alphasoc / nfr

A lightweight tool to score network traffic and flag anomalies
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Listen command isn't verbose enough #20

Closed ioj closed 7 years ago

ioj commented 7 years ago

I installed namescore, didn't configure it and tried to run listen. It returned without any message, which left me unsure what happened:

master ➜  namescore git:(master) namescore
namescore is application which captures DNS requests and provides
deep analysis and alerting of suspicious events,
identifying gaps in your security controls and highlighting targeted attacks.

  namescore [command]

Available Commands:
  listen      daemon mode
  register    Acquire and register API key.
  status      Shows status of namescore

Use "namescore [command] --help" for more information about a command.
master ➜  namescore git:(master) namescore listen                              <--- HERE
master ➜  namescore git:(master) namescore status
namescore version:        0.1
Configuration status:     config file does not exist
phob0s-pl commented 7 years ago

now you can run namescore listen debug which is printing a lot to stdout as well with additional debugs.