alphagov / verify-local-patterns

Project board - ||||| This is a prototype of some content that will be included in the GOV.UK Service Toolkit about the best practice for councils to deliver two services - parking permits and concessionary travel. The repo also includes a working prototype of both services which follows the guidance, as delivered by the fictional council of Argleton.
MIT License
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do existing permits which are going to expire soon affect the price of additional permits? #287

Closed EUzkuraityte closed 7 years ago

EUzkuraityte commented 7 years ago

Some LAs charge a different fee for the permits depending on whether this is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. permit for the household. This can generate user dissatisfaction if for example, the 1st permit is taken out for 6 months and is free, the 2nd one is charged £30 and is taken out for a year. After the time comes to renew the 1st permit, is it still considered the 1st permit of the household with free renewal? is it charged as the 2nd permit? How does this affect the price of the 2nd permit? etc.

EUzkuraityte commented 7 years ago

@sanjaypoyzer the answer to this question is 'no'. You can read more here if needed: