Currently we display 4 possible pronunciation fields:
pinyin (from CEDICT)
mandarin (from Unihan -- which is almost always the same as pinyin but it seems not always)
cantonese (from Unihan)
tang (from Unihan)
For pinyin and mandarin, we convert the tone numbers to the corresponding diacritics
We do not attempt any such conversion for the cantonese and tang pronunciations. Per the Unihan database ,the cantonese pronunciation is representated using the Juytping romanization ( and the Tang pronunciation is per the T’ang Poetic Vocabulary by Hugh M. Stimson
Before doing further development, we need feedback on the following:
1) should we only display Pinyin or Mandarin but not both?
2) do we want to include the Cantonese and Tang pronunciations?
3) If yes, is the way the Cantonese and Tang pronunciations displayed acceptable?
4) Should we provide resource links to the user for any or all of the pronunciation romanizations?
5) Is there any other pronunciation information relevant to ancient chinese that we should consider including?
Currently we display 4 possible pronunciation fields:
pinyin (from CEDICT) mandarin (from Unihan -- which is almost always the same as pinyin but it seems not always) cantonese (from Unihan) tang (from Unihan)
For pinyin and mandarin, we convert the tone numbers to the corresponding diacritics
(tone 1 is a macron, tone 2 is an acute accent, tone 3 is a caron and tone 4 is a grave accent - per e.g.
We do not attempt any such conversion for the cantonese and tang pronunciations. Per the Unihan database ,the cantonese pronunciation is representated using the Juytping romanization ( and the Tang pronunciation is per the T’ang Poetic Vocabulary by Hugh M. Stimson
Before doing further development, we need feedback on the following:
1) should we only display Pinyin or Mandarin but not both? 2) do we want to include the Cantonese and Tang pronunciations? 3) If yes, is the way the Cantonese and Tang pronunciations displayed acceptable? 4) Should we provide resource links to the user for any or all of the pronunciation romanizations? 5) Is there any other pronunciation information relevant to ancient chinese that we should consider including?