alphagov / govuk-frontend

GOV.UK Frontend contains the code you need to start building a user interface for government platforms and services.
MIT License
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[SPIKE] Assess template divergence between 4.8.0 and main #5048

Closed romaricpascal closed 3 months ago

romaricpascal commented 3 months ago

[!WARNING] Do not merge! This PR is only up to take advantage of GitHub actions and our diff commenting capabilities.

Adds a temporary workspace with a script to diff templates in 4.8.0 and main to assess how much they diverged and runs a GitHub action to comment resulting diffs on the PR for easier visibility.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

:clipboard: Stats

File sizes

File Size
dist/govuk-frontend-development.min.css 113.37 KiB
dist/govuk-frontend-development.min.js 42.34 KiB
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/all.bundle.js 88.16 KiB
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/all.bundle.mjs 82.83 KiB
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/all.mjs 981 B
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/govuk-frontend-component.mjs 359 B
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/govuk-frontend.min.css 113.36 KiB
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/govuk-frontend.min.js 42.33 KiB
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/i18n.mjs 5.55 KiB
packages/govuk-frontend/dist/govuk/init.mjs 4.86 KiB


File Size (bundled) Size (minified)
all.mjs 78.45 KiB 40.31 KiB
accordion.mjs 22.71 KiB 12.85 KiB
button.mjs 5.98 KiB 2.69 KiB
character-count.mjs 22.4 KiB 9.92 KiB
checkboxes.mjs 5.83 KiB 2.83 KiB
error-summary.mjs 7.89 KiB 3.46 KiB
exit-this-page.mjs 17.1 KiB 9.26 KiB
header.mjs 4.46 KiB 2.6 KiB
notification-banner.mjs 6.26 KiB 2.62 KiB
password-input.mjs 15.15 KiB 7.25 KiB
radios.mjs 4.83 KiB 2.38 KiB
skip-link.mjs 4.39 KiB 2.18 KiB
tabs.mjs 10.13 KiB 6.11 KiB

