alphagov / govuk-frontend

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Limiting content width when using wider page layouts #1656

Open edwardhorsford opened 4 years ago

edwardhorsford commented 4 years ago

Raising this as it's something we've come across and perhaps other teams would too.

My service is about to move to a wider default page width - 1200px. We do this to accommodate our service's needs and take advantage of our users having more screen real estate.

In moving to 1200px width, it means lines of content inside a 2/3 column now become too long.

The design system site itself solves this by setting max width on specific elements.

We've done similar, but set a fixed width of 722px for all elements.

Should these max-widths on content lines be set by default?


Given the design system supports other widths, I wonder if one of the following might happen:

  1. Review guidance on width in grid system - would be good to mention explicitly that services will need to limit content lines.
  2. Include styles to limit specific items to no more than x width.

NB - the design system has 'Limiting width of content' - but this is not specific about textual content - which could possibly be covered separately.


As well as the elements the design system site limits, we're also considering following elements:

edwardhorsford commented 4 years ago

I've gone through the design system site, and I think these are the classes a team might want to set a max width on:


Spitballing: I wonder if it's possible to provide a macro or something for targeting these?

govuk-inset-text is a bit awkard as it targets the component and not the contents - which might not need limiting. But since the component doesn't expose anything else, it would have to do.

Edit: Table / summary list items should also probably be included, but I'm not sure if that would break layout or not.

chrimesdev commented 4 years ago

In the NHS.UK frontend, we have something known as a "reading width" utility class, which does this. We did some research a while back and found the optimum amount of characters for reading was around 70-80 characters per line, so calculated the max-width with our typography sizing. This would probably work for components too.

You can see the reading width guidance and example here:

The code can be found here: and

Don't know if you'd find this approach useful, rather than having apply a max width to each of the components. I suppose this gives a bit more control to the user.

NickColley commented 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing that @AdamChrimes, very useful.

A related feature request has come up before too:

edwardhorsford commented 4 years ago

@AdamChrimes thanks, good to see I'm not alone in wanting this.

In my case I've gone for pixels rather than ems because I also want things to align visually - and using ems I think you'd have headings wider than than body.

Applying max-width to the classes is easier for me as it means touching less of our templates - but we should consider whether a utility class would be more appropriate. Or scoping the changes to children of a parent container.

Doing this has thrown up that I need to do:


As the fixed width classes have the same specificity as govuk-input. For preference I think they should probably be more specific / use !important.

It's also highlighted some issues in our service where we were using one of the above classes to get the css, but on a non content-containing element (eg using govuk-body on a div).