alphagov / govuk-frontend

GOV.UK Frontend contains the code you need to start building a user interface for government platforms and services.
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Explore impact of deploying changes to previous versions of govuk-frontend #5084

Open trang-erskine opened 1 week ago

trang-erskine commented 1 week ago


Investigate how we could more easily deploy changes across previous versions of govuk-frontend such as v3 or v4.


Depending on our needs, this may be something we need to do and therefore should investigate potential pain points and considerations so that we don't run into roadblocks at the point of release.

Who needs to work on this


Who needs to review this


Further detail

We have learnings about this from the crown release and 4.7.0 where we released a version of govuk-frontend whilst 5.0 was in development on main. Some of the takeaways from them were:

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