View stats and visualisations on the review app

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: accordion.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../../macros/i18n.njk" import govukI18nAttributes %}
< {%- macro _accordionItem(params, item, index) %}
<   {%- set headingLevel = params.headingLevel if params.headingLevel else 2 %}
<   <div class="govuk-accordion__section {%- if item.expanded %} govuk-accordion__section--expanded{% endif %}">
<     <div class="govuk-accordion__section-header">
<       <h{{ headingLevel }} class="govuk-accordion__section-heading">
<         <span class="govuk-accordion__section-button" id="{{ }}-heading-{{ index }}">
<           {{ item.heading.html | safe | trim | indent(8) if item.heading.html else item.heading.text }}
<         </span>
<       </h{{ headingLevel }}>
<       {% if item.summary.html or item.summary.text %}
<       <div class="govuk-accordion__section-summary govuk-body" id="{{ }}-summary-{{ index }}">
<         {{ item.summary.html | safe | trim | indent(8) if item.summary.html else item.summary.text }}
<       </div>
<       {% endif %}
<     </div>
<     <div id="{{ }}-content-{{ index }}" class="govuk-accordion__section-content">
<     {% if item.content.html %}
<       {{ item.content.html | safe | trim | indent(6) }}
<     {% elif item.content.text %}
<       <p class="govuk-body">
<         {{ item.content.text | trim | indent(8) }}
<       </p>
<     {% endif %}
<     </div>
<   </div>
< {% endmacro -%}
< <div class="govuk-accordion {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" data-module="govuk-accordion" id="{{ }}"
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'hide-all-sections',
<     message: params.hideAllSectionsText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'hide-section',
<     message: params.hideSectionText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'hide-section-aria-label',
<     message: params.hideSectionAriaLabelText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'show-all-sections',
<     message: params.showAllSectionsText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'show-section',
<     message: params.showSectionText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'show-section-aria-label',
<     message: params.showSectionAriaLabelText
<   }) -}}
> {% set id = %}
> {% set headingLevel = params.headingLevel if params.headingLevel else 2 %}
> <div class="govuk-accordion {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif -%}" data-module="govuk-accordion" id="{{ id }}"
>   {%- if params.hideAllSectionsText %} data-i18n.hide-all-sections="{{ params.hideAllSectionsText | escape }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.hideSectionText %} data-i18n.hide-section="{{ params.hideSectionText | escape }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.hideSectionAriaLabelText %} data-i18n.hide-section-aria-label="{{ params.hideSectionAriaLabelText | escape }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.showAllSectionsText %}"{{ params.showAllSectionsText | escape }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.showSectionText %}"{{ params.showSectionText | escape }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.showSectionAriaLabelText %}"{{ params.showSectionAriaLabelText | escape }}"{% endif %}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
<     {% if item %}{{ _accordionItem(params, item, loop.index) }}{% endif %}
>     {% if item %}
>       <div class="govuk-accordion__section {%- if item.expanded %} govuk-accordion__section--expanded{% endif %}">
>         <div class="govuk-accordion__section-header">
>           <h{{ headingLevel }} class="govuk-accordion__section-heading">
>             <span class="govuk-accordion__section-button" id="{{ id }}-heading-{{ loop.index }}">
>               {{ item.heading.html | safe if item.heading.html else item.heading.text }}
>             </span>
>           </h{{ headingLevel }}>
>           {% if item.summary.html or item.summary.text %}
>             <div class="govuk-accordion__section-summary govuk-body" id="{{ id }}-summary-{{ loop.index }}">
>               {{ item.summary.html | safe if item.summary.html else item.summary.text }}
>             </div>
>           {% endif %}
>         </div>
>         <div id="{{ id }}-content-{{ loop.index }}" class="govuk-accordion__section-content" aria-labelledby="{{ id }}-heading-{{ loop.index }}">
>           {% if item.content.html %}
>             {{ item.content.html | safe }}
>           {% elif item.content.text %}
>             <p class="govuk-body">{{ item.content.text }}</p>
>           {% endif %}
>         </div>
>       </div>
>     {% endif %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: back-link.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <a href="{{ params.href | default('#') }}" class="govuk-back-link {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {{- params.html | safe if params.html else (params.text | default("Back")) -}}
< </a>
> <a href="{%- if params.href %}{{ params.href }}{% else %}#{% endif -%}" class="govuk-back-link{%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif -%}"
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>{{ (params.html | safe if params.html else (params.text if params.text else 'Back')) }}</a>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: breadcrumbs.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {#- Set classes for this component #}
> {# Set classes for this component #}
< <div class="{{ classNames }}" {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
> <div class="{{classNames}}"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
< {% for item in params.items %}
<   {% if item.href %}
>   {% for item in params.items %}
>     {% if item.href %}
<       <a class="govuk-breadcrumbs__link" href="{{ item.href }}" {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<         {{- item.html | safe if item.html else item.text -}}
<       </a>
<     </li>
<   {% else %}
<     <li class="govuk-breadcrumbs__list-item" aria-current="page">
<       {{- item.html | safe if item.html else item.text -}}
>       <a class="govuk-breadcrumbs__link" href="{{ item.href }}"{% for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>{{ item.html | safe if item.html else item.text }}</a>
<   {% endif %}
< {% endfor %}
>     {% else %}
>     <li class="govuk-breadcrumbs__list-item" aria-current="page">{{ item.html | safe if item.html else item.text }}</li>
>     {% endif %}
>   {% endfor %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: button.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {#- Set classes for this component #}
> {# Set classes for this component #}
> {% if params.disabled %}
>   {% set classNames = classNames + " govuk-button--disabled" %}
> {% endif -%}
< {%- if params.isStartButton %}
<   {% set classNames = classNames + " govuk-button--start" %}
< {% endif %}
< {#- Determine type of element to use, if not explicitly set #}
> {# Determine type of element to use, if not explicitly set #}
< {%- macro _startIcon() %}
<   {#- The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does not
<   treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be
<   'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate. #}
<   <svg class="govuk-button__start-icon" xmlns="" width="17.5" height="19" viewBox="0 0 33 40" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
<     <path fill="currentColor" d="M0 0h13l20 20-20 20H0l20-20z"/>
<   </svg>
< {%- endmacro -%}
> {% if params.isStartButton %}
>   {% set iconHtml %}
> {#- The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does not
> treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be
> 'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate. #}
> <svg class="govuk-button__start-icon" xmlns="" width="17.5" height="19" viewBox="0 0 33 40" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">
>   <path fill="currentColor" d="M0 0h13l20 20-20 20H0l20-20z"/>
> </svg>
>   {% endset %}
>   {% set classNames = classNames + " govuk-button--start" %}
> {% endif %}
< {%- set commonAttributes %} class="{{ classNames }}" data-module="govuk-button" {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) -}} {% if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %}{% endset %}
> {%- set commonAttributes %} class="{{ classNames }}" data-module="govuk-button"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}{% if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %}{% endset %}
< {%- set buttonAttributes %}{% if %} name="{{ }}"{% endif %}{% if params.disabled %} disabled aria-disabled="true"{% endif %}{% if params.preventDoubleClick !== undefined %} data-prevent-double-click="{{ params.preventDoubleClick }}"{% endif %}{% endset %}
> {%- set buttonAttributes %}{% if %} name="{{ }}"{% endif %}{% if params.disabled %} disabled="disabled" aria-disabled="true"{% endif %}{% if params.preventDoubleClick !== undefined %} data-prevent-double-click="{{params.preventDoubleClick}}"{% endif %}{% endset %}
<   {{ params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text }}
<   {{- _startIcon() | safe if params.isStartButton }}
>   {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}
> {# Indentation is intentional to output HTML nicely #}
> {{- iconHtml | safe | trim | indent(2, true) if iconHtml -}}
< <button {%- if params.value %} value="{{ params.value }}"{% endif %} type="{{ params.type if params.type else 'submit' }}" {{- buttonAttributes | safe }} {{- commonAttributes | safe }}>
<   {{ params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text }}
<   {{- _startIcon() | safe if params.isStartButton }}
> <button {%- if params.value %} value="{{ params.value }}"{% endif %}{%- if params.type %} type="{{ params.type }}"{% endif %} {{- buttonAttributes | safe }} {{- commonAttributes | safe }}>
>   {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}
> {# Indentation is intentional to output HTML nicely #}
> {{- iconHtml | safe | trim | indent(2, true) if iconHtml -}}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: character-count.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../../macros/i18n.njk" import govukI18nAttributes %}
> {% from "../../macros/i18n.njk" import govukPluralisedI18nAttributes %}
< {#-
<   If the limit is set in JavaScript, we won't be able to interpolate the message
<   until JavaScript, so we only set a text if the `maxlength` or `maxwords` options
<   were provided to the macro.
< #}
< {%- set hasNoLimit = (not params.maxwords and not params.maxlength) -%}
< {%- set textareaDescriptionLength = params.maxwords or params.maxlength -%}
< {%- set textareaDescriptionText = params.textareaDescriptionText or 'You can enter up to %{count} ' + ('words' if params.maxwords else 'characters') -%}
< {%- set textareaDescriptionTextNoLimit = textareaDescriptionText | replace('%{count}', textareaDescriptionLength) if not hasNoLimit -%}
< {%- set countMessageHtml %}
< {{ govukHint({
<   text: textareaDescriptionTextNoLimit,
<   id: + '-info',
<   classes: 'govuk-character-count__message' + (' ' + params.countMessage.classes if params.countMessage.classes)
< }) | trim }}
< {% if params.formGroup.afterInput %}
<   {{- params.formGroup.afterInput.html | safe | trim if params.formGroup.afterInput.html else params.formGroup.afterInput.text }}
< {% endif -%}
< {% endset -%}
> {%- set hasNoLimit = (not params.maxwords and not params.maxlength) %}
< {%- set attributesHtml %}
<   {{- govukAttributes({
<     "data-module": "govuk-character-count",
<     "data-maxlength": {
<       value: params.maxlength,
<       optional: true
<     },
<     "data-threshold": {
<       value: params.threshold,
<       optional: true
> <div class="govuk-character-count" data-module="govuk-character-count"
> {%- if params.maxlength %} data-maxlength="{{ params.maxlength }}"{% endif %}
> {%- if params.threshold %} data-threshold="{{ params.threshold }}"{% endif %}
> {%- if params.maxwords %} data-maxwords="{{ params.maxwords }}"{% endif %}
> {#
>   Without maxlength or maxwords, we can't guess if the component will count words or characters.
>   We can't guess a default textarea description to be interpolated in JavaScript
>   once the maximum gets configured there.
>   So we only add the attribute if a textarea description was explicitely provided.
> #}
> {%- if hasNoLimit and params.textareaDescriptionText %}{{govukPluralisedI18nAttributes('textarea-description', {other: params.textareaDescriptionText})}}{% endif %}
> {%- if params.charactersUnderLimitText %}{{govukPluralisedI18nAttributes('characters-under-limit', params.charactersUnderLimitText)}}{% endif %}
> {%- if params.charactersAtLimitText %} data-i18n.characters-at-limit="{{ params.charactersAtLimitText | escape}}"{% endif %}
> {%- if params.charactersOverLimitText %}{{govukPluralisedI18nAttributes('characters-over-limit', params.charactersOverLimitText)}}{% endif %}
> {%- if params.wordsUnderLimitText %}{{govukPluralisedI18nAttributes('words-under-limit', params.wordsUnderLimitText)}}{% endif %}
> {%- if params.wordsAtLimitText %} data-i18n.words-at-limit="{{ params.wordsAtLimitText | escape}}"{% endif %}
> {%- if params.wordsOverLimitText %}{{govukPluralisedI18nAttributes('words-over-limit', params.wordsOverLimitText)}}{% endif %}>
>   {{ govukTextarea({
>     id:,
>     name:,
>     describedBy: + '-info',
>     rows: params.rows,
>     spellcheck: params.spellcheck,
>     value: params.value,
>     formGroup: params.formGroup,
>     classes: 'govuk-js-character-count' + (' ' + params.classes if params.classes),
>     label: {
>       html: params.label.html,
>       text: params.label.text,
>       classes: params.label.classes,
>       isPageHeading: params.label.isPageHeading,
>       attributes: params.label.attributes,
>       for:
<     "data-maxwords": {
<       value: params.maxwords,
<       optional: true
<     }
<   }) -}}
<   {#-
<     Without maxlength or maxwords, we can't guess if the component will count words or characters.
<     We can't guess a default textarea description to be interpolated in JavaScript
<     once the maximum gets configured there.
<     So we only add the attribute if a textarea description was explicitely provided.
>     hint: params.hint,
>     errorMessage: params.errorMessage,
>     attributes: params.attributes
>   }) }}
>   {%- set textareaDescriptionLength = params.maxwords or params.maxlength %}
>   {%- set textareaDescriptionText = params.textareaDescriptionText or 'You can enter up to %{count} ' + ('words' if params.maxwords else 'characters') %}
