alphasoc / nfr

A lightweight tool to score network traffic and flag anomalies
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Mechanism for alphasoc servers down #2

Closed phob0s-pl closed 7 years ago

phob0s-pl commented 7 years ago

There should be introduced buffering mechanism for queries, for example when alphasoc server will be down for some time.

My proposal: All unsuccessful attepts to send would be stored in: /tmp/asoc/chunk_ID

Create worker gorutine, which would every time_interval check them and try to resend.

ioj commented 7 years ago

Yep, agreed. Batches should be saved up to a defined size limit and resent later. The app should keep these batches in /var/alphasoc/namescore.

phob0s-pl commented 7 years ago

I have implemented of queries storing, the limit is in number of files (each file has known number of queries). The name is namescorequeries