alphapapa / pocket-reader.el

Emacs client for Pocket reading list (
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Add an option to mark elfeed entries as read when added to Pocket. #27

Closed mssdvd closed 3 years ago

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

Thanks, but I'd prefer that you handle this by defining a command in your own config that does this. As is, this PR would add a new defcustom that is unnecessary if Elfeed isn't installed, and if it were moved into the with-eval-after-load form, it would cause a compilation warning due to the variable's not being defined. It would only be a few lines of code in your config.

What do you think? Thanks.

mssdvd commented 3 years ago

I know that an advice is sufficient but I believe most users expect the item to be considered as read since they will read or listen to it later on Pocket.

I added the defcustom for those users that prefer the current behaviour. If you prefer I could remove the variable.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

I agree, it seems reasonable for that to be the default behavior. It's what I have in this command in my config:

(defun ap/elfeed-add-links-to-pocket ()
    "Add selected entries in Elfeed search buffer to Pocket, with tags, and mark as unstarred and read in Elfeed."
    (when-let* ((entries (elfeed-search-selected))
                (groups (--group-by (elfeed-entry-tags it) entries)))
      ;; Add each group to Pocket
      (cl-loop with added-urls
               for group in groups
               for tags = (substring-no-properties (s-join "," (mapcar #'symbol-name (remove 'unread (car group)))))
               for links = (--map (elfeed-entry-link it) (cdr group))
               when (pocket-lib-add-urls links :tags tags)
               append links into added-urls
               finally do (message "Added: %s" (s-join ", " added-urls)))
      (apply #'elfeed-untag entries '(unread starred))
      (mapc #'elfeed-search-update-entry entries)))

So if you want to add it directly to the command without the option, I think that's a sensible improvement. Thanks.

mssdvd commented 3 years ago

I like more your solution because it uploads the tags but I would remove only the unread tag from the elfeed db.

alphapapa commented 3 years ago

If you don't mind, please redo this PR as a branch on your repo other than master.

mssdvd commented 3 years ago

I removed the option. I wouldn't add tag uploads as it might clutter the users' feed.