alphagov / govuk_publishing_components

A gem to document and distribute frontend components for GOV.UK applications
MIT License
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Review `attachment-link` component usage #3483

Open MartinJJones opened 1 year ago

MartinJJones commented 1 year ago


Replace the download-link component used in government-frontend with the attachment-link from the publishing components gem.

Download Link - Attachment Link -


The style for the download-link component is very different to the attachment-link component as shown in the screenshots below. Not only because of the bold text, but the download-link component also includes an SVG icon to the left of the link. The icon itself does not appear to best represent a download action, but instead would likely indicate a copy action.

Material Design - Content Copy icon - Font Awesome - Copy icon -

Screenshot comparison

Publishing component - attachment-link Government Frontend - download-link
attachment-link-gem government-frontend-download-link

Example page:

nnagewad commented 1 month ago

@MartinJJones this may be a silly question but will this continue to be an issue once app consolidation is underway?

MartinJJones commented 1 month ago

@MartinJJones this may be a silly question but will this continue to be an issue once app consolidation is underway?

Good question, I'm not too familiar with the app consolidation work, but I think it would depend on the approach used, for example, you could lift and shift the download-link from one application into another. In this scenario the app would be consolidated, but the attachment/download link component variations could still exist.

I imagine that by using components from the gem and consolidating the components, it could potentially make the consolidation work a bit easier, from a frontend perspective at least, no HTML, CSS or JS to migrate over to the other application for example.