alphaleonis / AlphaFS

AlphaFS is a .NET library providing more complete Win32 file system functionality to the .NET platform than the standard System.IO classes.
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Add additional Network.Host methods. #414

Closed Yomodo closed 6 years ago

Yomodo commented 6 years ago

Network List Manager

I think this is a useful addition to AlphaFS.Network.Host class as it offers easy enumeration of networks and/or network connections on the local host.

These methods (with a few overloaded methods) are added:

AlphaFS.Network.Host.EnumerateNetworks AlphaFS.Network.Host.GetNetwork

AlphaFS.Network.Host.EnumerateNetworkConnections AlphaFS.Network.Host.GetNetworkConnection

which provides us the following information:

Network: [ChinaWall]

Instance: [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.NetworkInfo]

#001    Category              = [Public]
#002    Connections           = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.NetworkInfo+<get_Connections>d__5]
#003    ConnectionTime        = [05/02/2018 14:15:44]
#004    ConnectionTimeUtc     = [05/02/2018 13:15:44]
#005    Connectivity          = [IPv6NoTraffic, IPv4Internet]
#006    CreationTime          = [09/01/2018 19:36:43]
#007    CreationTimeUtc       = [09/01/2018 18:36:43]
#008    Description           = [Network]
#009    DomainType            = [None]
#010    IsConnected           = [True]
#011    IsConnectedToInternet = [True]
#012    Name                  = [ChinaWall]
#013    NetworkID             = [e773761b-6883-4598-898f-05f83e9d0454]

    Instance: [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.NetworkConnectionInfo]

    #001    AdapterDescription    = [Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265]
    #002    AdapterID             = [70383d57-b8b4-48be-a3e0-732b7967fb5e]
    #003    AdapterName           = [Wi-Fi]
    #004    ConnectionID          = [0081c770-acf7-d4e6-f980-8a00a9884fff]
    #005    Connectivity          = [IPv6NoTraffic, IPv4Internet]
    #006    DomainType            = [None]
    #007    IsConnected           = [True]
    #008    IsConnectedToInternet = [True]
    #009    NetworkInfo           = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.NetworkInfo]

    Instance: [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.NetworkConnectionInfo]

    #001    AdapterDescription    = [Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (4) I219-LM]
    #002    AdapterID             = [64e56567-4b1b-43dc-8512-7eba57321079]
    #003    AdapterName           = [My Ethernet Adapter]
    #004    ConnectionID          = [005a925e-7188-7bf2-0ae2-81008f7a426e]
    #005    Connectivity          = [IPv6NoTraffic, IPv4Internet]
    #006    DomainType            = [None]
    #007    IsConnected           = [True]
    #008    IsConnectedToInternet = [True]
    #009    NetworkInfo           = [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.NetworkInfo]
Yomodo commented 6 years ago

Added Host.GetServerStatistics using NetStatisticsGet for Server service:

Instance: [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.ServerStatisticsInfo]

#001    AccessPermissionErrors = [52580]
#002    AverageResponseTime    = [00:00:00]
#003    BufferAllocationFailed = [0]
#004    BufferRequestFailed    = [0]
#005    BytesReceived          = [86805172906]
#006    BytesReceivedUnitSize  = [80,84 GB]
#007    BytesSent              = [11896408547]
#008    BytesSentUnitSize      = [11,08 GB]
#009    DevicesOpened          = [0]
#010    FilesOpened            = [9289551]
#011    HostName               = [DESKTOP-123]
#012    JobsQueued             = [0]
#013    PasswordViolations     = [0]
#014    SessionsFailed         = [0]
#015    SessionsStarted        = [1]
#016    SessionsTimedOut       = [0]
#017    StatisticsStartTime    = [10/02/2018 14:26:50]
#018    StatisticsStartTimeUtc = [10/02/2018 13:26:50]
#019    SystemErrors           = [0]
Yomodo commented 6 years ago

Added Host.GetWorkstationStatistics using NetStatisticsGet for Workstation service:

Instance: [Alphaleonis.Win32.Network.WorkstationStatisticsInfo]

#001    BytesReceived                        = [11897343259]
#002    BytesReceivedUnitSize                = [11,08 GB]
#003    BytesTransmitted                     = [86805206919]
#004    BytesTransmittedUnitSize             = [80,84 GB]
#005    CacheReadBytesRequested              = [76291102963]
#006    CacheReadBytesRequestedUnitSize      = [71,05 GB]
#007    CacheWriteBytesRequested             = [74204864229]
#008    CacheWriteBytesRequestedUnitSize     = [69,11 GB]
#009    CoreConnects                         = [0]
#010    CurrentCommands                      = [0]
#011    FailedCompletionOperations           = [0]
#012    FailedSessions                       = [0]
#013    FailedUseCount                       = [0]
#014    HostName                             = [DESKTOP-123]
#015    HungSessions                         = [0]
#016    InitiallyFailedOperations            = [0]
#017    Lanman20Connects                     = [0]
#018    Lanman21Connects                     = [0]
#019    LanmanNtConnects                     = [0]
#020    LargeReadSmbs                        = [0]
#021    LargeWriteSmbs                       = [0]
#022    NetworkErrors                        = [192]
#023    NetworkReadBytesRequested            = [76302972328]
#024    NetworkReadBytesRequestedUnitSize    = [71,06 GB]
#025    NetworkWriteBytesRequested           = [74204864229]
#026    NetworkWriteBytesRequestedUnitSize   = [69,11 GB]
#027    NonPagingReadBytesRequested          = [0]
#028    NonPagingReadBytesRequestedUnitSize  = [0 B]
#029    NonPagingWriteBytesRequested         = [0]
#030    NonPagingWriteBytesRequestedUnitSize = [0 B]
#031    PagingReadBytesRequested             = [15105024]
#032    PagingReadBytesRequestedUnitSize     = [14,41 MB]
#033    PagingWriteBytesRequested            = [0]
#034    PagingWriteBytesRequestedUnitSize    = [0 B]
#035    RandomReadOperations                 = [7800]
#036    RandomWriteOperations                = [2678]
#037    RawReadsDenied                       = [0]
#038    RawWritesDenied                      = [0]
#039    ReadOperations                       = [163918]
#040    ReadSmbs                             = [0]
#041    Reconnects                           = [0]
#042    ServerDisconnects                    = [2]
#043    Sessions                             = [0]
#044    SmallReadSmbs                        = [0]
#045    SmallWriteSmbs                       = [0]
#046    SmbsReceived                         = [8137]
#047    SmbsTransmitted                      = [0]
#048    StatisticsStartTime                  = [19/01/2018 09:07:52]
#049    StatisticsStartTimeUtc               = [19/01/2018 08:07:52]
#050    UseCount                             = [126746]
#051    WriteOperations                      = [304155]
#052    WriteSmbs                            = [0]