alphapapa / ement.el

A Matrix client for GNU Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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After repeated edits in Ement, a message becomes hidden/missing in Element #226

Closed phil-s closed 9 months ago

phil-s commented 9 months ago


Ubuntu GNU/Linux 22.04

Emacs version and provenance

Emacs 29.1 compiled from source.

Emacs command


Emacs frame type


Ement package version and provenance

Issue verified with ement-0.12 from GNU ELPA via package-install

Actions taken

Observed results

Element fails to render an edit of an edit, while Ement does display it. This suggests that I may have been inadvertently hiding my messages from others without realising it.

Expected results

Element displays the twice-edited message.


No response


I can edit messages repeatedly in Element without problem.

Looking at event data, I think the difference is this:

When I create a message with ID foo and repeatedly edit it in Element, the event for each and every edit says:

   (event_id . "foo")
   (rel_type . "m.replace"))

Conversely when I create a message with ID foo and repeatedly edit it in Ement, each event relates_to the distinct ID of the previous edit event in the series; so only the first edit looks like the example above, and each subsequent edit event (i.e. all of the ones which Element doesn't display) have a different event_id value in that section.

purplg commented 9 months ago

We discovered in the Ement.el chatroom that edit events should reference the original message, not the edited message.

Per the spec:

The original event must not, itself, have a rel_type of m.replace (i.e. you cannot edit an edit — though you can send multiple edits for a single original event).

alphapapa commented 9 months ago
(defun ement-room-edit-message (event room session body)
  "Edit EVENT in ROOM on SESSION to have new BODY.
The message must be one sent by the local user."
  (interactive (ement-room-with-highlighted-event-at (point)
                 (cl-assert ement-session) (cl-assert ement-room)
                 (pcase-let* ((event (ewoc-data (ewoc-locate ement-ewoc)))
                              ((cl-struct ement-session user events) ement-session)
                              ((cl-struct ement-event sender
                                          (content (map body ('m.relates_to
                                                              (map ('event_id replaced-event-id)
                                                                   ('rel_type relation-type))))))
                              (ement-room-editing-event event))
                   (unless (equal (ement-user-id sender) (ement-user-id user))
                     (user-error "You may only edit your own messages"))
                   (pcase relation-type
                      ;; Editing an already-edited event: get the original event.
                      (setf event (or (gethash replaced-event-id events)
                                      (error "Can't find original event <%s> to edit" replaced-event-id)))))
                   ;; Remove any leading asterisk from the plain-text body.
                   (setf body (replace-regexp-in-string (rx bos "*" (1+ space)) "" body t t))
                     (let* ((prompt (format "Edit message (%s): "
                                            (ement-room-display-name ement-room)))
                            (body (ement-room-read-string prompt body 'ement-room-message-history
                                                          nil 'inherit-input-method)))
                       (when (string-empty-p body)
                         (user-error "To delete a message, use command `ement-room-delete-message'"))
                       (when (yes-or-no-p (format "Edit message to: %S? " body))
                         (list event ement-room ement-session body)))))))
  (let* ((endpoint (format "rooms/%s/send/%s/%s" (url-hexify-string (ement-room-id room))
                           "" (ement--update-transaction-id session)))
         (new-content (ement-alist "body" body
                                   "msgtype" "m.text"))
         (_ (when ement-room-send-message-filter
              (setf new-content (funcall ement-room-send-message-filter new-content room))))
         (content (ement-alist "msgtype" "m.text"
                               "body" body
                               "m.new_content" new-content
                               "m.relates_to" (ement-alist "rel_type" "m.replace"
                                                           "event_id" (ement-event-id event)))))
    ;; Prepend the asterisk after the filter may have modified the content.  Note that the
    ;; "m.new_content" body does not get the leading asterisk, only the "content" body,
    ;; which is intended as a fallback.
    (setf body (concat "* " body))
    (ement-api session endpoint :method 'put :data (json-encode content)
      :then (apply-partially #'ement-room-send-event-callback :room room :session session
                             :content content :data))))

This seems to fix it. Will push later unless someone says that it doesn't work...

alphapapa commented 9 months ago

Thanks to all for reporting.

phil-s commented 9 months ago

Confirming the fix works for me. Thanks!