alphapapa / org-ql

A searching tool for Org-mode, including custom query languages, commands, saved searches and agenda-like views, etc.
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Storing org-ql-view org-link with one file #147

Closed tpeacock19 closed 3 years ago

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

I'm getting an error from the single file check when I have the below org-ql-view:

("Review: Process Items"
                    :buffers-files "~/org/"
                    :query (tags "gtd")
                    :sort (date priority)
                    :title "Review: Process Items")

from org-ql-view--link-store

(unless (or (bufferp org-ql-view-buffers-files)
              (= 1 (length org-ql-view-buffers-files)))
    (user-error "Only views searching a single buffer may be linked"))

I think it is because the buffer-local value of org-ql-view-buffers-files is just a string so the length will never be equal to 1.

Additionally, I know the docstring states that these links only search the current buffer. Is there a reason behind that limitation? Could you not save the files from the view as an expression and pass it with the link url?

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Additionally, I know the docstring states that these links only search the current buffer. Is there a reason behind that limitation? Could you not save the files from the view as an expression and pass it with the link url?

On second thought, I can achieve what I want using bookmarks. Though I think it may be useful to put an example of how the org-ql org links can be leveraged. Perhaps a consistent project view independent of the current buffer or something of the sort.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Additionally, the user-error in the org-ql-view--link-store prevents the normal org-store-link from executing any other link types if it fails that check.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Additionally, the user-error in the org-ql-view--link-store prevents the normal org-store-link from executing any other link types if it fails that check.

Oops, thanks, that is fixed now.

I'll see about the other issues a little later. Thanks.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Additionally, I know the docstring states that these links only search the current buffer. Is there a reason behind that limitation? Could you not save the files from the view as an expression and pass it with the link url?

I wasn't much expecting anyone to make links to views of multiple files, and certainly not within hours of my pushing the feature. But I'm happy to be proven wrong here. :)

I think that will take care of it. It seems to work for me. Please let me know if it does for you as well.

Though I think it may be useful to put an example of how the org-ql org links can be leveraged. Perhaps a consistent project view independent of the current buffer or something of the sort.

I'm not sure what you mean. Could you elaborate?

Thanks for your quick testing and reporting.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

For commit,

I think that I may be setting up my ql views incorrectly. Currently I do the following for a custom variable:

(setq org-ql-views
       `(("Review: Process Items"
          :buffers-files ,baal-capture-inbox
          :query (tags "gtd")
          :sort (date priority)
          :narrow nil
          :title "Review: Process Items")))

The variable points to a single file, which results in the org-ql-view showing the below.


This prevents the fix from working for me because it is checking for a list. is there a way I can get the variable to evaluate /and/ be included in a list. I think I've tried every variation of backtick/quote combination. For the list of multiple files it works perfectly.

I wasn't much expecting anyone to make links to views of multiple files, and certainly not within hours of my pushing the feature. But I'm happy to be proven wrong here. :)

Slow day for me and always interested when you put out new stuff. I learn a lot and figured I might as well try to contribute.

I'm not sure what you mean. Could you elaborate?

That comment was when I understood the ql-view org-links could only be applied to the current buffer. If that were the case, then it would be useful to have a query showing common project information (NEXT items, FIX items, BLOCKED, etc.) that then can be copied to various org files/buffers. It would provide a consistent in-project view using the same org-ql-link.

However, since that has changed I'm not sure its necessary.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

This prevents the fix from working for me because it is checking for a list. is there a way I can get the variable to evaluate /and/ be included in a list. I think I've tried every variation of backtick/quote combination. For the list of multiple files it works perfectly.

Oops, sorry. I think should fix it. Please let me know. (Allowing variables to be of several different types tends to lead to this kind of problem when developing new features.)

Slow day for me and always interested when you put out new stuff. I learn a lot and figured I might as well try to contribute.

Much appreciated! Your feedback is timely and invaluable.

Nice screenshot, by the way. Very nice looking Emacs and desktop. You might consider posting something like that to r/emacs or r/orgmode. :)

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

(file-exists-p org-ql-view-buffers-files)

This throws a type error when evaluating against a list of files. (file-exists-p '("~/org/" "~/org/")), I ran into this when trying before. I settled on stringp like you had in cl-etypecase in org-ql-view--bookmark-make-record

Nice screenshot, by the way. Very nice looking Emacs and desktop. You might consider posting something like that to r/emacs or r/orgmode. :)

Thanks! I may just do that.

Additionally, I had initially had my org-ql-views with org agenda setup like this:

(gsetq org-ql-views
       `(("Overview: NEXT tasks"
          :buffers-files org-agenda-files
          :query (todo "NEXT")
          :sort (date priority)
          :super-groups org-super-agenda-groups
          :title "Overview: NEXT tasks")))

Which works when opened but would not work when stored as a link. Changing the :buffers-files line to a list evaluating org-agenda-files ,(org-agenda-files) fixes it, but figured I would bring it up in case.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

This throws a type error when evaluating against a list of files. (file-exists-p '("~/org/" "~/org/")), I ran into this when trying before. I settled on stringp like you had in cl-etypecase in org-ql-view--bookmark-make-record

Okay, that should be fixed now.

Which works when opened but would not work when stored as a link. Changing the :buffers-files line to a list evaluating org-agenda-files ,(org-agenda-files) fixes it, but figured I would bring it up in case.

Still need to fix that...

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

This is getting complicated. :( This is why I initially made links to just search the current buffer. The problem now is this:

  1. User makes an Org file.
  2. User runs org-ql-search to search it.
  3. User stores a link to the search view with C-c l.

This presents a problem: if the link is stored to that specific filename, then the link will fail if the file is opened under another name. This defeats the potential usefulness of sharing an Org document with a link to a search view of itself. But if the link is stored to search whatever the current buffer is when the link is opened, that will inevitably result in bug reports saying something like, "I made this link to search a file, and then I put the link in another file for convenience, and when I open the link, it searches the wrong file!"

I guess that, when the view is of a single buffer, we have to ask the user whether to make a link to search that file or whatever is the current buffer. That won't be easy to communicate, but I don't see any alternative.

What do you think? Thanks.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

I guess that, when the view is of a single buffer, we have to ask the user whether to make a link to search that file or whatever is the current buffer. That won't be easy to communicate, but I don't see any alternative.