>   {#
>     If the limit is set in JavaScript, we won't be able to interpolate the message
>     until JavaScript, so we only set a text if the `maxlength` or `maxwords` options
>     were provided to the macro.
<   {%- if hasNoLimit and params.textareaDescriptionText %}
<     {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<       key: 'textarea-description',
<       messages: { other: params.textareaDescriptionText }
<     }) -}}
<   {% endif -%}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'characters-under-limit',
<     messages: params.charactersUnderLimitText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'characters-at-limit',
<     message: params.charactersAtLimitText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'characters-over-limit',
<     messages: params.charactersOverLimitText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'words-under-limit',
<     messages: params.wordsUnderLimitText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'words-at-limit',
<     message: params.wordsAtLimitText
<   }) -}}
<   {{- govukI18nAttributes({
<     key: 'words-over-limit',
<     messages: params.wordsOverLimitText
<   }) -}}
< {% endset -%}
< {#- Append form group attributes onto attributes set above #}
< {%- for name, value in params.formGroup.attributes %}
<   {% set attributesHtml = attributesHtml + " " + name | escape + '="' + value | escape + '"' %}
< {% endfor -%}
< {{ govukTextarea({
<   id:,
<   name:,
<   describedBy: + '-info',
<   rows: params.rows,
<   spellcheck: params.spellcheck,
<   value: params.value,
<   formGroup: {
<     classes: 'govuk-character-count' + (' ' + params.formGroup.classes if params.formGroup.classes),
<     attributes: attributesHtml,
<     beforeInput: params.formGroup.beforeInput,
<     afterInput: {
<       html: countMessageHtml
<     }
<   },
<   classes: 'govuk-js-character-count' + (' ' + params.classes if params.classes),
<   label: {
<     html: params.label.html,
<     text: params.label.text,
<     classes: params.label.classes,
<     isPageHeading: params.label.isPageHeading,
<     attributes: params.label.attributes,
<     for:
<   },
<   hint: params.hint,
<   errorMessage: params.errorMessage,
<   attributes: params.attributes
< }) | trim }}
>   {{ govukHint({
>     text: ((textareaDescriptionText) | replace('%{count}', textareaDescriptionLength) if not hasNoLimit),
>     id: + '-info',
>     classes: 'govuk-character-count__message' + (' ' + params.countMessage.classes if params.countMessage.classes)
>   }) }}
> </div>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: checkboxes.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< {%- macro _checkboxItem(params, item, index) %}
<   {#- If the user explicitly sets an id, use this instead of the regular idPrefix -#}
<   {#- The first id should not have a number suffix so it's easy to link to from the error summary component -#}
<   {% set itemId = if else idPrefix + ("-" + index if index > 1 else "") %}
<   {% set itemName = if else %}
<   {% set conditionalId = "conditional-" + itemId %}
<   {%- if item.divider %}
<     <div class="govuk-checkboxes__divider">{{ item.divider }}</div>
<   {% else %}
<     {% set isChecked = item.checked | default((item.value in params.values and item.checked != false) if params.values else false, true) %}
<     {% set hasHint = true if item.hint.text or item.hint.html %}
<     {% set itemHintId = itemId + "-item-hint" if hasHint else "" %}
<     {% set itemDescribedBy = describedBy if not hasFieldset else "" %}
<     {% set itemDescribedBy = (itemDescribedBy + " " + itemHintId) | trim %}
<     <div class="govuk-checkboxes__item">
<       <input class="govuk-checkboxes__input" id="{{ itemId }}" name="{{ itemName }}" type="checkbox" value="{{ item.value }}"
<         {{-" checked" if isChecked }}
<         {{-" disabled" if item.disabled }}
<         {%- if item.conditional.html %} data-aria-controls="{{ conditionalId }}"{% endif -%}
<         {%- if item.behaviour %} data-behaviour="{{ item.behaviour }}"{% endif -%}
<         {%- if itemDescribedBy %} aria-describedby="{{ itemDescribedBy }}"{% endif -%}
<         {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<       {{ govukLabel({
<         html: item.html,
<         text: item.text,
<         classes: 'govuk-checkboxes__label' + (' ' + item.label.classes if item.label.classes),
<         attributes: item.label.attributes,
<         for: itemId
<       }) | trim | indent(6) }}
<       {% if hasHint %}
<       {{ govukHint({
<         id: itemHintId,
<         classes: 'govuk-checkboxes__hint' + (' ' + item.hint.classes if item.hint.classes),
<         attributes: item.hint.attributes,
<         html: item.hint.html,
<         text: item.hint.text
<       }) | trim | indent(6) }}
<       {% endif %}
<     </div>
<     {% if item.conditional.html %}
<     <div class="govuk-checkboxes__conditional {%- if not isChecked %} govuk-checkboxes__conditional--hidden{% endif %}" id="{{ conditionalId }}">
<       {{ item.conditional.html | safe | trim }}
<     </div>
<     {% endif %}
<   {% endif %}
< {% endmacro -%}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<     {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }} data-module="govuk-checkboxes">
<     {% if params.formGroup.beforeInputs %}
<     {{ params.formGroup.beforeInputs.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.formGroup.beforeInputs.html else params.formGroup.beforeInputs.text }}
<     {% endif %}
>     {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}
>     data-module="govuk-checkboxes">
<         {{- _checkboxItem(params, item, loop.index) -}}
>         {#- If the user explicitly sets an id, use this instead of the regular idPrefix -#}
>         {%- if -%}
>           {%- set id = -%}
>         {%- else -%}
>           {#- The first id should not have a number suffix so it's easy to link to from the error summary component -#}
>           {%- if loop.first -%}
>             {%- set id = idPrefix %}
>           {% else %}
>             {%- set id = idPrefix + "-" + loop.index -%}
>           {%- endif -%}
>         {%- endif -%}
>         {% set name = if else %}
>         {% set conditionalId = "conditional-" + id %}
>         {%- if item.divider %}
>           <div class="govuk-checkboxes__divider">{{ item.divider }}</div>
>         {%- else %}
>           {% set isChecked = item.checked | default(params.values and item.value in params.values) %}
>           {% set hasHint = true if item.hint.text or item.hint.html %}
>           {% set itemHintId = id + "-item-hint" if hasHint else "" %}
>           {% set itemDescribedBy = describedBy if not hasFieldset else "" %}
>           {% set itemDescribedBy = (itemDescribedBy + " " + itemHintId) | trim %}
>           <div class="govuk-checkboxes__item">
>             <input class="govuk-checkboxes__input" id="{{ id }}" name="{{ name }}" type="checkbox" value="{{ item.value }}"
>             {{-" checked" if isChecked }}
>             {{-" disabled" if item.disabled }}
>             {%- if item.conditional.html %} data-aria-controls="{{ conditionalId }}"{% endif -%}
>             {%- if item.behaviour %} data-behaviour="{{ item.behaviour }}"{% endif -%}
>             {%- if itemDescribedBy %} aria-describedby="{{ itemDescribedBy }}"{% endif -%}
>             {%- for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor -%}>
>             {{ govukLabel({
>               html: item.html,
>               text: item.text,
>               classes: 'govuk-checkboxes__label' + (' ' + item.label.classes if item.label.classes),
>               attributes: item.label.attributes,
>               for: id
>             }) | indent(6) | trim }}
>             {% if hasHint %}
>             {{ govukHint({
>               id: itemHintId,
>               classes: 'govuk-checkboxes__hint' + (' ' + item.hint.classes if item.hint.classes),
>               attributes: item.hint.attributes,
>               html: item.hint.html,
>               text: item.hint.text
>             }) | indent(6) | trim }}
>             {% endif %}
>           </div>
>           {% if item.conditional.html %}
>             <div class="govuk-checkboxes__conditional{% if not isChecked %} govuk-checkboxes__conditional--hidden{% endif %}" id="{{ conditionalId }}">
>               {{ item.conditional.html | safe }}
>             </div>
>           {% endif %}
>         {% endif %}
<     {% if params.formGroup.afterInputs %}
<     {{ params.formGroup.afterInputs.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.formGroup.afterInputs.html else params.formGroup.afterInputs.text }}
<     {% endif %}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
< {% if hasFieldset %}
<   {{ govukFieldset({
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
> {% if params.fieldset %}
>   {% call govukFieldset({
<     legend: params.fieldset.legend,
<     html: innerHtml | trim
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>     legend: params.fieldset.legend
>   }) %}
>   {{ innerHtml | trim | safe }}
>   {% endcall %}
<   {{ innerHtml | safe | trim }}
>   {{ innerHtml | trim | safe }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: cookie-banner.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< <div class="govuk-cookie-banner {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" data-nosnippet role="region" aria-label="{{ params.ariaLabel | default("Cookie banner", true) }}"
> <div class="govuk-cookie-banner {{ params.classes if params.classes }}" data-nosnippet role="region" aria-label="{{ params.ariaLabel | default("Cookie banner") }}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {% for message in params.messages %}
<   <div class="govuk-cookie-banner__message {%- if message.classes %} {{ message.classes }}{% endif %} govuk-width-container" {%- if message.role %} role="{{ message.role }}"{% endif %}
<     {{- govukAttributes(message.attributes) -}}
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>   {%- for message in params.messages %}
>     {% set classNames = "govuk-cookie-banner__message govuk-width-container" %}
>     {% if message.classes %}
>       {% set classNames = classNames + " " + message.classes %}
>     {% endif %}
>     <div class="{{classNames}}" {%- if message.role %} role="{{message.role}}"{% endif %}
>     {%- for attribute, value in message.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}
<           {{ message.headingHtml | safe | trim | indent(10) if message.headingHtml else message.headingText }}
>           {%- if message.headingHtml -%}
>             {{ message.headingHtml | safe }}
>           {%- else -%}
>             {{ message.headingText }}
>           {%- endif -%}
<           {% if message.html %}
<           {{ message.html | safe | trim | indent(10) }}
<           {% elif message.text %}
<           <p class="govuk-body">{{ message.text }}</p>
<           {% endif %}
>           {%- if message.html -%}
>             {{ message.html | safe }}
>           {%- elif message.text -%}
>             <p class="govuk-body">{{ message.text }}</p>
>           {%- endif -%}
<     {% if message.actions %}
<     <div class="govuk-button-group">
<     {% for action in message.actions %}
<       {% set buttonHtml -%}
<         {% if not action.href or action.type == "button" %}
<           {{ govukButton({
<             "text": action.text,
<             "type": action.type if action.type else "button",
<             "name":,
<             "value": action.value,
<             "classes": action.classes,
<             "href": action.href,
<             "attributes": action.attributes
<           }) }}
<         {% else %}
<           <a class="govuk-link {%- if action.classes %} {{ action.classes }}{% endif %}" href="{{ action.href }}"
<             {{- govukAttributes(action.attributes) }}>
<             {{- action.text -}}
<           </a>
<         {% endif %}
<       {%- endset %}
<       {{ buttonHtml | safe | trim | indent(6) }}
<     {% endfor %}
>       {% if message.actions %}
>       <div class="govuk-button-group">
>         {% for action in message.actions %}
>           {% if action.href %}
>             {% if action.type == "button" %}
>               {{ govukButton({
>                 "text": action.text,
>                 "type": "button",
>                 "classes": action.classes,
>                 "href": action.href,
>                 "attributes": action.attributes
>               }) | indent(12) | trim }}
>             {% else %}
>               {% set linkClasses = "govuk-link" %}
>               {% if action.classes %}
>                 {% set linkClasses = linkClasses + " " + action.classes %}
>               {% endif %}
>               <a class="{{ linkClasses }}" href="{{ action.href }}" {%- for attribute, value in action.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>{{ action.text }}</a>
>             {% endif %}
>           {% else %}
>             {{ govukButton({
>               "text": action.text,
>               "value": action.value,
>               "name":,
>               "type": action.type,
>               "classes": action.classes,
>               "attributes": action.attributes
>             }) | indent(12) | trim }}
>           {% endif %}
>         {% endfor %}
>       </div>
>       {% endif %}
<     {% endif %}
<   </div>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: date-input.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< {#- fieldset is false by default -#}
< {% set hasFieldset = true if params.fieldset else false %}
< {%- if params.items | length %}
> {% if params.items | length %}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<     {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) -}}
>     {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}
<     {% if params.formGroup.beforeInputs %}
<     {{ params.formGroup.beforeInputs.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.formGroup.beforeInputs.html else params.formGroup.beforeInputs.text }}
<     {% endif %}
<       }) | trim | indent(6) }}
>       }) | indent(6) | trim }}
<     {% endfor %}
<     {% if params.formGroup.afterInputs %}
<     {{ params.formGroup.afterInputs.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.formGroup.afterInputs.html else params.formGroup.afterInputs.text }}
<     {% endif %}
>   {% endfor %}
< {% endset -%}
> {% endset %}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}" {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
< {% if hasFieldset %}
