alphanodes / additionals

Redmine plugin for easy customization of settings, text and content display by using personal or role-based dashboards (drag&drop), providing wiki macros and act as library for other plugins.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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async cache with redmine subdirectory installation. #113

Closed skalimer0 closed 3 years ago

skalimer0 commented 3 years ago


We have REDMINE with a subdirectory in URL like

We make change in files and config/environment.rb on redmine for what works with REDMINE 4.x All works except async cache files.

The tmp cache file is writing without the subdirectory (in filename) but it's reading with the subdirectory... So... it can't work. We have this error : Invalid dashboard block for mywidget (ActionView::Template::Error): No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen

Thanks a lot.

skalimer0 commented 3 years ago

Method used to have subdirectory :

alexandermeindl commented 3 years ago

Hi @skalimer0 Additionals uses cache from Rails: We do not configure any directory for cache files in additionals plugin. Maybe you have to adjust your configuration to fix the storage problem for cache. With the usage of cache there is no configuration option for a path.

skalimer0 commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks... It's what i think too.... i'll post some infos if i resolve it.

skalimer0 commented 3 years ago

Hi, So... the cache files are not in the same place for read and write.... but the file have the good name. For exemple... /tmp/cache/F9D/933/.views%2Frender_async..... And when redmine want to read... /tmp/cache/.views%2Frender_async....

I suppose it's just configuration....

More in next episode ;)

skalimer0 commented 3 years ago


In fact, no cache file is generated... if i have cache file : the widget works on the dashboard.

and I don't have any cache error with widgets without settings and when i skip the user ID (no_settings: true and skip_user_id: true).

skalimer0 commented 3 years ago

Crap.... It's my bad I debugging on Windows and Windows 10 accept by default 255 characteres for file path... And with settings or user_id.... with my subdirectory... i'm over this 255 characters....

Solution :