alphaville / optimization-engine

Nonconvex embedded optimization: code generation for fast real-time optimization + ROS support
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ALM converging but not satisfying constraints #309

Closed ruairimoran closed 1 year ago

ruairimoran commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

F1 constraints must belong to the set c = (-\infty, 0]. The solver returns Converged, but the solution does not satisfy (all of) the constraints.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. put and in a folder
  2. change open local path in
  3. run
  4. run
  5. note that the solver should not converge because two of the shapes overlap, but it does return Converged
  6. note the printed variable x in this should belong to the set c (but it will be positive)

Expected behavior

If the vehicle shape overlaps with either obstacle shape, solver should not converge. Otherwise, it should converge.

System information:

Default host: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc rustup home: C:\Users\40232020.rustup

installed toolchains stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default) nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

active toolchain stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default) rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)

rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)

Additional context

The solver always works as expected with the first obstacle you pass in, but doesn't work for any more passed in

import numpy as np
import casadi.casadi as cs
import opengen as og
import logging as lg

num_obstacles = 2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    epsilon = cs.SX.sym('epsilon', 1)
    squircle_q = cs.SX.sym('squircle_q', 1)
    vehicle = cs.SX.sym('vehicle', 3)
    obstacles = cs.SX.sym('obstacles', 3 * num_obstacles)
    hyperplanes = cs.SX.sym('hyperplanes', 2 * num_obstacles)

    # vehicle params
    vehicle_pos = vehicle[0:2]
    vehicle_radius = vehicle[2]

    # obstacles params
    obstacle_pos, obstacle_radius = [0] * num_obstacles, [0] * num_obstacles
    for i in range(num_obstacles):
        index = i * 3
        obstacle_pos[i] = obstacles[index: index + 2]
        obstacle_radius[i] = obstacles[index + 2]

    # hyperplanes params
    hyperplane_pos = [0] * num_obstacles
    for i in range(num_obstacles):
        index = i * 2
        hyperplane_pos[i] = hyperplanes[index: index + 2]

    # cost
    cost = 1

    # alm set c
    set_c = og.constraints.Rectangle([-np.infty], [0])

    # alm constraints memory
    hyp_0_to_power_of_q, hyp_1_to_power_of_q = [0] * num_obstacles, [0] * num_obstacles
    q_norm_h, radii, pos_diff = [0] * num_obstacles, [0] * num_obstacles, [0] * num_obstacles

    # alm constraint 1 -- obstacle 1 with hyperplane 1
    hyp_0_to_power_of_q[0] = cs.power(cs.fabs(hyperplane_pos[0][0]), squircle_q)
    hyp_1_to_power_of_q[0] = cs.power(cs.fabs(hyperplane_pos[0][1]), squircle_q)
    q_norm_h[0] = cs.power(hyp_0_to_power_of_q[0] + hyp_1_to_power_of_q[0], 1 / squircle_q)
    radii[0] = vehicle_radius + obstacle_radius[0]
    pos_diff[0] = vehicle_pos - obstacle_pos[0]
    overlap_penalty_0 = radii[0] * q_norm_h[0] +[0], pos_diff[0]) + epsilon

    # alm constraint 2 -- obstacle 2 with hyperplane 2
    hyp_0_to_power_of_q[1] = cs.power(cs.fabs(hyperplane_pos[1][0]), squircle_q)
    hyp_1_to_power_of_q[1] = cs.power(cs.fabs(hyperplane_pos[1][1]), squircle_q)
    q_norm_h[1] = cs.power(hyp_0_to_power_of_q[1] + hyp_1_to_power_of_q[1], 1 / squircle_q)
    radii[1] = vehicle_radius + obstacle_radius[1]
    pos_diff[1] = vehicle_pos - obstacle_pos[1]
    overlap_penalty_1 = radii[1] * q_norm_h[1] +[1], pos_diff[1]) + epsilon

    # alm constraints F1
    overlap_penalty = cs.vertcat(overlap_penalty_0, overlap_penalty_1)

    # bounds
    bounds_index_list = [2 * count + 1 for count in range(num_obstacles)]
    balls = [og.constraints.Ball2(None, 1)] * num_obstacles
    bounds = og.constraints.CartesianProduct(bounds_index_list, balls)

    # pass problem to optimizer
    param = cs.vertcat(epsilon, squircle_q, vehicle, obstacles)
    problem = og.builder.Problem(hyperplanes, param, cost) \
        .with_constraints(bounds) \
        .with_aug_lagrangian_constraints(overlap_penalty, set_c)
    build_config = og.config.BuildConfiguration() \
        .with_open_version(local_path="../optimization-engine") \
        .with_build_directory("optimizers") \
        .with_build_mode("debug") \
    meta = og.config.OptimizerMeta() \
        .with_version("1.0.0") \
        .with_authors(["Ruairi Moran"]) \
    solver_config = og.config.SolverConfiguration() \
        .with_max_outer_iterations(20) \
        .with_tolerance(1e-2) \
        .with_initial_tolerance(1e-2) \
        .with_delta_tolerance(1e-2) \
        .with_initial_penalty(5000.0) \
        .with_penalty_weight_update_factor(1.1) \
    builder = og.builder.OpEnOptimizerBuilder(problem,
                                              solver_config) \

    print("***  Success! Vehicle controller created. *** ")

from create_solver import num_obstacles
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, 'optimizers/hyperplane')
import hyperplane
solver = hyperplane.solver()