<   {# We override the fieldset's role to 'group' because otherwise JAWS does not
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
> {% if params.fieldset %}
> {#- We override the fieldset's role to 'group' because otherwise JAWS does not
<   {{ govukFieldset({
>   {% call govukFieldset({
<     legend: params.fieldset.legend,
<     html: innerHtml | trim
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>     legend: params.fieldset.legend
>   }) %}
>   {{ innerHtml | trim | safe }}
>   {% endcall %}
<   {{ innerHtml | safe | trim }}
>   {{ innerHtml | trim | safe }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: details.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <details {%- if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="govuk-details {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) -}}
<   {{- " open" if }}>
> <details {%- if %} id="{{}}"{% endif %} class="govuk-details {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" data-module="govuk-details" {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %} {{- " open" if }}>
<       {{ params.summaryHtml | safe | trim | indent(6) if params.summaryHtml else params.summaryText }}
>       {{ params.summaryHtml | safe if params.summaryHtml else params.summaryText }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: error-message.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< {% set errorMessageText = params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text -%}
< <p {%- if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="govuk-error-message {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {% if visuallyHiddenText %}
<   <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">{{ visuallyHiddenText }}:</span> {{ errorMessageText }}
<   {% else %}
<   {{ errorMessageText }}
<   {% endif %}
> <p {%- if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="govuk-error-message{%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor -%}>
>   {% if visuallyHiddenText %}<span class="govuk-visually-hidden">{{ visuallyHiddenText }}:</span> {% endif -%}
>   {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: error-summary.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }} data-module="govuk-error-summary">
<   {#- Keep the role="alert" in a seperate child container to prevent a race condition between
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %} data-module="govuk-error-summary">
>   {# Keep the role="alert" in a seperate child container to prevent a race condition between
<       {{ params.titleHtml | safe | trim | indent(6) if params.titleHtml else params.titleText }}
>       {{ params.titleHtml | safe if params.titleHtml else params.titleText }}
<       <p>
<         {{ caller() if caller else (params.descriptionHtml | safe | trim | indent(8) if params.descriptionHtml else params.descriptionText) }}
<       </p>
>         <p>
>           {{ caller() if caller else (params.descriptionHtml | safe if params.descriptionHtml else params.descriptionText) }}
>         </p>
<       {% if params.errorList | length %}
<         <ul class="govuk-list govuk-error-summary__list">
>       <ul class="govuk-list govuk-error-summary__list">
<             <a href="{{ item.href }}"
<               {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<               {{- item.html | safe | trim | indent(12) if item.html else item.text -}}
<             </a>
>             <a href="{{ item.href }}"{% for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>{{ item.html | safe if item.html else item.text }}</a>
<             {{ item.html | safe | trim | indent(10) if item.html else item.text }}
>             {{ item.html | safe if item.html else item.text }}
<         </ul>
<       {% endif %}
>       </ul>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: exit-this-page.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../button/macro.njk" import govukButton %}
< {%- set defaultHtml %}
<   <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">Emergency</span> Exit this page
< {% endset -%}
> {% from "../button/macro.njk" import govukButton -%}
<   {%- if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="govuk-exit-this-page {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" data-module="govuk-exit-this-page"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) -}}
>   {%- if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="govuk-exit-this-page {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" data-module="govuk-exit-this-page" {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}
<   {{ govukButton({
<     html: params.html if (params.html or params.text) else defaultHtml,
<     text: params.text,
>   {{- govukButton({
>     html: params.html,
>     text: params.text | default("Exit this page"),
<     href: params.redirectUrl | default("", true),
<     attributes: {
<       rel: "nofollow noreferrer"
<     }
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>     href: params.redirectUrl | default("")
>   }) -}}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: fieldset.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
<       {{ params.legend.html | safe | trim | indent(6) if params.legend.html else params.legend.text }}
>       {{ params.legend.html | safe if params.legend.html else params.legend.text }}
<     {{ params.legend.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.legend.html else params.legend.text }}
>     {{ params.legend.html | safe if params.legend.html else params.legend.text }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: file-upload.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
< {% endif %}
< {% if params.formGroup.beforeInput %}
<   {{ params.formGroup.beforeInput.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.formGroup.beforeInput.html else params.formGroup.beforeInput.text }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
< {% if params.formGroup.afterInput %}
<   {{ params.formGroup.afterInput.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.formGroup.afterInput.html else params.formGroup.afterInput.text }}
< {% endif %}
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: footer.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <footer class="govuk-footer {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   <div class="govuk-width-container {%- if params.containerClasses %} {{ params.containerClasses }}{% endif %}">
> <footer class="govuk-footer {{ params.classes if params.classes }}" role="contentinfo"
>         {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>   <div class="govuk-width-container {{ params.containerClasses if params.containerClasses }}">
<           <div class="govuk-footer__section govuk-grid-column-{{ nav.width | default("full", true) }}">
>           <div class="govuk-footer__section govuk-grid-column-{{ nav.width | default('full') }}">
<               {% set listClasses = "govuk-footer__list--columns-" + nav.columns if nav.columns %}
<               <ul class="govuk-footer__list {%- if listClasses %} {{ listClasses }}{% endif %}">
>               {% set listClasses %}
>                 {% if nav.columns %}
>                   govuk-footer__list--columns-{{ nav.columns }}
>                 {% endif %}
>               {% endset %}
>               <ul class="govuk-footer__list {{ listClasses | trim }}">
<                       <a class="govuk-footer__link" href="{{ item.href }}"
<                         {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
>                       <a class="govuk-footer__link" href="{{ item.href }}"{% for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
<         <h2 class="govuk-visually-hidden">{{ params.meta.visuallyHiddenTitle | default("Support links", true) }}</h2>
<         {% if params.meta.items | length %}
<         <ul class="govuk-footer__inline-list">
<         {% for item in params.meta.items %}
<           <li class="govuk-footer__inline-list-item">
<             <a class="govuk-footer__link" href="{{ item.href }}"
<               {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<               {{ item.text }}
<             </a>
<           </li>
<         {% endfor %}
<         </ul>
<         {% endif %}
<         {% if params.meta.text or params.meta.html %}
<         <div class="govuk-footer__meta-custom">
<           {{ params.meta.html | safe | trim | indent(10) if params.meta.html else params.meta.text }}
<         </div>
<         {% endif %}
>           <h2 class="govuk-visually-hidden">{{ params.meta.visuallyHiddenTitle | default("Support links") }}</h2>
>           {% if params.meta.items | length %}
>             <ul class="govuk-footer__inline-list">
>               {% for item in params.meta.items %}
>                 <li class="govuk-footer__inline-list-item">
>                   <a class="govuk-footer__link" href="{{ item.href }}"{% for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>                     {{ item.text }}
>                   </a>
>                 </li>
>               {% endfor %}
>             </ul>
>           {% endif %}
>           {% if params.meta.text or params.meta.html %}
>             <div class="govuk-footer__meta-custom">
>               {{ params.meta.html | safe if params.meta.html else params.meta.text }}
>             </div>
>           {% endif %}
<         {# The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does not
<           treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be
<           'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate. -#}
>         {#- The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does not
>         treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be
>         'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate. #}
<         {% if params.contentLicence.html or params.contentLicence.text %}
<           {{ params.contentLicence.html | safe | trim | indent(10) if params.contentLicence.html else params.contentLicence.text }}
<         {% else %}
<           All content is available under the
<           <a
<             class="govuk-footer__link"
<             href=""
<             rel="license"
<           >Open Government Licence v3.0</a>, except where otherwise stated
<         {% endif %}
>           {% if params.contentLicence.html or params.contentLicence.text %}
>             {{ params.contentLicence.html | safe if params.contentLicence.html else params.contentLicence.text }}
>           {% else %}
>             All content is available under the
>             <a
>               class="govuk-footer__link"
>               href=""
>               rel="license"
>             >Open Government Licence v3.0</a>, except where otherwise stated
>           {% endif %}
<         {% if params.copyright.html or params.copyright.text %}
<           {{ params.copyright.html | safe | trim | indent(10) if params.copyright.html else params.copyright.text }}
<         {% else %}
<           © Crown copyright
<         {% endif %}
>           {%- if params.copyright.html or params.copyright.text -%}
>             {{ params.copyright.html | safe if params.copyright.html else params.copyright.text }}
>           {%- else -%}
>             © Crown copyright
>           {%- endif -%}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: header.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
> {% set menuButtonText = params.menuButtonText if params.menuButtonText else 'Menu' %}
< {%- set menuButtonText = params.menuButtonText if params.menuButtonText else 'Menu' -%}
> {#- We use an inline SVG for the crown so that we can cascade the
> currentColor into the crown whilst continuing to support older browsers
> which do not support external SVGs without a Javascript polyfill. This
> adds approximately 1kb to every page load.
> We use currentColour so that we can easily invert it when printing and
> when the focus state is applied. This also benefits users who override
> colours in their browser as they will still see the crown.
> The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does not
> treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be
> 'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate. #}
< {%- set _stEdwardsCrown %}
> {% set _stEdwardsCrown %}
> <!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
>   aria-hidden="true"
<   role="img"
<   class="govuk-header__logotype"
>   class="govuk-header__logotype-crown"
<   viewBox="0 0 152 30"
>   viewBox="0 0 132 97"
<   width="152"
<   aria-label="GOV.UK"
>   width="36"
<   <title>GOV.UK</title>
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>     d="M22.6 10.4c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m-5.9 6.7c-.9.4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4m10.8-3.7c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s0 2-1 2.4m3.3 4.8c-1 .4-2-.1-2.4-1-.4-.9.1-2 1-2.4.9-.4 2 .1 2.4 1s-.1 2-1 2.4M17 4.7l2.3 1.2V2.5l-2.3.7-.2-.2.9-3h-3.4l.9 3-.2.2c-.1.1-2.3-.7-2.3-.7v3.4L15 4.7c. 4c-.1.2-.1.4-.1.6 0 1.1.8 2 1.9 2.2h.7c1-.2 1.9-1.1 1.9-2.1 0-.2 0-.4-.1-.6l-1.3-4c-.1-.2 0-.2.1-.3m-7.6 5.7c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m-5 3c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s.1 2 1 2.4m-3.2 4.8c.9.4 2-.1 2.4-1 .4-.9-.1-2-1-2.4-.9-.4-2 .1-2.4 1s0 2 1 2.4m14.8 11c4.4 0 8.6.3 12.3.8 1.1-4.5 2.4-7 3.7-8.8l-2.5-.9c.2 1.3.3 1.9 0 2.7-.4-.4-.8-1.1-1.1-2.3l-1.2 4c.7-.5 1.3-.8 2-.9-1.1 2.5-2.6 3.1-3.5 3-1.1-.2-1.7-1.2-1.5-2.1.3-1.2 1.5-1.5 2.1-.1 1.1-2.3-.8-3-2-2.3 1.9-1.9 2.1-3.5.6-5.6-2.1 1.6-2.1 3.2-1.2 5.5-1.2-1.4-3.2-.6-2.5 1.6.9-1.4 2.1-.5 1.9.8-.2 1.1-1.7 2.1-3.5 1.9-2.7-.2-2.9-2.1-2.9-3.6.7-.1 1.9.5 2.9 1.9l.4-4.3c-1.1 1.1-2.1 1.4-3.2 1.4.4-1.2 2.1-3 2.1-3h-5.4s1.7 1.9 2.1 3c-1.1 0-2.1-.2-3.2-1.4l.4 4.3c1-1.4 2.2-2 2.9-1.9-.1 1.5-.2 3.4-2.9 3.6-1.9.2-3.4-.8-3.5-1.9-.2-1.3 1-2.2 1.9-.8.7-2.3-1.2-3-2.5-1.6.9-2.2.9-3.9-1.2-5.5-1.5 2-1.3 3.7.6 5.6-1.2-.7-3.1 0-2 2.3.6-1.4 1.8-1.1 1.9-1.5 2.1-.9.2-2.4-.5-3.5-3 .6 0 1.2.3 2 .9l-1.2-4c-.3 1.1-.7 1.9-1.1 2.3-.3-.8-.2-1.4 0-2.7l-2.9.9C1.3 23 2.6 25.5 3.7 30c3.7-.5 7.9-.8 12.3-.8"></path>
< {% endset -%}
> <!--<![endif]-->
> <!--[if IE 8]>
> <img src="{{ params.assetsPath | default('/assets/images') }}/govuk-logotype-tudor-crown.png" class="govuk-header__logotype-crown-fallback-image" width="32" height="30" alt="">
> <![endif]-->
> {% endset %}
< <header class="govuk-header {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" data-module="govuk-header"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   <div class="govuk-header__container {{ params.containerClasses | default("govuk-width-container", true) }}">