This can theoretically work, but an idiosyncrasy of Org is that store-link functions appear to be called twice when storing a link, so prompting the user means prompting the user twice for every link. sigh

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to have make a view aware that it is using current-buffer as the file selection? perhaps not having it evaluate in the saved query?

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Is only time the :buffer-files is an actual buffer-name is when you select current-buffer? if that is the case then you could save in the link the current-buffer expression when :buffer-files is a single buffer name?

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

I think I have a solution. Please see If you have time to give that commit a quick test, I'd appreciate it. I had to factor out some code to reuse it, so there's minor potential for breakage.

Also, what do you think of the prompt? Is it clear enough?

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

I like the prompt and it seems to work alright. Or perhaps something like "Link to search with function (current-buffer) or file 'blah blah' "

Another note though, the warning for executing arbitrary code is triggered by simple queries (tags "gtd") and (tags "mail").

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

I like the prompt and it seems to work alright. Or perhaps something like "Link to search with function (current-buffer) or file 'blah blah' "

Hm, I'll give it some more thought. It's hard to be clear and concise about something users aren't expecting.

Another note though, the warning for executing arbitrary code is triggered by simple queries (tags "gtd") and (tags "mail").

Yes, the warning is for any sexp-style query. What's needed next is to convert simple queries like that to their non-sexp form for the link. There's already code to convert non-sexp queries to sexp queries, but not to do the reverse. It probably won't be too difficult to handle simple cases... (famous last words?)

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Yes, the warning is for any sexp-style query.

Ah I understand. Makes sense.

I've found something else (sorry!) my tags are no longer showing up in org-ql views since 359a280d11d54c940125f11d7be6a93f8c0c1095. I'll open a new issue but its nothing urgent.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Yes, the warning is for any sexp-style query. What's needed next is to convert simple queries like that to their non-sexp form for the link. There's already code to convert non-sexp queries to sexp queries, but not to do the reverse. It probably won't be too difficult to handle simple cases... (famous last words?)

@tpeacock19 If you have a moment, please test this branch: It converts sexp queries to string queries when storing a link (when the query isn't too complex), which should avoid the warnings when opening such links.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

When I saved a view with query (tags "gtd) I get the following when opening the link:


When I have a bit more complicated, It doesn't seem to save at all:

("Overview: Projects"
                    :buffers-files "~/org/"
                    :query (or (and (todo)
                                    (not (todo "HOLD")))
                               (parent (todo)))
                    :sort (date priority)
                    :narrow nil
                    :super-groups ((:auto-parent t))
                    :title "Overview: Projects")

Unfortunately, when I try to edebug to find out more, I get the following backtrace

