alpine-docker / terragrunt

Auto-trigger docker build for terragrunt when new terraform version released
Apache License 2.0
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AWS EKS image is not getting built anymore #19

Closed clushie closed 2 years ago

clushie commented 2 years ago

Hey, this project used to provide/build a separate image which includes dependencies necessary to deploy to AWS eks.

The latest published one is terragrunt 1.0.1-eks which was published several months ago.

I guess this didn't happen on purpose, but because of an oversight when migration to circle-ci happened.

  1. Do you accept merge requests to restore the behavior?
  2. Should the eks image be added to the main branch instead of maintaining it on a different branch?

If yes, I would propose doing the following:

Thank you in advance

ozbillwang commented 2 years ago

let me check if I can update the branch eks

treksler commented 2 years ago

any luck on this? it looks like eks variants are still not being built

ozbillwang commented 2 years ago

I stop supporting it with eks is because I need manage four different kubectl versions.

If we all agree to use the top version (for example, currently it is 1.21.5) , then maybe I can restore the daily build

ozbillwang commented 2 years ago

eks version is ready now