> <header class="govuk-header {{ params.classes if params.classes }}" role="banner" data-module="govuk-header"
>         {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>   <div class="govuk-header__container {{ params.containerClasses | default('govuk-width-container') }}">
<       <a href="{{ params.homepageUrl | default("/", true) }}" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage">
<         {#- The SVG needs `focusable="false"` so that Internet Explorer does
<         not treat it as an interactive element - without this it will be
<         'focusable' when using the keyboard to navigate.
<         We use a single compound path for the logo to prevent subpixel rounding
<         shifting different elements unevenly relative to one another. #}
<         {{ (_stEdwardsCrown if (params.useTudorCrown !== undefined and params.useTudorCrown === false) else _tudorCrown) | safe | trim | indent(8) }}
>       <a href="{{ params.homepageUrl | default('/') }}" class="govuk-header__link govuk-header__link--homepage">
>         <span class="govuk-header__logotype">
>           {{ (_tudorCrown if params.useTudorCrown else _stEdwardsCrown) | safe }}
>           <span class="govuk-header__logotype-text">
>             GOV.UK
>           </span>
>         </span>
<   {% if params.serviceName or params.navigation | length %}
>     {% if params.serviceName or params.navigation  %}
<       {% if params.serviceUrl %}
>     {% if params.serviceUrl %}
<       {% else %}
>     {% else%}
<       {% endif %}
<     {% if params.navigation | length %}
<       <nav aria-label="{{ params.navigationLabel | default(menuButtonText, true) }}" class="govuk-header__navigation {%- if params.navigationClasses %} {{ params.navigationClasses }}{% endif %}">
<         <button type="button" class="govuk-header__menu-button govuk-js-header-toggle" aria-controls="navigation" {%- if params.menuButtonLabel and params.menuButtonLabel != menuButtonText %} aria-label="{{ params.menuButtonLabel }}"{% endif %} hidden>
<           {{ menuButtonText }}
<         </button>
>     {% endif %}
>     {% if params.navigation %}
>     <nav aria-label="{{ params.navigationLabel | default(menuButtonText) }}" class="govuk-header__navigation {{ params.navigationClasses if params.navigationClasses }}">
>       <button type="button" class="govuk-header__menu-button govuk-js-header-toggle" aria-controls="navigation" aria-label="{{ params.menuButtonLabel | default('Show or hide menu') }}" hidden>{{ menuButtonText }}</button>
<         <ul id="navigation" class="govuk-header__navigation-list">
>       <ul id="navigation" class="govuk-header__navigation-list">
<           <li class="govuk-header__navigation-item {%- if %} govuk-header__navigation-item--active{% endif %}">
<             {% if item.href %}
<             <a class="govuk-header__link" href="{{ item.href }}"
<               {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) -}}>
<             {% endif %}
<               {{ item.html | safe | trim | indent(14) if item.html else item.text }}
<             {% if item.href %}
<             </a>
<             {% endif %}
<           </li>
>             <li class="govuk-header__navigation-item{{ ' govuk-header__navigation-item--active' if }}">
>               {% if item.href %}
>                 <a class="govuk-header__link" href="{{ item.href }}"{% for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>               {% endif %}
>                 {{ item.html | safe if item.html else item.text }}
>               {% if item.href %}
>                 </a>
>               {% endif %}
>             </li>
<         </ul>
<       </nav>
>       </ul>
>     </nav>
<   {% endif %}
>     {% endif %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: hint.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {{ params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text }}
> {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>   {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: input.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< {#- Set classes for this component #}
< {%- set classNames = "govuk-input" -%}
< {%- if params.classes %}
<   {% set classNames = classNames + " " + params.classes %}
< {% endif %}
< {%- if params.errorMessage %}
<   {% set classNames = classNames + " govuk-input--error" %}
< {% endif %}
< {% set describedBy = params.describedBy if params.describedBy else undefined -%}
< {%- set hasPrefix = true if params.prefix and (params.prefix.text or params.prefix.html) else false %}
< {%- set hasSuffix = true if params.suffix and (params.suffix.text or params.suffix.html) else false %}
< {%- set hasBeforeInput = true if params.formGroup.beforeInput and (params.formGroup.beforeInput.text or params.formGroup.beforeInput.html) else false %}
< {%- set hasAfterInput = true if params.formGroup.afterInput and (params.formGroup.afterInput.text or params.formGroup.afterInput.html) else false %}
< {%- macro _inputElement(params) -%}
<   <input
<     {{- govukAttributes({
<       class: classNames,
<       id:,
<       name:,
<       type: params.type | default("text", true),
<       spellcheck: {
<         value: params.spellcheck | string
<           if [true, false].includes(params.spellcheck)
<           else false,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       value: {
<         value: params.value,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       disabled: {
<         value: params.disabled,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       "aria-describedby": {
<         value: describedBy,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       autocomplete: {
<         value: params.autocomplete,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       autocapitalize: {
<         value: params.autocapitalize,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       pattern: {
<         value: params.pattern,
<         optional: true
<       },
<       inputmode: {
<         value: params.inputmode,
<         optional: true
<       }
<     }) -}}
<     {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
< {%- endmacro -%}
< {%- macro _affixItem(affix, type) %}
<   <div class="govuk-input__{{ type }} {%- if affix.classes %} {{ affix.classes }}{% endif %}" aria-hidden="true" {{- govukAttributes(affix.attributes) }}>
<     {{- affix.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if affix.html else affix.text -}}
<   </div>
< {%- endmacro -%}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
> {% set describedBy = params.describedBy if params.describedBy else "" %}
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
< {%- if hasPrefix or hasSuffix or hasBeforeInput or hasAfterInput %}
<   <div class="govuk-input__wrapper {%- if params.inputWrapper.classes %} {{ params.inputWrapper.classes }}{% endif %}"
<     {{- govukAttributes(params.inputWrapper.attributes) }}>
<     {% if hasBeforeInput %}
<       {{- params.formGroup.beforeInput.html | safe | trim | indent(4, true) if params.formGroup.beforeInput.html else params.formGroup.beforeInput.text }}
<     {% endif %}
<     {% if hasPrefix %}
<       {{- _affixItem(params.prefix, "prefix") | indent(2, true) }}
<     {% endif %}
<     {{ _inputElement(params) }}
<     {% if hasSuffix %}
<       {{- _affixItem(params.suffix, "suffix") | indent(2, true) }}
<     {% endif %}
<     {% if hasAfterInput %}
<       {{- params.formGroup.afterInput.html | safe | trim | indent(4, true) if params.formGroup.afterInput.html else params.formGroup.afterInput.text }}
<     {% endif %}
<   </div>
< {% else %}
<   {{ _inputElement(params) }}
< {% endif %}
>   {%- if params.prefix or params.suffix %}<div class="govuk-input__wrapper">{% endif -%}
>   {%- if params.prefix.text or params.prefix.html -%}
>     <div class="govuk-input__prefix {{- ' ' + params.prefix.classes if params.prefix.classes }}" aria-hidden="true" {%- for attribute, value in params.prefix.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>       {{- params.prefix.html | safe if params.prefix.html else params.prefix.text -}}
>     </div>
>   {% endif -%}
>   <input class="govuk-input {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %} {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-input--error{% endif %}" id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" type="{{ params.type | default('text') }}"
>   {%- if (params.spellcheck === false) or (params.spellcheck === true) %} spellcheck="{{ params.spellcheck }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.value %} value="{{ params.value}}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.disabled %} disabled{% endif %}
>   {%- if describedBy %} aria-describedby="{{ describedBy }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.autocomplete %} autocomplete="{{ params.autocomplete}}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.pattern %} pattern="{{ params.pattern }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- if params.inputmode %} inputmode="{{ params.inputmode }}"{% endif %}
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor -%}>
>   {%- if params.suffix.text or params.suffix.html -%}
>     <div class="govuk-input__suffix {{- ' ' + params.suffix.classes if params.suffix.classes }}" aria-hidden="true" {%- for attribute, value in params.suffix.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>       {{- params.suffix.html | safe if params.suffix.html else params.suffix.text -}}
>     </div>
>   {% endif -%}
> {%- if params.prefix or params.suffix %}</div>{% endif %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: inset-text.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {{ caller() if caller else (params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text) }}
> {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>   {{ caller() if caller else (params.html | safe if params.html else params.text) }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: label.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <label class="govuk-label {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) -}}
> <label class="govuk-label{%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}
<   {{ params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text }}
>   {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}
< {% endset -%}
> {% endset %}
< <h1 class="govuk-label-wrapper">
<   {{ labelHtml | safe | trim | indent(2) }}
< </h1>
> <h1 class="govuk-label-wrapper">{{ labelHtml | safe | indent(2) }}</h1>
< {{ labelHtml | safe | trim }}
> {{ labelHtml | safe }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: notification-banner.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {%- if params.role %}
> {% if params.role %}
<   {#- If type is success, add `role="alert"` to prioritise the information in the notification banner to users of assistive technologies -#}
>   {# If type is success, add `role="alert"` to prioritise the information in the notification banner to users of assistive technologies #}
<   {#- Otherwise add `role="region"` to make the notification banner a landmark to help users of assistive technologies to navigate to the banner -#}
>   {# Otherwise add `role="region"` to make the notification banner a landmark to help users of assistive technologies to navigate to the banner #}
< <div class="govuk-notification-banner {%- if typeClass %} {{ typeClass }}{% endif %}{% if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" role="{{ role }}" aria-labelledby="{{ params.titleId | default("govuk-notification-banner-title", true) }}" data-module="govuk-notification-banner"
> <div class="govuk-notification-banner{% if typeClass %} {{ typeClass }}{% endif %}{% if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" role="{{ role }}"
>   aria-labelledby="{{ params.titleId | default('govuk-notification-banner-title')}}"
>   data-module="govuk-notification-banner"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
<     <h{{ params.titleHeadingLevel | default(2, true) }} class="govuk-notification-banner__title" id="{{ params.titleId | default("govuk-notification-banner-title", true) }}">
>     <h{{ params.titleHeadingLevel | default(2) }} class="govuk-notification-banner__title" id="{{ params.titleId | default('govuk-notification-banner-title') }}" >
<     </h{{ params.titleHeadingLevel | default(2, true) }}>
>     </h{{ params.titleHeadingLevel | default(2) }}>
<   {% if caller or params.html %}
<     {{ caller() if caller else params.html | safe | trim | indent(4) }}
<   {% elif params.text %}
<     {# Set default style for single line content -#}
<     <p class="govuk-notification-banner__heading">
<       {{ params.text | trim | indent(6) }}
<     </p>
<   {% endif %}
>     {%- if caller or params.html -%}
>       {{ caller() if caller else params.html | safe }}
>     {%- elif params.text -%}
>       {# Set default style for single line content #}
>       <p class="govuk-notification-banner__heading">{{ params.text }}</p>
>     {%- endif -%}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: pagination.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
> {% set blockLevel = not params.items and ( or params.previous) %}
< {% set blockLevel = not params.items and ( or params.previous) -%}
< {%- set arrowPrevious -%}
<   <svg class="govuk-pagination__icon govuk-pagination__icon--prev" xmlns="" height="13" width="15" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 15 13">
<     <path d="m6.5938-0.0078125-6.7266 6.7266 6.7441 6.4062 1.377-1.449-4.1856-3.9768h12.896v-2h-12.984l4.2931-4.293-1.414-1.414z"></path>
<   </svg>
< {%- endset -%}
< {%- set arrowNext -%}
<   <svg class="govuk-pagination__icon govuk-pagination__icon--next" xmlns="" height="13" width="15" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 15 13">
<     <path d="m8.107-0.0078125-1.4136 1.414 4.2926 4.293h-12.986v2h12.896l-4.1855 3.9766 1.377 1.4492 6.7441-6.4062-6.7246-6.7266z"></path>
<   </svg>
< {%- endset -%}
< {%- macro _arrowLink(link, type = "next") %}
<   {% set arrowType = arrowPrevious if type == "prev" else arrowNext %}
<   <div class="govuk-pagination__{{ type }}">
<     <a class="govuk-link govuk-pagination__link" href="{{ link.href }}" rel="{{ type }}"
<       {{- govukAttributes(link.attributes) }}>
<       {% if blockLevel or type == "prev" %}
<         {{- arrowType | safe | indent(4, true) }}
<       {% endif %}
<       <span class="govuk-pagination__link-title {%- if blockLevel and not link.labelText %} govuk-pagination__link-title--decorated{% endif %}">
<         {{ caller() | safe | trim }}