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-read-syntax "Expected form")
  edebug-syntax-error("Expected form")
  edebug-no-match((nil . 92326) "Expected form")
  edebug-top-element-required((nil . 92326) "Expected form")
  edebug-form((nil . 92326))
  edebug-match-form((nil . 92326))
  edebug-list-form((nil . 92326))
  edebug-form((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134))
  edebug-match-form((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134))
  edebug-match-symbol((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) form)
  edebug-match-one-spec((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) form)
  edebug-match-&or((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (([&or "quote" "function"] &or symbolp lambda-expr) form))
  edebug-match-specs((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (&or ([&or "quote" "function"] &or symbolp lambda-expr) form) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (&or ([&or "quote" "function"] &or symbolp lambda-expr) form))
  edebug-match-symbol((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) function-form)
  edebug-match-one-spec((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) function-form)
  edebug-match-specs((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (function-form) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (:unique "cl-flet@" function-form) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  #<subr edebug-make-form-wrapper>((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) 92293 93134 (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  ad-Advice-edebug-make-form-wrapper(#<subr edebug-make-form-wrapper> (((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) 92293 93134 (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  apply(ad-Advice-edebug-make-form-wrapper #<subr edebug-make-form-wrapper> ((((form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) 92293 93134 (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form)))
  edebug-make-form-wrapper((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) 92293 93134 (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  edebug-match-&define((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  edebug-match-specs((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-sublist((((form) (pcase form (`(not ,rest) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ((... form) (args-string ...)) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 (92373 . 92374) (92374 . 92378) . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 (92725 ... ... . 92741) (92742 . 92746) . 92747) (92788 (92789 . 92800) (92801 ... ... ... ... ... . 93065) . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  edebug-match-list((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  edebug-match-one-spec((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form))
  edebug-match-&or((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ((&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)))
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)))
  edebug-match-one-spec((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)])
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&optional-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&rest-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) nil edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&optional-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&rest-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) nil edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&optional-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&rest-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) nil edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&optional-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&rest-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) nil edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&optional-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&rest-wrapper((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-match-&rest((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) ([&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]))
  edebug-match-specs((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (&rest [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-sublist((((format-form (form) (pcase form (`(not ...) (concat "!" (format-form rest))) (`(priority \, _) (format-priority form)) (`(src \, _) (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* (... ...) (format "%s:%s" pred args-string))))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form)) (string-join (mapcar #'format-form rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((`... form) (args (pcase rest ... ...))) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char (string-to-char ...)) (numeric-priorities '...) (others (pcase comparator ... ... ... ... ...))) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 (92366 . 92369) (92373 ... ... . 92378) . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 (92394 . 92405) (92406 . 92410) . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 (92441 . 92449) (92452 . 92453) (92453 . 92454) . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 (92593 . 92596) (92599 . 92600) (92600 . 92601) . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 (92724 ... ... . 92747) (92788 ... ... . 93066) . 93067) (93097 (93098 . 93104) (93105 . 93112) (93113 . 93117) (93118 . 93129) . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 (93197 . 93198) (93198 ... ... ... . 93211) . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 (93264 . 93266) (93266 . 93277) . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 (93358 . 93359) (93359 ... ... ... . 93377) . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 (93426 . 93431) (93432 . 93436) (93480 ... ... . 93613) (93657 ... ... . 93665) . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 (93820 . 93834) (93835 ... ... . 93864) . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 (93929 . 93930) (93930 ... ... ... . 93940) . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 (94085 . 94090) (94091 . 94101) (94154 ... ... . 94200) (94253 ... ... . 94301) (94354 ... ... . 94400) (94453 ... ... . 94501) (94554 ... ... . 94600) . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (&rest [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]))
  edebug-match-list(((((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p 'or query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or (eq symbol element) (and ... ...)))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do (cond ... ... ...)) (string-join (append ... ...) ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string (if ... ... ...)) (t (format "%s" atom)))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (`... (concat "!" ...)) (`... (format-priority form)) (`... (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ... ...)))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((... form)) (string-join (mapcar ... rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((... form) (args ...)) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char ...) (numeric-priorities ...) (others ...)) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`(and \, _) (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query))))) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 (90874 . 90875) (90875 . 90877) . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 (91030 . 91032) (91033 . 91039) (91040 . 91047) . 91048) (91096 (91097 . 91100) (91101 ... ... . 91116) (91169 ... ... ... . 91196) . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 (91374 . 91378) (91379 ... ... ... . 91511) (91554 ... ... . 91622) (91665 ... ... . 91690) . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 (91731 . 91737) (91738 ... ... ... . 91771) (91817 ... ... . 91939) . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 (92085 . 92087) (92088 ... ... ... . 92118) (92155 ... ... ... . 92173) (92208 ... ... ... . 92226) . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 (92257 . 92263) (92264 . 92268) (92269 . 92273) . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 ... ... . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 ... ... . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 ... ... ... . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 ... ... ... . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 ... ... . 93067) (93097 ... ... ... ... . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 ... ... . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 ... ... . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 ... ... . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 ... ... ... ... . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 ... ... . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 ... ... . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 (94834 . 94837) (94840 . 94841) (94841 . 94842) . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) (&rest [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]))
  edebug-match-one-spec(((((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p 'or query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or (eq symbol element) (and ... ...)))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do (cond ... ... ...)) (string-join (append ... ...) ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string (if ... ... ...)) (t (format "%s" atom)))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (`... (concat "!" ...)) (`... (format-priority form)) (`... (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ... ...)))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((... form)) (string-join (mapcar ... rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((... form) (args ...)) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char ...) (numeric-priorities ...) (others ...)) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`(and \, _) (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query))))) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 (90874 . 90875) (90875 . 90877) . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 (91030 . 91032) (91033 . 91039) (91040 . 91047) . 91048) (91096 (91097 . 91100) (91101 ... ... . 91116) (91169 ... ... ... . 91196) . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 (91374 . 91378) (91379 ... ... ... . 91511) (91554 ... ... . 91622) (91665 ... ... . 91690) . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 (91731 . 91737) (91738 ... ... ... . 91771) (91817 ... ... . 91939) . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 (92085 . 92087) (92088 ... ... ... . 92118) (92155 ... ... ... . 92173) (92208 ... ... ... . 92226) . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 (92257 . 92263) (92264 . 92268) (92269 . 92273) . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 ... ... . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 ... ... . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 ... ... ... . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 ... ... ... . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 ... ... . 93067) (93097 ... ... ... ... . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 ... ... . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 ... ... . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 ... ... . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 ... ... ... ... . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 ... ... . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 ... ... . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 (94834 . 94837) (94840 . 94841) (94841 . 94842) . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) (&rest [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]))
  edebug-match-specs(((((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p 'or query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or (eq symbol element) (and ... ...)))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do (cond ... ... ...)) (string-join (append ... ...) ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string (if ... ... ...)) (t (format "%s" atom)))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (`... (concat "!" ...)) (`... (format-priority form)) (`... (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ... ...)))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((... form)) (string-join (mapcar ... rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((... form) (args ...)) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char ...) (numeric-priorities ...) (others ...)) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`(and \, _) (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query))))) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 (90874 . 90875) (90875 . 90877) . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 (91030 . 91032) (91033 . 91039) (91040 . 91047) . 91048) (91096 (91097 . 91100) (91101 ... ... . 91116) (91169 ... ... ... . 91196) . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 (91374 . 91378) (91379 ... ... ... . 91511) (91554 ... ... . 91622) (91665 ... ... . 91690) . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 (91731 . 91737) (91738 ... ... ... . 91771) (91817 ... ... . 91939) . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 (92085 . 92087) (92088 ... ... ... . 92118) (92155 ... ... ... . 92173) (92208 ... ... ... . 92226) . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 (92257 . 92263) (92264 . 92268) (92269 . 92273) . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 ... ... . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 ... ... . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 ... ... ... . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 ... ... ... . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 ... ... . 93067) (93097 ... ... ... ... . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 ... ... . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 ... ... . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 ... ... . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 ... ... ... ... . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 ... ... . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 ... ... . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 (94834 . 94837) (94840 . 94841) (94841 . 94842) . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) ((&rest [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) cl-declarations body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-sublist(((((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p 'or query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or (eq symbol element) (and ... ...)))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do (cond ... ... ...)) (string-join (append ... ...) ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string (if ... ... ...)) (t (format "%s" atom)))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (`... (concat "!" ...)) (`... (format-priority form)) (`... (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ... ...)))