alphagov / release

Internal dashboard summarising the release pipeline for components of the GOV.UK web content management system.
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Back fill release requests #6

Closed robyoung closed 10 years ago

robyoung commented 11 years ago

Pull existing release requests from the current Google Spreadsheet.

This should email Carl rather than add the request directly to the release calendar.

samjsharpe commented 11 years ago

bleurgh. If you want historical releases it's actually easier to approximate them from Jenkins.

ssharpe@production-jenkins-1:~$ cat

# Usage ./ <production|staging|preview> Job_Name
# e.g. ./ production Production_Deploy

dirlist=`find /mnt/jenkins/jobs/$2/builds -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`
for dir in $dirlist; do
  filedate=`stat -c '%y' ${dir}/build.xml | cut -c1-19`
  verapp=`cat ${dir}/build.xml | egrep "<value>" | head -n2 | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1 | tac | tr "\n" "," | awk -F, '{OFS=","; print $1,"\"ENVIRONMENT\"","\"" $2 "\""}'`
  echo ",${verapp},\"$filedate\",\"$filedate\"" | sed -e "s/ENVIRONMENT/$1/g"
ssharpe@production-jenkins-1:~$ ./ production Production_Deploy | head
,release,"production","frontend","2012-09-11 14:46:37","2012-09-11 14:46:37"
,release_674,"production","smartanswers","2012-10-16 17:16:13","2012-10-16 17:16:13"
,release_1690,"production","static","2012-12-07 16:50:41","2012-12-07 16:50:41"
,release_162,"production","migratorator","2012-11-01 16:13:04","2012-11-01 16:13:04"
,master,"production","static","2012-09-11 08:40:09","2012-09-11 08:40:09"
,release_1725,"production","static","2013-01-29 12:12:21","2013-01-29 12:12:21"
,release_550,"production","trade-tariff-frontend","2013-01-15 16:29:12","2013-01-15 16:29:12"
,release_1122,"production","publisher","2012-10-15 10:55:53","2012-10-15 10:55:53"
,release_486,"production","datainsight-frontend","2013-01-25 14:21:43","2013-01-25 14:21:43"
,release,"production","govuk_content_api","2012-09-10 15:34:36","2012-09-10 15:34:36"
robyoung commented 11 years ago

Ah, this is about the release requests rather than the actual releases. It's to get the extra info that's in the request spreadsheet but not in jenkins like reason, date requested, who's name was on the tin etc.

philandstuff commented 10 years ago

closing as nothing has happened in a year and a half. if we still care, feel free to reopen.