<       </span>
<       {% if link.labelText and blockLevel %}
<       <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">:</span>
<       <span class="govuk-pagination__link-label">{{ link.labelText }}</span>
<       {% endif %}
<       {% if not blockLevel and type == "next" %}
<         {{- arrowType | safe | indent(4, true) }}
<       {% endif %}
<     </a>
<   </div>
< {% endmacro -%}
< {%- macro _pageItem(item) -%}
<   <li class="govuk-pagination__item {%- if item.current %} govuk-pagination__item--current{% endif %} {%- if item.ellipsis %} govuk-pagination__item--ellipses{% endif %}">
<   {% if item.ellipsis %}
<     &ctdot;
<   {% else %}
<     <a class="govuk-link govuk-pagination__link" href="{{ item.href }}" aria-label="{{ item.visuallyHiddenText | default("Page " + item.number) }}"
<       {%- if item.current %} aria-current="page"{% endif %}
<       {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<       {{ item.number }}
<     </a>
> <nav class="govuk-pagination {{- ' ' + params.classes if params.classes }} {{- ' govuk-pagination--block' if blockLevel }}" role="navigation" aria-label="{{ params.landmarkLabel | default("results") }}" {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}" {%- endfor -%}>
>   {%- if params.previous and params.previous.href -%}
>     <div class="govuk-pagination__prev">
>       <a class="govuk-link govuk-pagination__link" href="{{ params.previous.href }}" rel="prev" {%- for attribute, value in params.previous.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}" {%- endfor -%}>
>         <svg class="govuk-pagination__icon govuk-pagination__icon--prev" xmlns="" height="13" width="15" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 15 13">
>           <path d="m6.5938-0.0078125-6.7266 6.7266 6.7441 6.4062 1.377-1.449-4.1856-3.9768h12.896v-2h-12.984l4.2931-4.293-1.414-1.414z"></path>
>         </svg>
>         <span class="govuk-pagination__link-title {{- ' govuk-pagination__link-title--decorated' if blockLevel and not params.previous.labelText }}">
>           {{- params.previous.text | default("Previous") -}}
>         </span>
>         {%- if params.previous.labelText and blockLevel -%}
>           <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">:</span>
>           <span class="govuk-pagination__link-label">{{ params.previous.labelText }}</span>
>         {%- endif -%}
>       </a>
>     </div>
<   </li>
< {%- endmacro -%}
< <nav class="govuk-pagination {%- if blockLevel %} govuk-pagination--block{% endif %} {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" aria-label="{{ params.landmarkLabel | default("Pagination", true) }}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {% set previous = params.previous %}
<   {% set next = %}
<   {%- if previous and previous.href %}
<     {% call _arrowLink(previous, "prev") %}
<       {% if previous.html or previous.text %}
<         {{ previous.html | safe | trim | indent(8) if previous.html else previous.text }}
<       {% else %}
<         Previous<span class="govuk-visually-hidden"> page</span>
<       {% endif %}
<     {% endcall %}
<   {%- endif %}
<   {%- if params.items %}
<   <ul class="govuk-pagination__list">
<   {% for item in params.items %}
<     {{ _pageItem(item) | indent(2) }}
<   {% endfor %}
<   </ul>
<   {% endif %}
<   {%- if next and next.href %}
<     {% call _arrowLink(next, "next") %}
<       {% if next.html or next.text %}
<         {{ next.html | safe | trim | indent(8) if next.html else next.text }}
<       {% else %}
<         Next<span class="govuk-visually-hidden"> page</span>
<       {% endif %}
<     {% endcall %}
<   {% endif %}
>   {%- if params.items -%}
>     <ul class="govuk-pagination__list">
>       {%- for item in params.items -%}
>         {%- if item.ellipsis -%}
>           <li class="govuk-pagination__item govuk-pagination__item--ellipses">&ctdot;</li>
>         {%- elseif item.number -%}
>           <li class="govuk-pagination__item {{- ' govuk-pagination__item--current' if item.current }}">
>             <a class="govuk-link govuk-pagination__link" href="{{ item.href }}" aria-label="{{ item.visuallyHiddenText | default("Page " + item.number) }}" {%- if item.current %} aria-current="page" {%- endif -%} {%- for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}" {%- endfor -%}>
>               {{ item.number }}
>             </a>
>           </li>
>         {%- endif -%}
>       {%- endfor -%}
>     </ul>
>   {%- endif -%}
>   {%- if and -%}
>     {%- set nextArrow -%}
>       <svg class="govuk-pagination__icon govuk-pagination__icon--next" xmlns="" height="13" width="15" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 15 13">
>         <path d="m8.107-0.0078125-1.4136 1.414 4.2926 4.293h-12.986v2h12.896l-4.1855 3.9766 1.377 1.4492 6.7441-6.4062-6.7246-6.7266z"></path>
>       </svg>
>     {%- endset -%}
>     <div class="govuk-pagination__next">
>       <a class="govuk-link govuk-pagination__link" href="{{ }}" rel="next" {%- for attribute, value in %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}" {%- endfor -%}>
>         {%- if blockLevel -%}
>           {{- nextArrow | safe -}}
>         {%- endif %}
>         <span class="govuk-pagination__link-title {{- ' govuk-pagination__link-title--decorated' if blockLevel and not }}">
>           {{- | default("Next") -}}
>         </span>
>         {%- if and blockLevel -%}
>           <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">:</span>
>           <span class="govuk-pagination__link-label">{{ }}</span>
>         {%- endif -%}
>         {%- if not blockLevel -%}
>           {{- nextArrow | safe -}}
>         {%- endif -%}
>       </a>
>     </div>
>   {%- endif -%}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: panel.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< {% set headingLevel = params.headingLevel if params.headingLevel else 1 -%}
> {% set headingLevel = params.headingLevel if params.headingLevel else 1 %}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
<     {{ caller() if caller else (params.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.html else params.text) }}
>     {{ caller() if caller else (params.html | safe if params.html else params.text) }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: phase-banner.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
<   {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
>   {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
<     }) | trim | indent(4) }}
>     }) | indent(4) | trim }}
<       {{ params.html | safe | trim | indent(6) if params.html else params.text }}
>       {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: radios.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< {#- fieldset is false by default -#}
< {% set hasFieldset = true if params.fieldset else false %}
< {%- macro _radioItem(params, item, index) %}
<   {#- If the user explicitly sets an id, use this instead of the regular idPrefix -#}
<   {#- The first id should not have a number suffix so it's easy to link to from the error summary component -#}
<   {% set itemId = if else idPrefix + ("-" + index if index > 1 else "") %}
<   {% set conditionalId = "conditional-" + itemId %}
<   {%- if item.divider %}
<     <div class="govuk-radios__divider">{{ item.divider }}</div>
<   {% else %}
<     {% set isChecked = item.checked | default((item.value == params.value and item.checked != false) if params.value else false, true) %}
<     {% set hasHint = true if item.hint.text or item.hint.html %}
<     {% set itemHintId = itemId + '-item-hint' %}
<     <div class="govuk-radios__item">
<       <input class="govuk-radios__input" id="{{ itemId }}" name="{{ }}" type="radio" value="{{ item.value }}"
<         {{-" checked" if isChecked }}
<         {{-" disabled" if item.disabled }}
<         {%- if item.conditional.html %} data-aria-controls="{{ conditionalId }}"{% endif -%}
<         {%- if hasHint %} aria-describedby="{{ itemHintId }}"{% endif -%}
<         {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<       {{ govukLabel({
<         html: item.html,
<         text: item.text,
<         classes: 'govuk-radios__label' + (' ' + item.label.classes if item.label.classes),
<         attributes: item.label.attributes,
<         for: itemId
<       }) | trim | indent(6) }}
<       {% if hasHint %}
<       {{ govukHint({
<         id: itemHintId,
<         classes: 'govuk-radios__hint' + (' ' + item.hint.classes if item.hint.classes),
<         attributes: item.hint.attributes,
<         html: item.hint.html,
<         text: item.hint.text
<       }) | trim | indent(6) }}
<       {% endif %}
<     </div>
<     {% if item.conditional.html %}
<     <div class="govuk-radios__conditional {%- if not isChecked %} govuk-radios__conditional--hidden{% endif %}" id="{{ conditionalId }}">
<       {{ item.conditional.html | safe | trim }}
<     </div>
<     {% endif %}
<   {% endif %}
< {%- endmacro %}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<     {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }} data-module="govuk-radios">
<     {% if params.formGroup.beforeInputs %}
<     {{ params.formGroup.beforeInputs.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.formGroup.beforeInputs.html else params.formGroup.beforeInputs.text }}
<     {% endif %}
>     {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}
>     data-module="govuk-radios">
<         {{- _radioItem(params, item, loop.index) -}}
>         {#- If the user explicitly sets an id, use this instead of the regular idPrefix -#}
>         {%- if -%}
>           {%- set id = -%}
>         {%- else -%}
>           {#- The first id should not have a number suffix so it's easy to link to from the error summary component -#}
>           {%- if loop.first -%}
>             {%- set id = idPrefix %}
>           {% else %}
>             {%- set id = idPrefix + "-" + loop.index -%}
>           {%- endif -%}
>         {%- endif -%}
>         {% set conditionalId = "conditional-" + id %}
>         {%- if item.divider %}
>         <div class="govuk-radios__divider">{{ item.divider }}</div>
>         {%- else %}
>         {% set isChecked = item.checked | default(params.value and item.value == params.value) %}
>         {% set hasHint = true if item.hint.text or item.hint.html %}
>         {% set itemHintId = id + '-item-hint' %}
>         <div class="govuk-radios__item">
>           <input class="govuk-radios__input" id="{{ id }}" name="{{ }}" type="radio" value="{{ item.value }}"
>           {{-" checked" if isChecked }}
>           {{-" disabled" if item.disabled }}
>           {%- if item.conditional.html %} data-aria-controls="{{ conditionalId }}"{% endif -%}
>           {%- if hasHint %} aria-describedby="{{ itemHintId }}"{% endif -%}
>           {%- for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor -%}>
>           {{ govukLabel({
>             html: item.html,
>             text: item.text,
>             classes: 'govuk-radios__label' + (' ' + item.label.classes if item.label.classes),
>             attributes: item.label.attributes,
>             for: id
>           }) | indent(6) | trim }}
>           {% if hasHint %}
>           {{ govukHint({
>             id: itemHintId,
>             classes: 'govuk-radios__hint' + (' ' + item.hint.classes if item.hint.classes),
>             attributes: item.hint.attributes,
>             html: item.hint.html,
>             text: item.hint.text
>           }) | indent(6) | trim }}
>           {% endif %}
>         </div>
>         {% if item.conditional.html %}
>           <div class="govuk-radios__conditional{% if not isChecked %} govuk-radios__conditional--hidden{% endif %}" id="{{ conditionalId }}">
>             {{ item.conditional.html | safe }}
>           </div>
>         {% endif %}
>         {% endif %}
<     {% if params.formGroup.afterInputs %}
<     {{ params.formGroup.afterInputs.html | safe | trim | indent(4) if params.formGroup.afterInputs.html else params.formGroup.afterInputs.text }}
<     {% endif %}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
< {% if hasFieldset %}
<   {{ govukFieldset({
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
> {% if params.fieldset %}
>   {% call govukFieldset({
<     legend: params.fieldset.legend,
<     html: innerHtml | trim
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>     legend: params.fieldset.legend
>   }) %}
>   {{ innerHtml | trim | safe }}
>   {% endcall %}
<   {{ innerHtml | safe | trim }}
>   {{ innerHtml | trim | safe }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: select.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
< {% endif %}
< {% if params.formGroup.beforeInput %}
<   {{ params.formGroup.beforeInput.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.formGroup.beforeInput.html else params.formGroup.beforeInput.text }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<     {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
>     {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
<     {#- Allow selecting by text content (the value for an option when no value attribute is specified) #}
<     {%- set effectiveValue = item.value | default(item.text) %}
<     <option {%- if item.value !== undefined %} value="{{ item.value }}"{% endif %}
<       {{-" selected" if item.selected | default((effectiveValue == params.value and item.selected != false) if params.value else false, true) }}
<       {{-" disabled" if item.disabled }}
<       {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<       {{- item.text -}}
<     </option>
>       <option value="{{ item.value }}"
>         {{-" selected" if item.selected | default(params.value and item.value == params.value) }}
>         {{-" disabled" if item.disabled }}
>         {%- for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor -%}>{{ item.text }}</option>
< {% if params.formGroup.afterInput %}
<   {{ params.formGroup.afterInput.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.formGroup.afterInput.html else params.formGroup.afterInput.text }}
< {% endif %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: skip-link.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <a href="{{ params.href | default("#content", true) }}" class="govuk-skip-link {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }} data-module="govuk-skip-link">
> <a href="{{ params.href | default('#content') }}" class="govuk-skip-link{%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif -%}"{%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %} data-module="govuk-skip-link">