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((... form)) (string-join (mapcar ... rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((... form) (args ...)) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char ...) (numeric-priorities ...) (others ...)) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`(and \, _) (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query))))) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 (90874 . 90875) (90875 . 90877) . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 (91030 . 91032) (91033 . 91039) (91040 . 91047) . 91048) (91096 (91097 . 91100) (91101 ... ... . 91116) (91169 ... ... ... . 91196) . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 (91374 . 91378) (91379 ... ... ... . 91511) (91554 ... ... . 91622) (91665 ... ... . 91690) . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 (91731 . 91737) (91738 ... ... ... . 91771) (91817 ... ... . 91939) . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 (92085 . 92087) (92088 ... ... ... . 92118) (92155 ... ... ... . 92173) (92208 ... ... ... . 92226) . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 (92257 . 92263) (92264 . 92268) (92269 . 92273) . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 ... ... . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 ... ... . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 ... ... ... . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 ... ... ... . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 ... ... . 93067) (93097 ... ... ... ... . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 ... ... . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 ... ... . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 ... ... . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 ... ... ... ... . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 ... ... . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 ... ... . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 (94834 . 94837) (94840 . 94841) (94841 . 94842) . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) ((&rest [&or (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" function-form) (&define name :unique "cl-flet@" cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)]) cl-declarations body))
  edebug-list-form(((((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p 'or query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or (eq symbol element) (and ... ...)))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do (cond ... ... ...)) (string-join (append ... ...) ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string (if ... ... ...)) (t (format "%s" atom)))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (`... (concat "!" ...)) (`... (format-priority form)) (`... (user-error "Converting (src ...) queries to non-sexp form is n...")) (_ (pcase-let* ... ...)))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ((... form)) (string-join (mapcar ... rest) " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ((... form) (args ...)) (concat "priority:" (string-join args ",")))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ((char ...) (numeric-priorities ...) (others ...)) (mapcar #'char-to-string others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`(and \, _) (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query))))) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 (90874 . 90875) (90875 . 90877) . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 (91030 . 91032) (91033 . 91039) (91040 . 91047) . 91048) (91096 (91097 . 91100) (91101 ... ... . 91116) (91169 ... ... ... . 91196) . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 (91374 . 91378) (91379 ... ... ... . 91511) (91554 ... ... . 91622) (91665 ... ... . 91690) . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 (91731 . 91737) (91738 ... ... ... . 91771) (91817 ... ... . 91939) . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 (92085 . 92087) (92088 ... ... ... . 92118) (92155 ... ... ... . 92173) (92208 ... ... ... . 92226) . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 (92257 . 92263) (92264 . 92268) (92269 . 92273) . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 (92364 . 92365) (92365 ... ... . 92380) . 92380) (92381 (92382 . 92388) (92389 . 92392) (92393 ... ... . 92411) . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 (92439 . 92440) (92440 ... ... ... . 92455) . 92455) (92456 (92457 . 92472) (92473 . 92477) . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 (92591 . 92592) (92592 ... ... ... . 92602) . 92602) (92603 (92604 . 92614) (92615 . 92681) . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 (92712 . 92722) (92723 ... ... . 93067) (93097 ... ... ... ... . 93130) . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 (93197 ... ... . 93211) (93212 . 93216) . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 (93257 . 93263) (93264 ... ... . 93277) (93278 . 93282) . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 (93358 ... ... . 93377) (93378 . 93382) . 93383) (93419 (93420 . 93424) (93425 ... ... ... ... . 93666) . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 (93714 . 93725) (93726 . 93730) (93731 . 93734) . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 (93814 . 93818) (93819 ... ... . 93865) . 93866) (93909 (93910 . 93928) (93929 ... ... . 93940) . 93941) (94076 (94077 . 94083) (94084 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 94601) . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 (94649 . 94651) (94651 . 94665) . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 (94834 . 94837) (94840 . 94841) (94841 . 94842) . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898))
  edebug-form((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899))
  edebug-match-form((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899))
  edebug-match-symbol((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) form)
  edebug-match-one-spec((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) form)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (form) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&optional-wrapper((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (form) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-&rest-wrapper((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (form) edebug-&rest-wrapper)
  edebug-match-&rest((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (form))
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (&rest form) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (&rest form))
  edebug-match-def-body((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899))
  edebug-match-symbol((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) def-body)
  edebug-match-one-spec((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) def-body)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) ([&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) ([&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) (name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-specs((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) ("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match-sublist((((cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or (contains-p ... query))) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis (or ... ...))) (format-args (args) (let (non-paired paired next-keyword) (cl-loop for arg in args do ...) (string-join ... ","))) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom (string ...) (t ...))) (format-form (form) (pcase form (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (_ ...))) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* (...) (string-join ... " "))) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* (... ...) (concat "priority:" ...))) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* (... ... ...) (mapcar ... others)))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (`... (format-and query)) (_ (format-form query)))))) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 (90863 . 90873) (90874 ... ... . 90877) (90878 . 90883) . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 (91026 . 91028) (91029 ... ... ... . 91048) (91096 ... ... ... . 91197) . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 (91256 . 91266) (91267 . 91273) (91274 . 91286) . 91287) (91312 (91313 . 91320) (91321 . 91324) (91325 . 91328) (91329 . 91331) (91332 . 91336) (91370 . 91372) (91373 ... ... ... ... . 91691) . 91692) (91717 (91718 . 91729) (91730 ... ... ... . 91940) (91978 . 91981) . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 (92077 . 92083) (92084 ... ... ... ... . 92227) . 92228) (92253 (92254 . 92255) (92256 ... ... ... . 92274) . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 (92364 ... ... . 92380) (92381 ... ... ... . 92412) . 92413) (92438 (92439 ... ... . 92455) (92456 ... ... . 92478) . 92479) (92590 (92591 ... ... . 92602) (92603 ... ... . 92682) . 92683) (92708 (92709 . 92710) (92711 ... ... ... . 93131) . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 (93196 ... ... . 93217) . 93218) (93243 (93244 . 93255) (93256 ... ... ... . 93283) (93284 . 93287) . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 (93357 ... ... . 93383) (93419 ... ... . 93667) . 93668) (93693 (93694 . 93700) (93701 . 93712) (93713 ... ... ... . 93735) . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 (93813 ... ... . 93866) (93909 ... ... . 93941) (94076 ... ... . 94602) . 94603) (94641 (94642 . 94648) (94649 ... ... . 94665) (94666 . 94672) . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 (94832 . 94833) (94833 ... ... ... . 94843) . 94843) (94844 (94845 . 94855) (94856 . 94861) . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 (94876 . 94887) (94888 . 94893) . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899) ("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body))
  edebug-match-list((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) ("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body))
  edebug-match-one-spec((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) ("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body))
  edebug-match-specs((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) (("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)) edebug-match-specs)
  edebug-match((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) (("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)))
  #<subr edebug-make-form-wrapper>((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) 90570 94898 (("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)))
  ad-Advice-edebug-make-form-wrapper(#<subr edebug-make-form-wrapper> (((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) 90570 94898 (("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)))
  apply(ad-Advice-edebug-make-form-wrapper #<subr edebug-make-form-wrapper> ((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p ... ...) (contains-p ... ...) (format-args ... ...) (format-atom ... ...) (format-form ... ...) (format-and ... ...) (format-priority ... ...) (priority-letters ... ...)) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query ... ...))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 ... . 90832) (90858 ... ... . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 ... ... . 90926) (90953 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 ... . 91249) (91250 ... ... ... ... . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 ... . 92033) (92034 ... ... ... ... . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 ... . 92326) (92327 ... ... ... ... ... ... . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 ... . 93182) (93183 ... ... ... . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 ... . 93343) (93344 ... ... ... . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 ... ... . 93805) (93806 ... ... ... . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 ... ... . 94863) (94872 ... ... . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) 90570 94898 (("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body))))
  edebug-make-form-wrapper((((defun org-ql--query-sexp-to-string (query) "Return a string query for sexp QUERY.\nIf QUERY can..." (cl-labels ((complex-p (query) (or ...)) (contains-p (symbol list) (cl-loop for element in list thereis ...)) (format-args (args) (let ... ... ...)) (format-atom (atom) (cl-typecase atom ... ...)) (format-form (form) (pcase form ... ... ... ...)) (format-and (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (format-priority (form) (pcase-let* ... ...)) (priority-letters (comparator letter) (let* ... ...))) (unless (complex-p query) (pcase query (... ...) (_ ...)))))) (90570 (90571 . 90576) (90577 . 90605) (90606 (90607 . 90612) . 90613) (90616 . 90708) (90802 (90803 . 90812) (90813 (90814 (90815 . 90824) (90825 (90826 . 90831) . 90832) (90858 (90859 . 90861) (90862 ... ... ... . 90884) . 90885) . 90886) (90901 (90902 . 90912) (90913 (90914 . 90920) (90921 . 90925) . 90926) (90953 (90954 . 90961) (90962 . 90965) (90966 . 90973) (90974 . 90976) (90977 . 90981) (91017 . 91024) (91025 ... ... ... . 91198) . 91199) . 91200) (91215 (91216 . 91227) (91243 (91244 . 91248) . 91249) (91250 (91251 . 91254) (91255 ... ... ... . 91287) (91312 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 91692) (91717 ... ... ... . 91982) . 91983) . 91984) (91999 (92000 . 92011) (92027 (92028 . 92032) . 92033) (92034 (92035 . 92046) (92047 . 92051) (92076 ... ... . 92228) (92253 ... ... . 92275) . 92276) . 92277) (92292 (92293 . 92304) (92320 (92321 . 92325) . 92326) (92327 (92328 . 92333) (92334 . 92338) (92363 ... ... . 92413) (92438 ... ... . 92479) (92590 ... ... . 92683) (92708 ... ... . 93132) . 93133) . 93134) (93149 (93150 . 93160) (93176 (93177 . 93181) . 93182) (93183 (93184 . 93194) (93195 ... . 93218) (93243 ... ... ... . 93288) . 93289) . 93290) (93305 (93306 . 93321) (93337 (93338 . 93342) . 93343) (93344 (93345 . 93355) (93356 ... ... . 93668) (93693 ... ... ... . 93736) . 93737) . 93738) (93753 (93754 . 93770) (93786 (93787 . 93797) (93798 . 93804) . 93805) (93806 (93807 . 93811) (93812 ... ... ... . 94603) (94641 ... ... ... . 94673) . 94674) . 94675) . 94676) (94778 (94779 . 94785) (94786 (94787 . 94796) (94797 . 94802) . 94803) (94810 (94811 . 94816) (94817 . 94822) (94831 (94832 ... ... . 94843) (94844 ... ... . 94862) . 94863) (94872 (94873 . 94874) (94875 ... ... . 94894) . 94895) . 94896) . 94897) . 94898) . 94899)) 90570 94898 (("defun" name lambda-list lambda-doc [&optional ("declare" &rest sexp)] [&optional ("interactive" interactive)] def-body)))
  helpful--edebug(#<marker (moves after insertion) at 331 in *helpful function: org-ql--query-sexp-to-string*>)
  button-activate(#<marker (moves after insertion) at 331 in *helpful function: org-ql--query-sexp-to-string*> nil)
  funcall-interactively(push-button 331)
alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Okay, I think this takes care of everything:

