alphaville / optimization-engine

Nonconvex embedded optimization: code generation for fast real-time optimization + ROS support
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Solver-specific names in auto-generated C code #129

Closed alphaville closed 4 years ago

alphaville commented 4 years ago

All non-static functions and #defines have now problem-specific names. For example, casadi_memory.h looks like this:

 * Header file with sizes of arrays that need to be allocated
 * (statically) once
 * This file is autogenerated by Optimization Engine
 * See
 * Metadata:
 * + Optimizer
 *   + name: nmpc
 *   + version: 0.0.0
 *   + licence: MIT
 * Generated at: 2019-10-22 12:30:25.901470

#pragma once

 * Cost sizes
#define COST_SZ_ARG_NMPC 3
#define COST_SZ_IW_NMPC 0
#define COST_SZ_W_NMPC 9
#define COST_SZ_RES_NMPC 1

 * Gradient sizes
#define GRAD_SZ_ARG_NMPC 3
#define GRAD_SZ_IW_NMPC 0
#define GRAD_SZ_W_NMPC 9
#define GRAD_SZ_RES_NMPC 1

 * F1 sizes
#define F1_SZ_ARG_NMPC 2
#define F1_SZ_IW_NMPC 0
#define F1_SZ_W_NMPC 1
#define F1_SZ_RES_NMPC 1

 * F2 sizes
#define F2_SZ_ARG_NMPC 2
#define F2_SZ_IW_NMPC 0
#define F2_SZ_W_NMPC 3
#define F2_SZ_RES_NMPC 1

and interface.c looks like this:

 * Interface/Wrapper for C functions generated by CasADi
 * CasADi generated the following four files:
 * - auto_casadi_cost.c
 * - auto_casadi_grad.c
 * - auto_casadi_mapping_f1.c
 * - auto_casadi_mapping_f2.c
 * This file is autogenerated by Optimization Engine
 * See
 * Metadata:
 * + Optimizer
 *   + name: nmpc
 *   + version: 0.0.0
 *   + licence: MIT
 * + Problem
 *   + vars: 5
 *   + parameters: 2
 *   + n1: 0
 *   + n2: 2
 * Generated at: 2019-10-22 12:30:25.933883
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "casadi_memory.h"

/* Number of input variables */
#define NU_NMPC 5

/* Number of static parameters */
#define NP_NMPC 4

/* Dimension of F1 (number of ALM constraints) */
#define N1_NMPC 0

/* Dimension of F2 (number of PM constraints) */
#define N2_NMPC 2

/* Dimension of xi = (c, y) */
#define NXI_NMPC 1

#ifndef casadi_real
#define casadi_real double

#ifndef casadi_int
#define casadi_int long long int

/* ------EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS (DEFINED IN C FILES)-------------------------------- */

 * CasADi interface for the cost function
extern int phi_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
    const casadi_real** arg, 
    casadi_real** res, 
    casadi_int* iw, 
    casadi_real* w, 
    void* mem);

 * CasADi interface for the gradient of the cost
extern int grad_phi_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
    const casadi_real** arg, 
    casadi_real** res, 
    casadi_int* iw, 
    casadi_real* w, 
    void* mem);

 * CasADi interface for the gradient of mapping F1
extern int mapping_f1_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
    const casadi_real** arg, 
    casadi_real** res, 
    casadi_int* iw, 
    casadi_real* w, 
    void* mem);

 * CasADi interface for the gradient of mapping F2
extern int mapping_f2_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
    const casadi_real** arg, 
    casadi_real** res, 
    casadi_int* iw, 
    casadi_real* w, 
    void* mem);

/* ------WORKSPACES------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Integer workspaces 
static casadi_int allocated_i_workspace_cost[COST_SZ_IW_NMPC];  /* cost (int )  */
static casadi_int *allocated_i_workspace_cost = NULL;

static casadi_int allocated_i_workspace_grad[GRAD_SZ_IW_NMPC];  /* grad (int )  */
static casadi_int *allocated_i_workspace_grad = NULL;

#if F1_SZ_IW_NMPC > 0
static casadi_int allocated_i_workspace_f1[F1_SZ_IW_NMPC];      /* f1 (int )    */
static casadi_int *allocated_i_workspace_f1 = NULL;

#if F2_SZ_IW_NMPC > 0
static casadi_int allocated_i_workspace_f2[F2_SZ_IW_NMPC];      /* f2 (int )    */
static casadi_int *allocated_i_workspace_f2 = NULL;

 * Real workspaces 
#if COST_SZ_W_NMPC > 0
static casadi_real allocated_r_workspace_cost[COST_SZ_W_NMPC];  /* cost (real)  */
static casadi_real *allocated_r_workspace_cost = NULL;

#if GRAD_SZ_W_NMPC > 0
static casadi_real allocated_r_workspace_grad[GRAD_SZ_W_NMPC];  /* grad (real ) */
static casadi_real *allocated_r_workspace_grad = NULL;