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: summary-list.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {%- macro _actionLink(action, cardTitle) %}
<   <a class="govuk-link {%- if action.classes %} {{ action.classes }}{% endif %}" href="{{ action.href }}"
<     {{- govukAttributes(action.attributes) }}>
<     {{- action.html | safe | indent(4) if action.html else action.text -}}
<     {%- if action.visuallyHiddenText or cardTitle -%}
<     <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">
<       {%- if action.visuallyHiddenText %} {{ action.visuallyHiddenText }}{% endif -%}
<       {%- if cardTitle %} ({{ cardTitle.html | indent(6) | safe if cardTitle.html else cardTitle.text }}){% endif -%}
<     </span>
<     {%- endif -%}
> {%- macro _actionLink(action) %}
>   <a class="govuk-link {%- if action.classes %} {{ action.classes }}{% endif %}" href="{{ action.href }}" {%- for attribute, value in action.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>     {{ action.html | safe if action.html else action.text }}
>     {%- if action.visuallyHiddenText -%}
>       <span class="govuk-visually-hidden"> {{ action.visuallyHiddenText }}</span>
>     {% endif -%}
< {%- set headingLevel = params.title.headingLevel if params.title.headingLevel else 2 -%}
>   {%- set headingLevel = params.title.headingLevel if params.title.headingLevel else 2 -%}
< <div class="govuk-summary-card {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   <div class="govuk-summary-card__title-wrapper">
<   {% if params.title %}
<     <h{{ headingLevel }} class="govuk-summary-card__title {%- if params.title.classes %} {{ params.title.classes }}{% endif %}">
<       {{ params.title.html | safe | trim | indent(6) if params.title.html else params.title.text }}
<     </h{{ headingLevel }}>
<   {% endif %}
<   {% if params.actions.items.length %}
<     {% if params.actions.items.length == 1 %}
<     <div class="govuk-summary-card__actions {%- if params.actions.classes %} {{ params.actions.classes }}{% endif %}">
<       {{ _actionLink(params.actions.items[0], params.title) | trim | indent(4) }}
>   <div class="govuk-summary-card {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>     <div class="govuk-summary-card__title-wrapper">
>       {%- if params.title -%}
>         <h{{ headingLevel }} class="govuk-summary-card__title {%- if params.title.classes %} {{ params.title.classes }}{% endif %}">
>           {{- params.title.html | safe if params.title.html else params.title.text -}}
>         </h{{ headingLevel }}>
>       {%- endif -%}
>       {%- if params.actions.items.length -%}
>         {%- if params.actions.items.length == 1 -%}
>           <div class="govuk-summary-card__actions {%- if params.actions.classes %} {{ params.actions.classes }}{% endif %}">
>             {{- _actionLink(params.actions.items[0]) -}}
>           </div>
>         {%- else -%}
>           <ul class="govuk-summary-card__actions {%- if params.actions.classes %} {{ params.actions.classes }}{% endif %}">
>             {%- for action in params.actions.items -%}
>               <li class="govuk-summary-card__action">
>                 {{- _actionLink(action) -}}
>               </li>
>             {%- endfor -%}
>           </ul>
>         {% endif -%}
>       {%- endif -%}
<     {% else %}
<     <ul class="govuk-summary-card__actions {%- if params.actions.classes %} {{ params.actions.classes }}{% endif %}">
<       {% for action in params.actions.items %}
<       <li class="govuk-summary-card__action">
<         {{ _actionLink(action, params.title) | trim | indent(8) }}
<       </li>
<       {% endfor %}
<     </ul>
<     {% endif %}
<   {% endif %}
<   </div>
<   <div class="govuk-summary-card__content">
<     {{ caller() | trim }}
>     <div class="govuk-summary-card__content">
>       {{- caller() -}}
>     </div>
< </div>
< {#- Determine if we need 2 or 3 columns #}
< {%- set anyRowHasActions = false %}
> {# Determine if we need 2 or 3 columns #}
> {% set anyRowHasActions = false %}
< <dl class="govuk-summary-list {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
< {% for row in params.rows %}
<   {% if row %}
<   <div class="govuk-summary-list__row {%- if anyRowHasActions and not row.actions.items %} govuk-summary-list__row--no-actions{% endif %} {%- if row.classes %} {{ row.classes }}{% endif %}">
<     <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key {%- if row.key.classes %} {{ row.key.classes }}{% endif %}">
<       {{ row.key.html | safe | trim | indent(6) if row.key.html else row.key.text }}
<     </dt>
<     <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value {%- if row.value.classes %} {{ row.value.classes }}{% endif %}">
<       {{ row.value.html | safe | trim | indent(6) if row.value.html else row.value.text }}
<     </dd>
<     {% if row.actions.items.length %}
<     <dd class="govuk-summary-list__actions {%- if row.actions.classes %} {{ row.actions.classes }}{% endif %}">
<       {% if row.actions.items.length == 1 %}
<         {{- _actionLink(row.actions.items[0], params.card.title) | trim | indent(6, true) }}
<       {% else %}
<       <ul class="govuk-summary-list__actions-list">
<         {% for action in row.actions.items %}
<         <li class="govuk-summary-list__actions-list-item">
<           {{ _actionLink(action, params.card.title) | trim | indent(8) }}
<         </li>
<         {% endfor %}
<       </ul>
>   <dl class="govuk-summary-list {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>     {% for row in params.rows %}
>       {% if row %}
>         <div class="govuk-summary-list__row {%- if anyRowHasActions and not row.actions.items %} govuk-summary-list__row--no-actions{% endif %} {%- if row.classes %} {{ row.classes }}{% endif %}">
>           <dt class="govuk-summary-list__key {%- if row.key.classes %} {{ row.key.classes }}{% endif %}">
>             {{ row.key.html | indent(4 if params.card else 0) | safe if row.key.html else row.key.text }}
>           </dt>
>           <dd class="govuk-summary-list__value {%- if row.value.classes %} {{ row.value.classes }}{% endif %}">
>             {{ row.value.html | indent(12 if params.card else 8) | trim | safe if row.value.html else row.value.text }}
>           </dd>
>           {% if row.actions.items.length %}
>             <dd class="govuk-summary-list__actions {%- if row.actions.classes %} {{ row.actions.classes }}{% endif %}">
>               {% if row.actions.items.length == 1 %}
>                 {{ _actionLink(row.actions.items[0]) | indent(16 if params.card else 12) | trim }}
>               {% else %}
>                 <ul class="govuk-summary-list__actions-list">
>                   {%- for action in row.actions.items -%}
>                     <li class="govuk-summary-list__actions-list-item">
>                       {{- _actionLink(action) | indent(22 if params.card else 18) | trim -}}
>                     </li>
>                   {%- endfor -%}
>                 </ul>
>               {% endif %}
>             </dd>
>           {% endif %}
>         </div>
<     </dd>
<     {% endif %}
<   </div>
<   {% endif %}
< {% endfor %}
< </dl>
>     {% endfor %}
>   </dl>
<     {{ summaryList | safe | trim | indent(4) }}
>     {{ summaryList | safe }}
<   {{ summaryList | safe | trim }}
>   {{ summaryList | safe }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: table.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
<   {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
< {% if params.caption %}
>   {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
>   {% if params.caption %}
<     {%- if params.captionClasses %} {{ params.captionClasses }}{% endif %}">
<     {{- params.caption -}}
<   </caption>
< {% endif %}
< {% if params.head %}
>   {%- if params.captionClasses %} {{ params.captionClasses }}{% endif %}">{{ params.caption }}</caption>
>   {% endif %}
>   {% if params.head %}
<         {%- if item.format %} govuk-table__header--{{ item.format }}{% endif %}
<         {%- if item.classes %} {{ item.classes }}{% endif %}"
<         {%- if item.colspan %} colspan="{{ item.colspan }}"{% endif %}
<         {%- if item.rowspan %} rowspan="{{ item.rowspan }}"{% endif %}
<         {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<           {{- item.html | safe if item.html else item.text -}}
<         </th>
>       {%- if item.format %} govuk-table__header--{{ item.format }}{% endif %}
>       {%- if item.classes %} {{ item.classes }}{% endif %}"
>       {%- if item.colspan %} colspan="{{ item.colspan }}"{% endif %}
>       {%- if item.rowspan %} rowspan="{{ item.rowspan }}"{% endif %}{% for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>{{ item.html |safe if item.html else item.text }}</th>
< {% endif %}
>   {% endif %}
< {% for row in params.rows %}
<   {% if row %}
<     <tr class="govuk-table__row">
<     {% for cell in row %}
<       {% set commonAttributes %}
<         {%- if cell.colspan %} colspan="{{ cell.colspan }}"{% endif %}
<         {%- if cell.rowspan %} rowspan="{{ cell.rowspan }}"{% endif %}
<         {{- govukAttributes(cell.attributes) -}}
<       {% endset %}
<       {% if loop.first and params.firstCellIsHeader %}
<       <th scope="row" class="govuk-table__header
<         {%- if cell.classes %} {{ cell.classes }}{% endif %}"
<         {{- commonAttributes | safe }}>
<         {{- cell.html | safe if cell.html else cell.text -}}
<       </th>
<       {% else %}
<       <td class="govuk-table__cell
<         {%- if cell.format %} govuk-table__cell--{{ cell.format }}{% endif %}
<         {%- if cell.classes %} {{ cell.classes }}{% endif %}"
<         {{- commonAttributes | safe }}>
<         {{- cell.html | safe if cell.html else cell.text -}}
<       </td>
>     {% for row in params.rows %}
>       {% if row %}
>         <tr class="govuk-table__row">
>         {% for cell in row %}
>           {% set commonAttributes %}
>             {%- if cell.colspan %} colspan="{{ cell.colspan }}"{% endif %}
>             {%- if cell.rowspan %} rowspan="{{ cell.rowspan }}"{% endif %}{% for attribute, value in cell.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}
>           {% endset %}
>           {% if loop.first and params.firstCellIsHeader %}
>           <th scope="row" class="govuk-table__header{%- if cell.classes %} {{ cell.classes }}{% endif %}"
>             {{- commonAttributes | safe -}}
>           >{{ cell.html | safe if cell.html else cell.text }}</th>
>           {% else %}
>           <td class="govuk-table__cell
>             {%- if cell.format %} govuk-table__cell--{{ cell.format }}{% endif %}
>             {%- if cell.classes %} {{ cell.classes }}{% endif %}"
>             {{- commonAttributes | safe -}}
>           >{{ cell.html | safe if cell.html else cell.text }}</td>
>           {% endif %}
>         {% endfor %}
>         </tr>
<     </tr>
<   {% endif %}
< {% endfor %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: tabs.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {%- macro _tabListItem(params, item, index) %}
< {% set tabPanelId = if else idPrefix + "-" + index -%}
< <li class="govuk-tabs__list-item {%- if index == 1 %} govuk-tabs__list-item--selected{% endif %}">
<   <a class="govuk-tabs__tab" href="#{{ tabPanelId }}"
<     {{- govukAttributes(item.attributes) }}>
<     {{ item.label }}
<   </a>
< </li>
< {% endmacro -%}
< {%- macro _tabPanel(params, item, index) %}
< {% set tabPanelId = if else idPrefix + "-" + index -%}
< <div class="govuk-tabs__panel {%- if index > 1 %} govuk-tabs__panel--hidden{% endif %}" id="{{ tabPanelId }}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(item.panel.attributes) }}>
< {% if item.panel.html %}
<   {{ item.panel.html | safe | trim | indent(2) }}
< {% elif item.panel.text %}
<   <p class="govuk-body">{{ item.panel.text }}</p>
< {% endif %}
< </div>
< {% endmacro -%}
< <div {%- if %} id="{{ }}"{% endif %} class="govuk-tabs {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }} data-module="govuk-tabs">
> <div {%- if %} id="{{}}"{% endif %} class="govuk-tabs {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %} data-module="govuk-tabs">
< {% if params.items | length %}
>   {% if(params.items | length) %}
<         {{- _tabListItem(params, item, loop.index) | trim | indent(4, true) }}
>         {% set id = if else idPrefix + "-" + loop.index %}
>         <li class="govuk-tabs__list-item{% if loop.index == 1 %} govuk-tabs__list-item--selected{% endif %}">
>           <a class="govuk-tabs__tab" href="#{{ id }}"
>             {%- for attribute, value in item.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>             {{ item.label }}
>           </a>
>         </li>
>   {% endif %}
<       {{- _tabPanel(params, item, loop.index) | trim | indent(2, true) }}
>       {% set id = if else idPrefix + "-" + loop.index %}
>       <div class="govuk-tabs__panel{% if loop.index > 1 %} govuk-tabs__panel--hidden{% endif %}" id="{{ id }}"{% for attribute, value in item.panel.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>
>         {% if item.panel.html %}
>           {{ item.panel.html | safe }}
>         {% elif item.panel.text %}
>           <p class="govuk-body">{{ item.panel.text }}</p>
>         {% endif %}
>       </div>
< {% endif %}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: tag.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <strong class="govuk-tag {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
<   {{ params.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.html else params.text }}
> <strong class="govuk-tag{% if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"{% for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{ attribute }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %}>
>   {{ params.html | safe if params.html else params.text }}