I'm going to go ahead and merge this to master since it should fix some bugs. Please let me know if it works for you, and if there are any more bugs, I'll fix them too. Thanks.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Thanks alot for getting through all this. I think most of it is working as you'd expect. One thing I dont understand is the org-ql-view--link-store-counter. It does not seem to reset to zero, and is causing the prompt to show up inconsistently. It might be because i've canceled storing the link at that prompt, but I can't seem to figure it out.

In fact, I don't think org-ql-view--link-store is being called twice like you suggest in the comments. Its called once here

(when (funcall f)
           ;; XXX: return value is not link's plist, so we
           ;; store the new value before it is modified.  It
           ;; would be cleaner to ask store link functions to
           ;; return the plist instead.
           (push (cons f (copy-sequence org-store-link-plist))

However, this could be an issue of org versions, I'm currently using 9.4 and I noticed some functions you are using have been made obsolete org-store-link-props so I'm assuming you are using 9.3? I'll look at the NOTES and see if I can find a change.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

sigh This kind of problem is why I've pleaded with the Org maintainers to use real semantic versioning so that breaking changes can be communicated clearly. Their current reasoning is that it's sufficient to publish release notes that users and developers should read to discover breaking changes. Of course, that doesn't help a developer like me reason about when breaking changes occur and which Org version to target as a minimum. It's very frustrating, and it means having to duplicate more functionality in this package rather than using what's provided upstream. But even that wouldn't help here.

I am using an older Org version in my personal Emacs config (because of all the potentially breaking changes that I would have to deal with when upgrading). So I'm guessing that:

  1. The double-call issue doesn't exist in newer versions, so that workaround should be removed. (Anyway, the counter is not supposed to reset to zero; it's just tested with cl-evenp.)
  2. org-store-link-props should be replaced with something else, but I don't know what.
  3. After fixing this, it will probably be necessary to target a newer Org version as a minimum.

I really wish the Org maintainers would consider more carefully how churn affects the "ecosystem" of Org-related packages. If changes like these were deferred until the Org major version number increased, it would be easier for someone like me to handle compatibility issues.

Anyway, please let me know what you find out.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

sigh This kind of problem is why I've pleaded with the Org maintainers to use real semantic versioning so that breaking changes can be communicated clearly. Their current reasoning is that it's sufficient to publish release notes that users and developers should read to discover breaking changes.

