alphaparrot / ExoPlaSim

Exoplanet Planet Simulator (PlaSim extended for different planet types (including tidally-locked) and evolution on geological timescales--glaciers and carbon cycle)
GNU General Public License v2.0
53 stars 13 forks source link

T63 doesn't seem to work, it throws an error #10

Closed pkp24 closed 1 month ago

pkp24 commented 8 months ago
import exoplasim as exo

toi700d = exo.Model(workdir="toi700d_run",modelname="TOI-700d",ncpus=4,resolution="T63",outputtype=".npz")
toi700d.configure(startemp=3480.0, flux=1167.0,                           # Stellar parameters
                  eccentricity=0.,obliquity=0.,fixedorbit=True,           # Orbital parameters
                  synchronous=True,rotationperiod=37.426,                 # Rotation
                  radius=1.19,gravity=11.9,aquaplanet=True,               # Bulk properties
                  pN2=1.47*(1-360e-6),pCO2=1.47*360e-6,ozone=False,       # Atmosphere
                  timestep=30.0,snapshots=720,physicsfilter="gp|exp|sp")  # Model dynamics
*** FFT does not support n =          192  ***
 Following resolutions may be used:
 NLON=    8  NLAT=    4  NTRU=    2
 NLON=   16  NLAT=    8  NTRU=    5
 NLON=   32  NLAT=   16  NTRU=   10
 NLON=   48  NLAT=   24  NTRU=   16
 NLON=   64  NLAT=   32  NTRU=   21
 NLON=   96  NLAT=   48  NTRU=   32
 NLON=  128  NLAT=   64  NTRU=   42
 NLON=  256  NLAT=  128  NTRU=   85
 NLON=  384  NLAT=  192  NTRU=  128
 NLON=  512  NLAT=  256  NTRU=  170
 NLON= 1024  NLAT=  512  NTRU=  341
 NLON= 2048  NLAT= 1024  NTRU=  682
 NLON= 4096  NLAT= 2048  NTRU= 1365
pkp24 commented 8 months ago

I tested T85 and it worked, I'm uncertain what's wrong with T63

pkp24 commented 8 months ago

T106 also fails and I think I know why.

fftmod is faster than fft991mod, but fft991mod supports more resolutions, e.g. T63 and T106

I found this in the make_plasim. so I think the documents should mention this in the configure section. currently it just says "advanced users only" for the fft991mod

alphaparrot commented 1 month ago

A better solution is that when T63, T106, etc are selected, fft991 should be used. This has now been implemented.