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: textarea.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes %}
< {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage %}
> {% from "../error-message/macro.njk" import govukErrorMessage -%}
< <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.formGroup.attributes) }}>
> <div class="govuk-form-group {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-form-group--error{% endif %} {%- if params.formGroup.classes %} {{ params.formGroup.classes }}{% endif %}">
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
<   }) | trim | indent(2) }}
>   }) | indent(2) | trim }}
< {% if params.formGroup.beforeInput %}
<   {{ params.formGroup.beforeInput.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.formGroup.beforeInput.html else params.formGroup.beforeInput.text }}
< {% endif %}
<   <textarea class="govuk-textarea {%- if params.errorMessage %} govuk-textarea--error{% endif %} {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}" id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" rows="{{ params.rows | default(5, true) }}"
>   <textarea class="govuk-textarea {{- ' govuk-textarea--error' if params.errorMessage }} {{- ' ' + params.classes if params.classes}}" id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" rows="{%if params.rows %} {{- params.rows -}} {% else %}5{%endif %}"
<   {%- if params.autocomplete %} autocomplete="{{ params.autocomplete }}"{% endif %}
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>{{ params.value }}</textarea>
< {% if params.formGroup.afterInput %}
<   {{ params.formGroup.afterInput.html | safe | trim | indent(2) if params.formGroup.afterInput.html else params.formGroup.afterInput.text }}
< {% endif %}
>   {%- if params.autocomplete %} autocomplete="{{ params.autocomplete}}"{% endif %}
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}>{{ params.value }}</textarea>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

github-actions[bot] commented 3 months ago

Template diff: warning-text.diff

< {% from "../../macros/attributes.njk" import govukAttributes -%}
< <div class="govuk-warning-text {%- if params.classes %} {{ params.classes }}{% endif %}"
<   {{- govukAttributes(params.attributes) }}>
> <div class="govuk-warning-text {{- ' ' + params.classes if params.classes}}"
>   {%- for attribute, value in params.attributes %} {{attribute}}="{{value}}"{% endfor -%}
>   >
<     <span class="govuk-visually-hidden">{{ params.iconFallbackText | default("Warning", true) }}</span>
>     <span class="govuk-warning-text__assistive">{{ params.iconFallbackText | default("Warning") }}</span>

Action run for aef7f8db204e9f618201d19b4e97536bc58b2c6f

romaricpascal commented 3 months ago

Closing this as it's not endu