I think I saw one of these conversations play out. It does not really make sense to me the pushback against semantic versioning. I guess they would rather put more work on users/maintainers than provide proper transparency.

I can't seem to find anything in the commit logs or ORG-NEWS referring to a change in the org-store-links function. For transparency, I'll leave the full definition below.

I am using an older Org version in my personal Emacs config (because of all the potentially breaking changes that I would have to deal with when upgrading).

What version of Org are you using? It might help me track down at what point they made the change and perhaps you can just make a version check to potentially ignore the counter's value and say its even.

(defun org-store-link (arg &optional interactive?)
  "Store a link to the current location.
This link is added to `org-stored-links' and can later be inserted
into an Org buffer with `org-insert-link' (`\\[org-insert-link]').

For some link types, a `\\[universal-argument]' prefix ARG is interpreted.  \
A single
`\\[universal-argument]' negates `org-context-in-file-links' for file links or
`org-gnus-prefer-web-links' for links to Usenet articles.

A `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' prefix ARG forces \
skipping storing functions that are not
part of Org core.

A `\\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument]' \
prefix ARG forces storing a link for each line in the
active region.

Assume the function is called interactively if INTERACTIVE? is
  (interactive "P\np")
  (if (and (equal arg '(64)) (org-region-active-p))
    (let ((end (region-end)))
      (goto-char (region-beginning))
      (set-mark (point))
      (while (< (point-at-eol) end)
        (move-end-of-line 1) (activate-mark)
        (let (current-prefix-arg)
          (call-interactively 'org-store-link))
        (move-beginning-of-line 2)
        (set-mark (point)))))
    (setq org-store-link-plist nil)
    (let (link cpltxt desc description search custom-id agenda-link)
       ;; Store a link using an external link type, if any function is
       ;; available. If more than one can generate a link from current
       ;; location, ask which one to use.
       ((and (not (equal arg '(16)))
         (let ((results-alist nil))
           (dolist (f (org-store-link-functions))
         (when (funcall f)
           ;; XXX: return value is not link's plist, so we
           ;; store the new value before it is modified.  It
           ;; would be cleaner to ask store link functions to
           ;; return the plist instead.
           (push (cons f (copy-sequence org-store-link-plist))
           (pcase results-alist
         (`nil nil)
         (`((,_ . ,_)) t)   ;single choice: nothing to do
         (`((,name . ,_) . ,_)
          ;; Reinstate link plist associated to the chosen
          ;; function.
          (apply #'org-link-store-props
             (cdr (assoc-string
                "Which function for creating the link? "
                (mapcar #'car results-alist)
                nil t (symbol-name name))
    (setq link (plist-get org-store-link-plist :link))
    (setq desc (or (plist-get org-store-link-plist :description)

       ;; Store a link from a remote editing buffer.
    (let ((coderef-format (org-src-coderef-format))
           (lambda (label)
         (if org-src-source-file-name
             (format "file:%s::(%s)" org-src-source-file-name label)
           (format "(%s)" label)))))
       ;; Code references do not exist in this type of buffer.
       ;; Pretend we're linking from the source buffer directly.
       ((not (memq (org-src-source-type) '(example-block src-block)))
        (with-current-buffer (org-src-source-buffer)
          (org-store-link arg interactive?))
        (setq link nil))
       ;; A code reference exists.  Use it.
          (re-search-forward (org-src-coderef-regexp coderef-format)
        (setq link (funcall format-link (match-string-no-properties 3))))
       ;; No code reference.  Create a new one then store the link
       ;; to it, but only in the function is called interactively.
        (let* ((label (read-string "Code line label: "))
           (reference (format coderef-format label))
           (gc (- 79 (length reference))))
          (if (< (current-column) gc)
          (org-move-to-column gc t)
        (insert " "))
          (insert reference)
          (setq link (funcall format-link label))))
       ;; No code reference, and non-interactive call.  Don't know
       ;; what to do.  Give up.
       (t (setq link nil)))))

       ;; We are in the agenda, link to referenced location
       ((equal (bound-and-true-p org-agenda-buffer-name) (buffer-name))
    (let ((m (or (get-text-property (point) 'org-hd-marker)
             (get-text-property (point) 'org-marker))))
      (when m
        (org-with-point-at m
          (setq agenda-link (org-store-link nil interactive?))))))

       ((eq major-mode 'calendar-mode)
    (let ((cd (calendar-cursor-to-date)))
      (setq link
         (car org-time-stamp-formats)
         (apply 'encode-time
            (list 0 0 0 (nth 1 cd) (nth 0 cd) (nth 2 cd)
                  nil nil nil))))
      (org-link-store-props :type "calendar" :date cd)))

       ((eq major-mode 'help-mode)
    (let ((symbol (replace-regexp-in-string
               ;; Help mode escapes backquotes and backslashes
               ;; before displaying them.  E.g., "`" appears
               ;; as "\'" for reasons.  Work around this.
               (rx "\\" (group (or "`" "\\"))) "\\1"
             (goto-char (point-min))
             (looking-at "^[^ ]+")
             (match-string 0)))))
      (setq link (concat "help:" symbol)))
    (org-link-store-props :type "help"))

       ((eq major-mode 'w3-mode)
    (setq cpltxt (if (and (buffer-name)
                  (not (string-match "Untitled" (buffer-name))))
               (url-view-url t))
          link (url-view-url t))
    (org-link-store-props :type "w3" :url (url-view-url t)))

       ((eq major-mode 'image-mode)
    (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
                 (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name))
          link cpltxt)
    (org-link-store-props :type "image" :file buffer-file-name))

       ;; In dired, store a link to the file of the current line
       ((derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
    (let ((file (dired-get-filename nil t)))
      (setq file (if file
              (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename nil t)))
               ;; otherwise, no file so use current directory.
      (setq cpltxt (concat "file:" file)
        link cpltxt)))

       ((setq search (run-hook-with-args-until-success
    (setq link (concat "file:" (abbreviate-file-name buffer-file-name)
               "::" search))
    (setq cpltxt (or description link)))

