reference on "the bare minimum you need to make a WCAG-compliant responsive HTML table."

edwardhorsford commented 2 years ago

A minor need we've had - to be able to turn off the last bottom border. This is because the table sits within an accordion, and the accordion sections already have borders between each section.


Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 16 17 03

Our solution was this css:

.app-table__in-accordion tr:last-child td {
  border-bottom: none;
samantharwright commented 1 year ago

Does anyone have insight on why the first column values are styled as column headers and made bold on the Gov design system?

The NHS design system table does not make these bold and are styled the same as the second column:

querkmachine commented 1 year ago

@samantharsaw All of the examples in our documentation are two-dimensional tables, where the 'heading' for a cell is a combination of both the column and row header.

To pull from the table you linked: The "Amount" for the "First 6 weeks" is "£109.80 per week".

Both row and column headers should be marked up in certain ways so that assistive technologies understand them. If either "Amount" or "First 6 weeks" were omitted, a screen reader user may not understand what the context of "£109.80 per week" is or what it means. We show both column and row headers in bold to make this clearer to sighted users too.

I'm interested if the NHS design system folks have any specific reason for not using row headers, as it seems like they should exist—especially on their other example, where it is possible for a screen reader user to hear that they should give "200mg to 400mg" of ibuprofen, without necessarily hearing what age group that applies to!

samanthasawdfe commented 1 year ago

Has anyone worked on a table with two headers? All the table examples on the design system have a one header row. However I've been looking at tables with a row header and a column header and found an example on the W3 org site: Has anyone worked on creating an accessible example of a table like this using the kit?

RoxanneGux commented 1 year ago

Hi there. I'm interested in following developments for adjusting the table UI according to breakpoints. I saw above in comments troubles on smaller screens. At this Asset Management company I work for, the UX team is investigating moving from columns(true table) to list view for the XS and S bootstrap breakpoint widths. Has the GOV UK design system had movement on a UI adjustment for the XS and S breakpoints ? I'd love to see the result. This is what we are playing with so far: Group 1

querkmachine commented 1 year ago

Hi @RoxanneGux,

Determining whether a table needs to be responsive, and the most appropriate method of doing so, is largely dependent on the actual contents of the table.

For example:

As it's so contextual, with no obvious one-size-fits-all answer, we don't provide any particular code or guidance for making tables responsive. It's really up to what works best for the data.

Hope that helps!