#if F1_SZ_W_NMPC > 0
static casadi_real allocated_r_workspace_f1[F1_SZ_W_NMPC];      /* f1 (real )   */
static casadi_real *allocated_r_workspace_f1 = NULL;

#if F2_SZ_W_NMPC > 0
static casadi_real allocated_r_workspace_f2[F2_SZ_W_NMPC];      /* f2 (real )   */
static casadi_real *allocated_r_workspace_f2 = NULL;

 * Result workspaces 
static casadi_real *result_space_cost[COST_SZ_RES_NMPC];       /* cost (res )  */
static casadi_real **result_space_cost = NULL;

static casadi_real *result_space_grad[GRAD_SZ_RES_NMPC];        /* grad (res )  */
static casadi_real **result_space_grad = NULL;

#if F1_SZ_RES_NMPC > 0
static casadi_real *result_space_f1[F1_SZ_RES_NMPC];            /* f1 (res )    */
static casadi_real **result_space_f1 = NULL;

#if F2_SZ_RES_NMPC > 0
static casadi_real *result_space_f2[F2_SZ_RES_NMPC];            /* f2 (res )    */
static casadi_real **result_space_f2 = NULL;

/* ------U, XI, P--------------------------------------------------------------- */

 * Space for storing (u, xi, p)
 * that is, uxip_space = [u, xi, p]
 * 0        NU-1      NU          NU+NXI-1   NU+NX          NU+NXI+NP-1
 * |--- u ----|       |---- xi -------|       |----- p ----------|
 * |                                                             |
 * |------------------- uxip_space ------------------------------|
static casadi_real uxip_space[NU_NMPC

 * Copy (u, xi, p) into uxip_space
 * Input arguments:
 * - `arg = {u, xi, p}`, where `u`, `xi` and `p` are pointer-to-double
static void copy_args_into_uxip_space(const casadi_real** arg) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<NU_NMPC; i++)  uxip_space[i] = arg[0][i];  /* copy u  */
    for (i=0; i<NXI_NMPC; i++) uxip_space[NU_NMPC+i] = arg[1][i];  /* copy xi */
    for (i=0; i<NP_NMPC; i++)  uxip_space[NU_NMPC+NXI_NMPC+i] = arg[2][i];  /* copy p  */

 * Copy (u, p) into uxip_space
static void copy_args_into_up_space(const casadi_real** arg) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<NU_NMPC; i++) uxip_space[i] = arg[0][i];  /* copy u  */
    for (i=0; i<NP_NMPC; i++) uxip_space[NU_NMPC+NXI_NMPC+i] = arg[1][i];  /* copy p  */

/* ------COST------------------------------------------------------------------- */

int cost_function_nmpc(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res) {
    const casadi_real* args__[COST_SZ_ARG_NMPC] =
             {uxip_space,  /* :u  */
              uxip_space + NU_NMPC,  /* :xi  */
              uxip_space + NU_NMPC + NXI_NMPC};  /* :p  */

    result_space_cost[0] = res[0];
    return phi_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
        (void*) 0);

/* ------GRADIENT--------------------------------------------------------------- */

int grad_cost_function_nmpc(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res) {
    const casadi_real* args__[GRAD_SZ_ARG_NMPC] =
            { uxip_space,  /* :u  */
              uxip_space + NU_NMPC,  /* :xi  */
              uxip_space + NU_NMPC + NXI_NMPC};  /* :p   */
    result_space_grad[0] = res[0];
    return grad_phi_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
        (void*) 0);

/* ------MAPPING F1------------------------------------------------------------- */

int mapping_f1_function_nmpc(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res) {
    /* Array of pointers to where (u, p) are stored */
    const casadi_real* args__[F1_SZ_ARG_NMPC] =
            {uxip_space,  /* :u   */
            uxip_space + NU_NMPC + NXI_NMPC};  /* :p  */
    /* Copy given data to variable `uxip_space` */
     * The result should be written in result_space_f1
     * (memory has been allocated - see beginning of this file)
    result_space_f1[0] = res[0];
     * Call auto-generated function mapping_f1_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH
     * Implemented in: icasadi/extern/auto_casadi_mapping_f1.c
    return mapping_f1_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
        (void*) 0);

/* ------MAPPING F2------------------------------------------------------------- */

int mapping_f2_function_nmpc(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res) {
    /* Array of pointers to where (u, p) are stored */
    const casadi_real* args__[F2_SZ_ARG_NMPC] =
            {uxip_space,  /* :u   */
             uxip_space + NU_NMPC + NXI_NMPC};  /* :p   */
    /* Copy given data to variable `uxip_space` */
     * The result should be written in result_space_f2
     * (memory has been allocated - see beginning of this file)
    result_space_f2[0] = res[0];
     * Call auto-generated function mapping_f2_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH
     * Implemented in: icasadi/extern/auto_casadi_mapping_f2.c
    return mapping_f2_ICwAHEaoxEFOhSeMBkgH(
        (void*) 0);