       ((and (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
     (setq custom-id (org-entry-get nil "CUSTOM_ID"))
      ;; Store a link using the target at point
      ((org-in-regexp "[^<]<<\\([^<>]+\\)>>[^>]" 1)
       (setq cpltxt
         (concat "file:"
              (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
             "::" (match-string 1))
         link cpltxt))
      ((and (featurep 'org-id)
        (or (eq org-id-link-to-org-use-id t)
            (and interactive?
             (or (eq org-id-link-to-org-use-id 'create-if-interactive)
                 (and (eq org-id-link-to-org-use-id
                  (not custom-id))))
            (and org-id-link-to-org-use-id (org-entry-get nil "ID"))))
       ;; Store a link using the ID at point
       (setq link (condition-case nil
              (prog1 (org-id-store-link)
                (setq desc (or (plist-get org-store-link-plist
             ;; Probably before first headline, link only to file
             (concat "file:"
                  (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))))))
       ;; Just link to current headline.
       (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
                 (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
       ;; Add a context search string.
       (when (org-xor org-link-context-for-files (equal arg '(4)))
         (let* ((element (org-element-at-point))
            (name (org-element-property :name element))
              ((let ((region (org-link--context-from-region)))
             (and region (org-link--normalize-string region t))))
               (org-link--normalize-string (org-current-line-string) t))
              (t (org-link-heading-search-string)))))
           (when (org-string-nw-p context)
         (setq cpltxt (format "%s::%s" cpltxt context))
         (setq desc
               (or name
               ;; Although description is not a search
               ;; string, use `org-link--normalize-string'
               ;; to prettify it (contiguous white spaces)
               ;; and remove volatile contents (statistics
               ;; cookies).
               (and (not (org-before-first-heading-p))
                 (org-get-heading t t t t)))
       (setq link cpltxt)))))

       ((buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
    ;; Just link to this file here.
    (setq cpltxt (concat "file:"
                  (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))))
    ;; Add a context search string.
    (when (org-xor org-link-context-for-files (equal arg '(4)))
      (let ((context (org-link--normalize-string
              (or (org-link--context-from-region)
        ;; Only use search option if there is some text.
        (when (org-string-nw-p context)
          (setq cpltxt (format "%s::%s" cpltxt context))
          (setq desc "NONE"))))
    (setq link cpltxt))

    (user-error "No method for storing a link from this buffer"))

       (t (setq link nil)))

      ;; We're done setting link and desc, clean up
      (when (consp link) (setq cpltxt (car link) link (cdr link)))
      (setq link (or link cpltxt)
        desc (or desc cpltxt))
      (cond ((not desc))
        ((equal desc "NONE") (setq desc nil))
        (t (setq desc (org-link-display-format desc))))
      ;; Store and return the link
      (if (not (and interactive? link))
      (or agenda-link (and link (org-link-make-string link desc)))
    (if (member (list link desc) org-stored-links)
        (message "This link already exists")
      (push (list link desc) org-stored-links)
      (message "Stored: %s" (or desc link))
      (when custom-id
        (setq link (concat "file:"
                (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
                   "::#" custom-id))
        (push (list link desc) org-stored-links)))
    (car org-stored-links)))))
alphapapa commented 3 years ago

I think I saw one of these conversations play out. It does not really make sense to me the pushback against semantic versioning. I guess they would rather put more work on users/maintainers than provide proper transparency.

Well, I think it's a combination of a few concerns and factors. IIUC, Bastien doesn't think it would be practical to, shall we say, restrain Org development in this way. It would certainly require a bit of discipline and work on the part of the Org maintainers to develop features in branches and defer their merging in coordination with a major version increase. Bastien (and I think Nicolas, as well) doesn't seem to think they have enough manpower to work that way. I think it would be worth it, even if it slowed down the development process a little bit for some changes. I guess my opinion is a minority one.

I can't seem to find anything in the commit logs or ORG-NEWS referring to a change in the org-store-links function. For transparency, I'll leave the full definition below.

That kind of change (avoiding the double-call) is not one I'd expect to be in the news file, because it shouldn't be visible to users.

I am using an older Org version in my personal Emacs config (because of all the potentially breaking changes that I would have to deal with when upgrading).

What version of Org are you using? It might help me track down at what point they made the change and perhaps you can just make a version check to potentially ignore the counter's value and say its even.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm still using Org 9.0.5 (well, that's what M-x org-version shows, although describe-package says I'm on 9.1.9, which I don't think is correct). But if I upgrade and start developing on newer versions, I'll probably have to increase the required version in the org-ql.el headers as well. I doubt that many users of this package are on Org 9.0.x, but I don't know that. And I should probably make a new stable release of this package before increasing the dependency version.

I do have Emacs 28.0 in a separate config, so I can use newer Org versions easily enough, but developing for both of them is quite a hassle, so I don't do that intentionally.

So, to be clear about next steps:

  1. If I wrap the counter in compatibility code so that the prompt works consistently for you, would there be any remaining bugs that you're aware of (not including the obsolete function warning)?
  2. Does the code work despite the obsolete function warning?


tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Found the commit, so I think it just needs to be an org version greater than 9.1.4, though I haven't tried with that version.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm still using Org 9.0.5 (well, that's what M-x org-version shows, although describe-package says I'm on 9.1.9, which I don't think is correct).

Hey, if it works for you and you're still able to contribute numerous quality org-based packages that many people use then there's no shame.

If I wrap the counter in compatibility code so that the prompt works consistently for you, would there be any remaining bugs that you're aware of (not including the obsolete function warning)?

I am not aware of any other issues or bugs, I think the last commits covered everything I've brought up recently (aside from the still open bookmarks issue, though with the org-links working the way they do it's not as important to me).

Does the code work despite the obsolete function warning?

When the prompt comes up and I can save the function with the choice of current of specified filename, then yes everything works. Also, I dont think I'm getting warnings about obsolete functions, I just noticed when going through an edebug session.

I promise I'll give your issue tracker a break now! thanks for being patient over the past few days.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Found the commit, bzg/org-mode@0cc231a so I think it just needs to be an org version greater than 9.1.4, though I haven't tried with that version.

Thank you very much for digging that up. I'll wrap that code in an Org version test and remove it when I increase the minimum Org version.

If I wrap the counter in compatibility code so that the prompt works consistently for you, would there be any remaining bugs that you're aware of (not including the obsolete function warning)?

