Open balmas opened 5 years ago
discussion from email:
after spending quite sometimes scrolling up and down the Odyssey, I have to say that adding the first and last passage to the nav would be a great feature. to go to the end of each book I had to use the find passage with the # line taken from Perseus. question here: how do we do with first and last passage of each book + first and last passage of the Odyssey?
That's definitely tricky. I'm a little worried about trying to add it at this stage. What I am worried about is making the UI clear and match user expectations. The are various possible permutations depending upon how many citation levels the text has, and also how the user navigated to the page (i.e. via the find passage or just by scrolling) I am not sure how needed it really is. It depends upon how the reading environment is used though, doesn't it? It's definitely helpful for testing, but do people normally skip to the last passage when reading? I don't know the answer to that.
I would definitely not bother with a first and last at this point. The passage display would not in any case be a very elegant way to implement it. So I think the find passage is sufficient for the moment- although a "skip to end" could always be added in the future.
based of my experience as a scholar 40 yrs ago, there is a lot of jumping from one section to an other. I don't think you read all the lines, only the most relevant passages, so you most likely know the book and the line. in this case find passage would be sufficient. One limitation that I discovered today is that if I want to go to first//last passage using the Find passage (e.g. book 9), I do have the first line of the book but I cannot see the last line of the previous book because the back arrow send me to the beginning of book 8, so a lot of scrolling... or look at perseus for lines #
Yes, it would indeed be nice to be able to scroll backward across book or chapter boundaries- without having to enter any new numbers.
I think it's too late to try to figure out the UI for this. I'd like to postpone until after the release, and pending user feedback. If you use the default navigation or the TOC navigation , you'll be able to scroll back at the line level. So the issue is really limited to use of the find passage feature when you jump to a citation at the upper levels.
@monzug suggests that we add go to first and go to last passage to the navigation options, now that we have removed the passage display.
_Originally posted by @balmas in