# squircles setup
squircle_p = 10  # must be greater than 1
squircle_q = squircle_p / (squircle_p - 1)

# simulation params
v = 0
o1, o2, o3, o4 = 1.4, 1, 1, 1
vehicle = [-v, v, 1]  # x, y, radius
obstacles = [[-o1, -o1, .4],
             [o2, o2, .2]]

# hyperplane params
epsilon = 1e-1

# run solver
params = np.hstack((epsilon, squircle_q, vehicle, np.hstack(obstacles)))
rand_nonzero_vec = np.random.randn(2 * num_obstacles)
hyp =, initial_guess=rand_nonzero_vec)
print(f"exit status: {hyp.exit_status},\n"
      f"solve time: {hyp.solve_time_ms},\n"
      f"penalty param: {hyp.penalty},\n"
      f"outer iters: {hyp.num_outer_iterations}\n"
      f"F1 infeasibility: {hyp.f1_infeasibility}")

u_star = hyp.solution
print(f"u_star = {u_star}")

h2 = u_star[2:4]
radii = vehicle[2] + obstacles[1][2]
pos_diff_0 = vehicle[0] - obstacles[1][0]
pos_diff_1 = vehicle[1] - obstacles[1][1]
hyp_0_to_power_of_q = np.power(np.abs(h2[0]), squircle_q)
hyp_1_to_power_of_q = np.power(np.abs(h2[1]), squircle_q)
q_norm_h = np.power(hyp_0_to_power_of_q + hyp_1_to_power_of_q, 1 / squircle_q)
x = radii * q_norm_h + h2[0] * pos_diff_0 + h2[1] * pos_diff_1 + epsilon
print(x)  # should be nonpositive

def draw_line(coord_x_, coord_y_, angle_in_rad_):
    length_ = .01  # arrow length
    plt.arrow(coord_x_, coord_y_, length_ * np.cos(angle_in_rad_), length_ * np.sin(angle_in_rad_), head_width=0.2)

def draw_plane(coord_x_, coord_y_):
    mul = 1 / (max(abs(coord_x_), abs(coord_y_)) * 1e1)
    plt.quiver(*np.array([[0], [0]]), coord_x_*mul, coord_y_*mul, scale=1)

def draw_squircle(coord_x_, coord_y_, radius_):
    step_ = 0.05  # step length between points
    plot_number_ = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi+step_, step_)  # points
    # scaling parameters
    scaling_x = 1  # scaling on east axis
    scaling_y = 1  # scaling on north axis
    # create circle points
    x_ = coord_x_ + (radius_ * np.sign(np.cos(plot_number_)) *
                     abs(np.cos(plot_number_)) ** (2 / squircle_p) * scaling_x)
    y_ = coord_y_ + (radius_ * np.sign(np.sin(plot_number_)) *
                     abs(np.sin(plot_number_)) ** (2 / squircle_p) * scaling_y)
    # rotation parameters
    theta_ = 0  # rotation angle in radians
    # rotate circle points
    rotated_x_ = -np.sin(theta_) * y_ + np.cos(theta_) * x_
    rotated_y_ = np.cos(theta_) * y_ + np.sin(theta_) * x_
    # plot points
    for i_ in range(len(plot_number_)):
        plt.plot(rotated_x_, rotated_y_)

# plot squircles
fig3 = plt.figure()
axs3 = fig3.add_subplot(111)
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')
axs3.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
draw_squircle(vehicle[0], vehicle[1], vehicle[2])
for i in range(num_obstacles):
    index = i * 2
    draw_squircle(obstacles[i][0], obstacles[i][1], obstacles[i][2])
    draw_plane(hyp.solution[index], hyp.solution[index + 1])
    print(f"hyp_{i} = [{hyp.solution[index]}, {hyp.solution[index + 1]}]")

plt.savefig('sep_hyp.jpg', format='jpg', dpi=1200)
alphaville commented 1 year ago

@smokinmirror I noticed that this line does not perform the projection correctly. It only projects the first coordinate of y. I suppose alm_set_c has the wrong dimension.

alphaville commented 1 year ago

@smokinmirror I found the culprint: in the auto-generated optimiser, in src/, the set C is defined using

const SET_C_XMIN :Option<&[f64]> = Some(&[std::f64::NEG_INFINITY,]);
const SET_C_XMAX :Option<&[f64]> = Some(&[0.0,]);

The dimension of these vectors should be 2, not 1.

alphaville commented 1 year ago

@smokinmirror you just need to change your definition of set_c to

set_c = og.constraints.Rectangle([-np.infty, -np.infty], [0, 0])

and the problem will be solved. I mean... not solved, since this is an infeasible problem.