I am not aware of any other issues or bugs, I think the last commits covered everything I've brought up recently (aside from the still open bookmarks issue, though with the org-links working the way they do it's not as important to me).

Thanks. I think I can fix that bookmark issue using the code I merged for the links.

I promise I'll give your issue tracker a break now! thanks for being patient over the past few days.

Not at all! Your help is invaluable. Without it, it would take me much longer to discover and fix these issues, and that would cause more people to encounter these bugs. And I'd probably end up tagging stable versions with these bugs and having to make bugfix releases.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

I removed the Org version test. I think I'm probably the only person using an Org version old enough for that old Org bug to affect, and I can live with it until I upgrade my Org version.

@tpeacock19 I think that fixes everything in this issue. Have I missed anything? Thanks.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

It seems that it's a bit more complicated than I realized. Org 9.3 changed the way links are escaped, which seems like a file format change (!). I'll probably have to write some tests to ensure that everything actually works properly, because testing manually on multiple versions is too confusing.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

I'll probably have to write some tests to ensure that everything actually works properly, because testing manually on multiple versions is too confusing

let me know if I can help in any way.

I think that fixes everything in this issue. Have I missed anything? Thanks.

You made an update in 511edbfff85618be847dc992a17b6ff8b4405cfb that now made org-ql-view--link-store use an cl-etypecase. I'm not certain why, but it throws an error when testing if a list is a string (which differs from the nil that stringp returns in that case). As a result, I cant store any ql-view that has a list of files. It may be solved by switching the order of evaluation like below:

diff --git a/org-ql-view.el b/org-ql-view.el
index 062c9e9..906bda0 100644
--- a/org-ql-view.el
+++ b/org-ql-view.el
@@ -671,9 +671,9 @@ When opened, the link searches the buffer it's opened from."
                                      ;; and trying to communicate the problem would be difficult, so maybe it's okay to allow it.
                                      (when (buffer-base-buffer thing)
                                        (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer thing))))))))
-      (unless (or (string-or-file-buffer-p org-ql-view-buffers-files)
-                  (and (listp org-ql-view-buffers-files)
-                       (cl-every #'string-or-file-buffer-p org-ql-view-buffers-files)))
+      (unless (or (and (listp org-ql-view-buffers-files)
+                       (cl-every #'string-or-file-buffer-p org-ql-view-buffers-files))
+                  (string-or-file-buffer-p org-ql-view-buffers-files))
         (user-error "Views that search non-file-backed buffers can't be linked to"))
       (let* ((query-string (--if-let (org-ql--query-sexp-to-string org-ql-view-query)
                                it (org-ql-view--format-query org-ql-view-query)))
alphapapa commented 3 years ago

This is starting to feel like trying to hold a fistful of water. Of course, it's a problem entirely of my own creation. Maybe having three separate view-saving implementations (bookmarks, links, and org-ql-views) is part of the problem. I may look into consolidating those in the future, but first I want to make a stable release with these new features.

I think I need to write some tests for this, which should make it easier to ensure that all the cases are covered. Thanks for your help as always.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

That took a bit longer than I expected. But as far as I know, everything works now. I tested for every case that I could think of, and they all pass on my Emacs. Some changes may still be needed for Org 9.3, but the tests should reveal that...

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Okay, the tests pass on Org 9.3 now. I hate to ask you again, but please let me know if it works for you.

I can't thank you enough for your testing, and I apologize for asking you so many times to test only to find that something I thought was fixed was actually broken again.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Everything seems to work okay with some cursory testing on Org 9.4. I'll have to look into more detail a bit later.

I noticed the Make link that searches in prompt no longer includes the current search's file names. I thought that was pretty convenient for new users, especially if they have any trouble understanding what the choices mean. It's not an issue for me but something I'd bring to you attention.

I can't thank you enough for your testing, and I apologize for asking you so many times to test only to find that something I thought was fixed was actually broken again.

Really no need to apologize. I'm more than happy to help how I can!

By the way, I want to get a better understanding of running & writing tests. I'm going to go through the resources you've listed in your Dev Handbook but wanted to know if there was a framework or library that you leverage the most.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

Speaking of holding a fistful of water. An issue I've run into is with Burly.el not being able to open bookmarked org-ql-views. I assume it's because it hasn't been updated since the changes you've made here. I can make an issue in that repo if you like.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Everything seems to work okay with some cursory testing on Org 9.4. I'll have to look into more detail a bit later.

Thanks. It's harder for me to test on Org 9.4 because I don't have an easy way to install it in the CI images, and it's not yet released in a release of Emacs.

I noticed the Make link that searches in prompt no longer includes the current search's file names. I thought that was pretty convenient for new users, especially if they have any trouble understanding what the choices mean. It's not an issue for me but something I'd bring to you attention.

Yeah, I decided to replace that because a list of filenames can be very long and not very useful in completing-read. There's still room for improvement, I think, but it's kind of an awkward problem.

By the way, I want to get a better understanding of running & writing tests. I'm going to go through the resources you've listed in your Dev Handbook but wanted to know if there was a framework or library that you leverage the most.

In this package I use Buttercup. It works very well for testing in batch mode, with nice colorful output. For example: It works very well with M-x compile too, allowing me to re-run tests and quickly see the output I need with the press of a button. However, it doesn't work well (or at all) for running tests interactively. If that's a more appropriate model, Emacs's built-in ERT library works well. And ERT also works well for batch testing, if you don't need Buttercup's features or don't prefer its model.

Speaking of holding a fistful of water. An issue I've run into is with Burly.el not being able to open bookmarked org-ql-views. I assume it's because it hasn't been updated since the changes you've made here. I can make an issue in that repo if you like.

I'll go ahead and fix it. Thanks for letting me know. I would have noticed eventually, but maybe not for a little whle.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Speaking of holding a fistful of water. An issue I've run into is with Burly.el not being able to open bookmarked org-ql-views. I assume it's because it hasn't been updated since the changes you've made here. I can make an issue in that repo if you like.

Should be fixed now. It was a bug in recent changes to this package. Thanks.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

AFAIK everything mentioned here should be fixed. Please let me know if that's not the case.

tpeacock19 commented 3 years ago

sorry, I have been away for a bit. I agree that this covers everything we brought up. Thanks for all your work!